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Hello and Welcome
To my little Graphics Place
Right here in CyperSpace

My name is Angel (toy')and I'm a budding
Graphic Artist armed with new crayons and paint.
The internet has been my playground for several years
now and I'm having such fun.
I started out on webtv then Hubby
bought me a computer, little did he know
a graphics monster was born and turned loose....LOL.

Even in school art was my favorite subject
whether playing in the clay or charcoal drawings.

I really enjoy visiting web sites
and learning from others. Each day is a new experience
and I'm always eager to try new techniques.

My current graphic programs are
Picture It
Print Artist
Adobe Print Deluxe
Paint Shop Pro

Please stop by my homepage and visit when
you can. The door is open and the coffee is always hot.

I'm very pleased to offer free backgrounds and graphics that have been created for your enjoyment.

Background Sets

Enter Miss Puppy's World


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