1. Name : Katrin but almost everybody
calls me Kat
2. Age: 30
3. Where do you live? Edmonton, Alberta
4. Birthday: March 7 1971, Pisces
5. Magickal items you prefer: athame,
herbs, candles, black mirror,
6. Tradition/Religion you follow: primairly
Green Wicca
7. How long have you been practicing/interested?
17 years actually
practicing, interested a lot longer.
8. Have you ever cursed someone? When
I was much younger and didn't
think before I spoke. I've paid for it since.
9. Have you belonged to a coven before?
In the beginning but not any
10. Which element/direction are you?
11. Which God/Goddess are you closest
to? Bast
Bright Blessings