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1) Name (Magickal if you have one)?: Earlystar

2) Age?: 23

3) Where do you live?: Northern Colorado

4) Birthday (day/month/year/sign)?: 9/4/78 virgo

5) Magickal items you prefer (i.e. athame, gems...): I really like my book of
shadows, and tarot cards.

6) Tradition/religion you follow?: non-traditional, but have roots in Witta
and Irish Celtic wicca

7) How long you've been practicing/interested?:2 1/2 years

8) Have you ever cursed someone?: nope.

9) Have you belonged to a coven before?: no

10) Which element/direction are you?: east/air

11) Which God and Goddess are you closest to?: Brigid and Cernunnos

12) What direction would you like to see this group go?: to a well loved
place of friends and family.

13) How did you find our group?: MystikRose had a little line at the bottom
of one of her posts at circle of stars.

14) What are your 2 favorite colors?: silver and black.

15) Do you have a website you would like to be added to our resources? It
may be personal or professional (One you like).:

16) ANYTHING else you would like to add?: I hope to make many friends here
and further my spirituality with those of a like mind.



I call to her. 

She is full of life, death, and rebirth. 

She is kind, she is my mother. 

She is illumination in the night, shadows in the day. 

She keeps me warm, she watches over me. 

She reminds me from where I come, and shows me where I am going. 

She is the all of the universe. 

She is the water I drink, the earth I walk upon, the ashes of the fire. 

She is my friend. 

She is my Goddess.

Earlystar Apparition