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1) Name (Magickal if you have one)?: Lisa, not sure about a magickal
name yet

2) Age?: 28

3) Where do you live?: Central Illinois, USA

4) Birthday (day/month/year/sign)?: 02/10/73 Aquarius

5) Magickal items you prefer (i.e. athame, gems...): Athame, Amethyst, my

6) Tradition/religion you follow?: Celtic

7) How long you've been practicing/interested?: 5 years, practicing,
interested since I was 12, always knew I wasn't Christian, though

8) Have you ever cursed someone?: No!

9) Have you belonged to a coven before?: No access in mylocation that I
know of

10) Which element/direction are you?: Water

11) Which God and Goddess are you closest to?: Brigid

12) What direction would you like to see this group go?:

13) ANYTHING else you would like to add?: ALthoughI have been
pricticing for around 5 years so far, I have had so many bad
circumstances that have made it very difficult to really learn anything.
Depression and lack of concentration because of it have limited things for
me as well as a DV relationship that I just recently made it out of. I hope
you can be understanding and help me to learn/re-learn everything.

Brightest blessings!

Things that represent Lisa: