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Chapter 2



Buffy was his responsibility.


It would never matter who else was in their lives, or how much time had passed, or whether he gave in to the tumultuous emotions she brought to his heart, if she needed him then he would be there.  No questions asked. 


And it was that fact along with a good healthy dose of guilt that sent Spike rushing to the rescue once again.  His stomach had done its usual churning as soon as he heard Buffy’s frightened voice.  It was enough to make him leave his home, with its comfortable recliner and Moses, his grey cat, who’d been perched on his lap, and lastly the company of his beautiful fiancée.  All to go play knight in shining armor to a girl who’d left him behind a long time ago. 


Even Fred had said he should go, and it made him love her a little more.  He smiled because it didn’t take much for that to happen.  She was sweet, smarter than he’d ever be, and those long limbs wrapped around him every night was enough to keep him towing the line.  At least Fred knew what she wanted, and that was him.


Unlike Buffy. 


Who, at the moment, he was trying to catch up to in the quickest amount of time.  Spike cursed under his breath as he took another corner and barked directions to Buffy on the two-way radio.  Despite Buffy’s explanations, he still wasn’t sure this pursuer wasn’t all part of her imagination.  Through the grapevine of mutual friends and family, he knew she still suffered occasionally from panic attacks brought on by a general fear of life.  So, this could very well be a wild goose chase.  But just because it was Buffy, he would be there. 


It was a fate sealed a long time ago when she was still a child.


The store parking lot where he told Buffy to meet him was coming up on his right.  Spike yanked the wheel, making his tires squeal as he pulled into the entrance.  He pulled off to the side and left the engine idling while he waited.  She wasn’t far behind him.  A few seconds later, he watched as Buffy’s truck pulled in, and right on her tail was a black Infiniti QX. 


It was a very real threat after all, making his guilt even heavier.  As instructed Buffy was heading toward the side of the lot where there weren’t many cars.  He hit the gas pedal, squealing tires so that he could try to wedge between the two vehicles.  There was a grinding of brakes as the Infiniti tried to avoid hitting him.  He did, by about two inches.  The guy took one look at Spike, and started to reverse. 


Spike chronicled every detail he could of the vehicle as the SUV backed out into the road.  There was more screeching and swerving of cars as the perp didn’t bother to check for anyone in his way.  It was those few seconds that gave Spike the chance to get his license tag number before the driver hauled ass down the street.   


He breathed a sigh of relief as he pulled his car into a parking spot, noting that Buffy was doing the same.  Climbing out of his classic Alfa Romeo Duetto, he stood with arms crossed as Buffy and another girl got out of Buffy’s monster truck.  He wished he was wearing sunglasses so he could hide behind them as he gave the girl he once loved a frank perusal. 


Buffy’s blonde hair still hung to the middle of her back but now it swung freely over her shoulders in wavy golden strands.  His mouth watered as he noticed how the pink wrap around shirt she wore emphasized both her breasts and waistline. Dropping his gaze to hips curvier than he remembered that were snugly encased in black jeans.  He followed the flow of her legs down to her feet.  He had to smile.  She still wore those work boots meant to cause damage.  Overall, she was still stunningly beautiful and the ache in his groin reminded him of what he’d lost.  


“If you’re done staring.”  Buffy stopped a few feet from him, with her feet apart, and arms crossed.  She was mimicking his stance, all the way to the arched eyebrow.  “Maybe we can do something about the guy who was chasing us.”


Spike leaned back against his car, letting his eyes wander back up her body to meet her eyes.  He wasn’t going to let this slip of a woman intimidate him with her sarcasm.  “Maybe if you weren’t dressed to attract attention, then you wouldn’t have been chased.”


Buffy’s hands moved to her hips, and her chin jutted out as she took another step toward him.  “Talk about attracting attention.”  She waved a hand in the direction of his sports car.  “Having a midlife crisis a bit early?” 


“Grown up any?”  They were practically nose to nose, both of them stirred by the unspoken resentment and hurt that had built over the last year.  In the beginning, neither of them was willing to talk through it.  He couldn’t express his hurt, she wouldn’t explain her sudden need to date half of Washington State and in the end, they avoided each other.  Their friends were caught in the middle not knowing what to say or do to heal the rift.  He settled the problem by asking Fred to marry him.  He wanted a woman, and in his eyes, Buffy was regressing back to being an arrogant flirt.  This was the best way for everyone. “I mean I think Cap’s daughter dresses a bit more grownup than you do.”


“Uh, people,” Buffy’s companion stepped forward.  She gave a wave of her hand.  “Just a reminder that the guy who just drove away is a murderer.”


“Huh?”  Spike snapped out his squabble with Buffy so he could focus on the blonde woman.  “Murderer?  Who did he murder?”


“Maybe if you hadn’t been so intent on insulting me, we might have been able to tell you.”  Buffy inserted with a flash of her eyes.  “Maybe we don’t need your help after all.”

“Okay, okay, I was wrong.”  Spike threw his hands up in resignation.  “Want to tell me what’s going on?  And who you are?” 


“Spike, this is Cassie.  She’s a student at UCLA.”  Buffy stepped closer to the other girl.  “She came to me for help this afternoon, and her boyfriend started to hassle us.  When we drove off he followed us.”


“You said he was a murderer?”  Spike nodded at Buffy, but his attention was on Cassie.  She was a little shorter than Buffy, with blonde hair and big eyes that showed every emotion she was feeling.  And right now, they were radiating fear in large doses.  He dropped his voice so it was a little more soothing.  “Want to tell me what happened?”


“I’ve been living with Luke for about six months.”  Cassie wrung her hands together.  “He always seemed a bit dangerous, but he was fun to be around and pretty good to me so I ignored all the signs.  Last week I got up in the middle of the night and heard him talking to someone about taking out a dealer who double crossed them.”


“Any name to go with this dealer…”  Buffy screeched Spike’s name cutting him off in mid-sentence.  Both girls’ eyes were wide in terror, while Buffy pointed behind him.  Spike turned to see a vintage white Lincoln slowing at the curb.  Pointed out the passenger window was a gun.  There wasn’t any time to do anything but react.  Spike flew, pushing both girls to the ground with him, while he pulled his gun from his shoulder holster.


“Roll under the truck,” he yelled, as the first bullets whistled over his head.  He was out in the open, and hopefully a better target then either Buffy or Cassie.  He fired his gun in return, taking satisfaction as he shattered the rear window of the car.  A Caucasian male leaned out, continuing to fire at them until they speeded up and disappeared around the corner.  Buffy!  He didn’t even realize he’d screamed her name until she responded.


“I’m fine…we’re fine.”  Buffy crawled around the front of the car with Cassie right behind her, and he was flooded with relief.  He sat on the dirty pavement, his legs sprawled open, and his shaking hands still holding his gun.  He fought back the weakness of his tears, but all he could feel was the uselessness of when the bullets were whizzing toward them.  One lucky shot and Buffy could’ve been dead.  “Spike, it’s over.She covered his hands with her own, as she knelt in front of him.  “We’re all right.”


Spike grabbed her shoulder so that he could reassure himself that she truly was safe.  Once it hit his conscious that she was, the cop in him snapped into place.  “In the truck now,” he barked.  “Buffy in the driver’s seat.”  Jumping to his feet, he kept his weapon drawn until the girls were safely in, then he climbed over Buffy to get to the passenger seat.  “Head for the station.”


She didn’t question him, just took off like a bat out of hell, while he kept watch.  His gun was still in his hands when they pulled into the police-parking garage, and he finally could relax a bit.





Buffy breathed a sigh of relief when Spike put his gun back in the holster.  It meant they were safe for the moment.  She wished she could snuggle into his arms, let him hold her and tell her everything was going to be just fine.  Except she didn’t have that right anymore.  Instead, she turned to Cassie, putting an arm around her shoulder as Spike led them through the building, and to the Detective Squad room.  Curious faces, many she knew, greeted them as they pushed through the double doors. 


Kate came hurrying forward, and it was seeing her friend that allowed Buffy to let go of her emotions.  She was trembling all over when Kate pulled her into strong arms that had often comforted her over the years. 


“It’s going to be okay, baby,” Kate whispered, even though she had no clue what ‘it’ was yet.  As far as she was concerned, there wasn’t anything they couldn’t accomplish by working together.  Just like they had before, and she considered Spike’s engagement a temporary bump in the road.  According to her the relationship between Spike and Fred hadn’t worked the first time so why would it the second.  “Calm down.  You’re safe.”


It gave Buffy the courage she needed, and she pulled away, wiping away her tears with the back of her free hand.  Cassie was gripping the other one.  She glanced around for Spike, and found him in Captain Robert’s office.  “Thanks, Kate.  I’ve never been shot at before.”  She pulled Cassie closer.  “I bet you haven’t either.”


“First time for everything,” Cassie quipped, with a watery smile.


“Shot at?  What the hell happened?Kate’s eyes flew between them as her hands found purchase on her hips.


“I’m sure you’ll get the full story soon enough,” Buffy said, suddenly too tired to explain yet again.  “Uh-oh, I think we’re being summoned.”  Spike was looking back at them, and gesturing for them to come closer.  Kate being the friend and natural detective that she was, went with them.  Neither Spike nor the Captain objected to her being there as they took seats around the desk.


Roberts pulled out a tape recorder, and set it on his desk.  “I just want to make sure we get all the details.  If you confirm what Nagle has already told me then we’re going to have to turn this over to Narcotics for investigation.”


“Yes, sir,” Cassie said.  She reached over to take Buffy’s hand again, before launching into her story yet again.  This time Roberts and Spike asked for more details, Luke’s full name, and the address where she’d been living with him, any habits, name of friends, places that he frequented.  Almost two hours went by before they were satisfied with the information they’d been given.


“Now what?”  Buffy asked when Roberts handed the tape over to another detective for transcription. 


“The three of you will be put into a safe house.”


“Excuse me,” Spike interrupted.  “Why me?”


“Because Detective Nagle, you are not an active officer on this case, and they already have your information from your car you left in the parking lot.”  Roberts stated.  He turned to look at the girls.  “And you two just walked right into the middle of a dangerous situation.”


“I can’t miss classes,” Buffy squeaked.  “There’s only two weeks left and I have exams.”


Everything in her life was going according to the backup plan she’d created.  She’d submitted an application to a women’s crisis program in San Diego that she hoped would be her ticket out of Los Angeles.  She would still be close to her parents and friends but would no longer be in danger of running into Spike every time she saw them.  Plus the training would be exactly what she needed to eventually work with rape victims.  If she didn’t graduate, then she couldn’t accept the position if it was offered. 


“I understand, Buffy.”  Roberts leaned forward, clasping his hands together on the desktop.  “But isn’t your life more important?”


“I’m sorry.”  Cassie pulled away from Buffy, and stared at an imaginary spot on the floor.  “I shouldn’t have involved you in my problems.”


Buffy was torn.  She wanted to help Cassie, but she needed to graduate.  Rubbing her forehead with her fingers, she tried to decide what to do.  Not that there was really any choice.  None of her plans would work out if she were dead.  Finally, she nodded.  She reached over to grab Cassie’s hand again.  “I’m sorry.  Yes, you should have come to me.”  Or at least someone.  “So, we’ll be roommates until this gets sorted out.” 


“Don’t forget about me.”  Spike was grinning, and it only made her want to kick him. 



to be continued…

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