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December 2001

January 2002



Date: Thursday, February 07, 2002 6:31 PM

Your full name: Mark Brady
    Your email address:
    Where are you located? Indiana
    Male Or Female? Male
    Webpage URL? None
    Website Name? None
    What type of Paganism do you follow? Unsure

    How did you hear about Online Wiccan Rituals? Friend / Word of mouth
    If you chose Search Engine or Other, please put the name or from where you found us here. none
    What was you favorite part of this site? The links
    How would you rate the Online Wiccan Rituals site? GREAT! Very informative!
    How old are you? Between 35 & 44 y/o
    How often do you visit Online Wiccan Rituals? This is my first time and I'll DEFINATELY be back!
    Is there anything else you would like to add?

I would like to learn some
               more about the defrent types
               of thing's dealing with


Date: Friday, February 08, 2002 4:11 AM

Your full name: Moonstar
    Your email address:
    Where are you located? Minnesota
    Male Or Female? Female
    Webpage URL? None
    Website Name? None
    What type of Paganism do you follow? Solitaire

    How did you hear about Online Wiccan Rituals? I'm a member
    What was you favorite part of this site? This Questionaire
    How would you rate the Online Wiccan Rituals site? GREAT! Very informative!
    How old are you? Between 45 & 54 y/o
    How often do you visit Online Wiccan Rituals? Once or more a day
    Is there anything else you would like to add?

I can't get into the Ritual
               Discssion Room. How do I? I
               have a passport, and I sign
               in at MSN, but I still can't
               get in the room. Help!
               Tomorrow is Friday and I want
               to be in on the discussion.


Date: Monday, February 11, 2002 9:12 PM

Your full name: wulfslairdg
    Your email address:
    Where are you located? western montana
    Male Or Female? Male
    Webpage URL? 
    Website Name? rsqdivr
    What type of Paganism do you follow? Solitaire

    If you chose other and/or would like to add the type such as Wiccan, Eclectic, etc... please enter it here. Eclectic Wiccan, native american
    How did you hear about Online Wiccan Rituals? I'm a member

    What was you favorite part of this site? This Questionaire
    How would you rate the Online Wiccan Rituals site? GREAT! Very informative!
    How old are you? Between 45 & 54 y/o
    How often do you visit Online Wiccan Rituals? Once or more a day
    Is there anything else you would like to add?

Merry Meet Sinovess,
               You never fail to amaze me
               with your talents. The site
               is absolutely amazing!! An
               absolute excellant job!


Date: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 3:28 PM

Your full name: jason litchfield
    Your email address:
    Where are you located? pittsfield, mass
    Male Or Female? Male
    Webpage URL? None
    Website Name? None
    What type of Paganism do you follow? Beginner

    How did you hear about Online Wiccan Rituals? Just surfed in
    What was you favorite part of this site? This Questionaire
    How would you rate the Online Wiccan Rituals site? GREAT! Very informative!
    How old are you? Between 45 & 54 y/o
    How often do you visit Online Wiccan Rituals? This is my first time and I'll DEFINATELY be back!
    Is there anything else you would like to add?

this site is really asume. i
               love being a wiccan. i am
               always out to learn new stuff.




Updated February 20th, 2002

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