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Ritual Discussion Transcript 02-08-02


Rishwich, CroneHavenWitch (Athena Pendragon), Femme de Hibou, MystikRose, WillowSong, Siera Mari & Sinovess

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8You have been marked as being away.

8Rishwich has joined the conversation.

Rishwich : MM Sinovess

8CrowHavenWitch has joined the conversation.

CrowHavenWitch : MM

8You are no longer marked as being away.

Sinovess : MM you two! Sorry I wasn't here when you got in Doing a few thing at the same time

CrowHavenWitch : that's ok. Me too.

Sinovess : Good! Glad I wasn't boring you J

CrowHavenWitch : I have lots to keep my occupied until things get moving

Sinovess : GREAT! I'm not too sure how many people will be here today. Seems we REALLY need to get with changing the times so we can have more people attend. Are you available in evenings?

8Rishwich is away.

8femme has joined the conversation.

CrowHavenWitch : I'm pretty much available any time. I don't work or anything, so like I said on the list I'll come when I wanted to leave the voting to those that have lives.

CrowHavenWitch : MM femme

Sinovess : MM Femme!

femme : MM, I'm trying to be invisible.

CrowHavenWitch : it's not working, I can see you.

femme : I knew I did that spell wrong. Haha

CrowHavenWitch : well keep'll get it...practice makes perfect. hehe

femme : True.

femme : It's so much easier to be invisible on a computer than in real life, though.

Sinovess : Ok...Athena, are you interested in attending the next ritual? I assume're here! LOL!

CrowHavenWitch : lol...yes

CrowHavenWitch : when do you typically hold far as in relation to the actual sbbats, esbats and such

Sinovess : Great! Seems like I have NOONE volunteering to represent the elements

Sinovess : Actually...haven't had one for a sabbat or esbat yet...

CrowHavenWitch : oh....ok

CrowHavenWitch : what's the ritual for then

Sinovess : But it's a great idea!

femme : Well, do you really need a reason to dance naked around a bonfire? haha

Sinovess : The last one was a Purification/Protection ritual. For the group but not limited to it. Everyone was encouraged to bring pics and stuff of family and loved ones to include

Sinovess : LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CrowHavenWitch : I suppose not...just curious what you all do ritual for then...I'm new what can I say, I have to ask

Sinovess : Questions are welcome Anytime

femme : I'm new, too. Here anyway.

Sinovess : Yes! I like to think of myself as a veteran of the group but when it's only 4 months old...LOL!

CrowHavenWitch : lol

femme : haha

Sinovess : We have a member working on the script for the next ritual..

Sinovess : mutual blessing/honoring-the-divinity-within-each-other ritual

femme : That sounds like a real good one.

8MystikRose has joined the conversation.

Sinovess : Felina is our writer for that one.

Sinovess : MYSTIK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sinovess : *Hugs*

CrowHavenWitch : sounds like a good one

MystikRose : oh wow that was fast...sorry hello everyone

CrowHavenWitch : Hi Mystik MM

MystikRose : phone ringing

Sinovess : ok

femme : hello.

Sinovess : So Felina is working on the ritual...she's keeping up to date...and I'll let everyone know what they'll need and such.

Sinovess : It'll all be posted too

MystikRose : okay huh what ...what are we doing

Sinovess : We're having discussion...about ritual! 'Magine that!

8Rishwich has returned.

Rishwich : MM all! I was early and now late, so sorry

femme : MM, love.

CrowHavenWitch : MM Rishwich

Sinovess : MM Rishwich *Wink* No Prob

femme : Hey everybody, the screen is wrong. Please call me Hibou.

Sinovess : LOLL!!!

Rishwich : MM Hibou!

Sinovess : can fix that, Hibou

femme : MM to you, too.

MystikRose : mm rishwich

Rishwich : MM Mystik how are the lady bugs today?

femme : How do I do that?

MystikRose : ahh...not bugging to they fell asleep for awhile

Rishwich : oh good.

Sinovess : have to leave the room for a second...just click on "Manager tools" and I think there's a thing in there about your personal properties. You can change your name

femme : ok, brb

MystikRose : I am going to try you garlic idea..thanks crosses fingers.

Sinovess : ok

8femme has left the conversation.

MystikRose :

Sinovess : Huh? I hope not!

Rishwich : Fingers crossed and sending you lady bug banishing energy too

8Hibou has joined the conversation.

Hibou : All righty. All better.

Sinovess : THERE you go

Sinovess : And FAST!

Sinovess : Mystik: Felina is working on our next ritual

8Willow~Song has joined the conversation.

Sinovess : MM Willow Song!!

Willow~Song : MM

Rishwich : MM Willow

Willow~Song : *sprinkles the room with Hugs and glittery wishes*

CrowHavenWitch : MM WIllow

MystikRose : thanks mine crossed as well

Hibou : Sorry, I had to put another tortilla chip in the hole in Blake's head.

MystikRose : mm willow..

Sinovess : LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rishwich : you are welcome

Willow~Song : So sorry I am late, lost track of time, had some supplies for the orders I got this week come in so I was all excited to see the UPS guy at my door LOL

Sinovess : GOOD FOR YOU, Willow!

MystikRose : hey okay so we have another ritual..on what..what we do...hmm come on up tell all spill

Willow~Song : Thansk Sin!

Hibou : Oh, sorry. I'm behind. MM, Willow Song.

Willow~Song : another Ritual?....So what have I missed so far today?

Sinovess : Oh...Felina (I'm not sure if she'll be here today) is working on our next ritual..

MystikRose :

Sinovess : mutual blessing/honoring-the-divinity-within-each-other ritual

Willow~Song : Sin, oh the one we were talking about last week?

Sinovess : Yeah! That's the one!

Rishwich : ooooo...I like that.

MystikRose : oh sounds kewl...

CrowHavenWitch : yeah it sounds like a good one

Rishwich : I didn't participate in the poll either...cause I'm here most of the time

Sinovess : She's been emailing me telling me how it's going...I think it will work out really well...if I could JUST GET SOME PEOPLE TO VOTE/VOLUNTEER TO REPRESENT ELEMENTS!

Willow~Song : Sin, cool, Well sign me up! Will represent whatever you need me to

MystikRose : hey I am there but...are always willing to let others take a know me...

Sinovess : I'd LOVE if you guys would vote *Big Scarey Overbearing Grin*

CrowHavenWitch : lol

Willow~Song : Mystik, am the same way

MystikRose : if no one volunteers for fire then write me in...want to give others a chance.

Rishwich : vote on times that are best ?

CrowHavenWitch : Well, I'd like to see how a ritual works here first and then I'm sure that from there on out I'll be wanting to volunteer for stuff all the time.

MystikRose : vote what...what am i voting for

Sinovess : Well...if you's GREAT! then if anyone else votes that hasn't done it before, they can do it if not...YOU'RE IN!

Willow~Song : vote, vote , vote, vote, vote...seems like that's all I do around here *teasing giggles*

MystikRose : got my vote..but you know how it goes..

Sinovess : LOL!!!!!!!!!!

Rishwich : I would be honored to represent an element

Sinovess : Sooo...are we getting sick of my polls? LOL!!!!!!!!!!

MystikRose : lol

CrowHavenWitch : lol

Rishwich : I might a need a little tutoring in technique .

Sinovess : OK...anyone interested in representing their element, can vote at the group page

Sinovess : Looks for the one that says "Represent your element"

MystikRose : oh don't worry bout it rishwich..

Rishwich : oh great!! I didn't know about this!! thanks sin!

Sinovess : Yeah! If you can type, you're GOOD To GO!

Sinovess : no prob

Rishwich : you are all so great, so supportive!

Willow~Song : J

MystikRose : **huggs**

Sinovess : Thank you,'s a very loving family, for sure

CrowHavenWitch : yeah that's something I'm curious about...the actual technique of online ritual

Rishwich : I've noticed. I feel very comfortable here.

Willow~Song : oh Sin, did you get the message that Felina couldn't make it here today?

Sinovess : Athena: It's rather standard...the script is printed up, I put it here (MSN), on the group page in Files and on the website.

Sinovess : All you have to do is read...(And concentrate) and type..

MystikRose : I am so glad to here that Rishwich..we are so glad to have you here with us..and part of our family

Sinovess : It's a little difficult for the typers however,...because to actually ground yourself and stay grounded AND type...kinda a toughy

Willow~Song : it just takes a little focus

Sinovess : Yeah...focus..ALOT!

CrowHavenWitch : hehe....ok sounds good. It's been a REAL long time since I've done any online ritual work (like about 5 years or so) so I need to get the concept

MystikRose : but well worth it..

Willow~Song : cutting and pasting works well too

Sinovess : I had to redo my last ritual after we had done it online.

Sinovess : YEAH! LOL!!!!!!!!!!! Good technique, Will...LOL!

Rishwich : Great Technique!! LOL

Willow~Song : Sin, t段s true just as Wulfslaird *giggles*

Willow~Song : i mean ask not as..yeesh

Sinovess : Will: LOL!!!!!!!

Sinovess : Well...I wanna thank everyone for coming today...haven't done that yet

Sinovess : LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Willow~Song : Sin, you're welcome!

Rishwich : I noticed a post from Felina she's sorry won't make it today, something came up

Sinovess : OH! Ok...good to know...thank you Rishwich

Rishwich : Sin, you're welcome! happy to be here!

Willow~Song : *giggles*

Sinovess : OK...Mystik has an AMAZING idea...I'll be putting it in the form of a post *GROAN* but I'd like to get some reactions from everyone. It's been done before...but now as successfully as her and I believe this group could do it..

Sinovess : Mystik? Wanna take over?

Sinovess : I know you were so TOTALLY not prepared for me to do that

CrowHavenWitch : lol

MystikRose : huh oh me..sorry spaced

MystikRose : lol

Sinovess : LOL!!!!!

Willow~Song : silly *giggles*

Rishwich : Wow New Amazing idea!!!

MystikRose : no I wasn't thanks

MystikRose : nah..not that amazing..

Sinovess : *Gives Mystik A big Encouraging Hug*

MystikRose : hmm..I will be talking to you later girl..

Rishwich : and supportive applause!!

Sinovess : D'OH!!!!!

MystikRose : goes..

Willow~Song : *H for Mystik*

MystikRose : it is about a spirit box or rather several spirit boxes depending on how many participates there are..I acquired the information from another group I was on..but so far has not really gotten of the ground there yet however I do believe with as close as

MystikRose : this family has come to each would really go over is where we share something of spiritual meaning to us...rather it be a feather we found on the beach...a type we use to med..things such as that..and we put at least one item in a box

MystikRose : and send the box around to each other, then the person that receives it can take something out or not and replace it with something of their own..and so forth keeps going around..

Willow~Song : oh that sounds awesome!

Rishwich : oh I Love this!!

Rishwich : Let's do it!!

CrowHavenWitch : yeah that sounds neat

Rishwich : what a great way to really connect with each other!

Willow~Song : yes yes I壇 love to do this!

Sinovess : J

Rishwich : so does that fulfill our voting requirement for THE SPIRIT BOXES?

MystikRose : okay well there is probably more info..but I wasn't planning on being the one to bring it forth to everyone so..I didn't prepare..there will be a poll going out..that will be the first thing...and then a formal letter to the group..

CrowHavenWitch : lol Rishwich

Sinovess : LOL!

Rishwich : It sounds really wonderful!

Willow~Song : I agree

MystikRose : however due to the fact that we have so many members that are on only special announcements and so forth..we will be having conditions to becoming part of it...

Sinovess : reaction so far..

Willow~Song : like what sort of conditions?

Sinovess : Yeah...may seem a little formal...but it's for the protection of everyone

CrowHavenWitch : that sounds like a good idea Mystik

MystikRose : I am so glad you guys like the idea..I thought it was really a good thing..but the group that I heard it from well their not as connected as we all are..and it don't mean anything really special...this family..would really bring this out..and it would

Willow~Song : we are a family!!

Sinovess : I believe so too...the only thing is...we'll sort of need some proof that you really want to do this. Sort of just a way of showing interest

MystikRose : become remarkable..we are already so connected with each other..that it would one really mean something spiritual to everyone else and two..connect us even farther...

Sinovess : Wow...and still...sounds formal

Rishwich : I'm hearing the Pointer Sisters( was it the pointer Sisters) singing WE ARE FAMILY!

CrowHavenWitch : lol

MystikRose : lol

Willow~Song : *giggles* *sings along with Rishwich* *giggles*

Sinovess : Well...that's ONE way to make things informal! LOL!!!

8CrowHavenWitch is away.

Willow~Song : Sin and Mystik, if you need any help just let me know

MystikRose : the foot tappin here

Willow~Song : heck I'll even put on my thinking cap to help *giggles*

Sinovess : You GO Willow! LOL!

Willow~Song : Sin *giggles*

MystikRose : thanks willow I might end up taking you up on that ...this is going to actually be a lot of work to get it started..

Sinovess : Uh HUH!!!!!!!

Willow~Song : Mystik, well just let me know what i can do, am just an email away and love to keep busy, especially with special projects!

Rishwich : Can I do anything to help?

         MystikRose : okay willow..I will definitely put you on express send

Sinovess : We're gonna have to find out who REALLY is interested...then check locations...then get addresses passed around to people closest to people and then probably appoint starters

Rishwich : I have time.

8CrowHavenWitch has returned.

MystikRose : hmm here goes the formal part guys..

Sinovess : J

Sinovess : You wanna say it? Or will I?

Rishwich : the suspense is killing me.

Sinovess : LOL!!!!!!!!!

Willow~Song : *is on the edge of my seat*

Sinovess : gonna say it...

Sinovess : maybe...

MystikRose : okay due to the fact of so many different members that well are not posting..from here on out there is going to be a have to be an active poster and member of the group for 3 months..

Sinovess : waiting..

Sinovess : YEAH! There we go!

CrowHavenWitch : that sounds totally fair

Willow~Song : Ohh that is neat, that would keep the box going around a good bit b/c when people reach their three month anv with us they can join up! How neat!

Sinovess : It's purely for the protection of the group and the project

Rishwich : that's fair. sort of a probationary period. I'll mark my calendar for ummm....the end of April!!

MystikRose : and all those that are wanting to participate are going to have to write a summary as to why they feel that they would like to be part of this..what it would mean to them...and that they are dedicated to the fact..and so forth..

Willow~Song : Sin, I agree, sounds like a beary good idea!

Willow~Song : Now I must say this sounds like a ritual in itself, a sort of official initiation or joining of the family. very special

Rishwich : good... that gives the project some spiritual significance.

Willow~Song : gosh now I知 getting all mushy..*wipes a tear*

MystikRose : are already considered an active member..this is for member joining after..this date..

Willow~Song : *sniff* no idea what's gotten into me lately, doesn't take much to get me all teary eyed

Rishwich : oh oh ok!! cool!!! I will happily submit the required commitment.

Willow~Song : uh oh I feel a group hug coming on! *HUGGGGGGGGGSSSSSSSSSS*

Rishwich : AAAAWWWWW

Sinovess : OMG! Willow? You preggy>?>??

Rishwich : I am honored to be included

Sinovess : ...and all go quiet!

Willow~Song : Sin, not that I am aware of but am starting to wonder!

Rishwich : yeah.....pregnant pause!!

Sinovess : LOL! Hey! If you are...I wanna be the first to congrats!

Willow~Song : I think I知 just a terminal mushy kinda gal *giggles*

MystikRose : to need to see back..

Willow~Song : Sin, thanks

MystikRose : I hope so...

Rishwich : that's a good way to be!!....better than numb.

Sinovess : yeah! I'm an emotional FREAK! LOL!

Willow~Song : well will see how things go, I don't see how I would have ..well I know how it happens LOL and the only 100% guarantee is being celibate *giggles*

Sinovess : damn Gemini..*&^*&^(&*^(&^(&^(!

MystikRose : are all heart willow..that is a fabo..trait in a person..

Sinovess : 'Zactly, Will

Willow~Song : *blushes* awww shucks you guys *S* *H*

Sinovess : WOAH where did the other conversation go? LOL!!!!!!!!!!

Rishwich : Dunno

MystikRose : dunno..we are all to happy willow might be pg

Sinovess : from sending mail to Willow being preggy...odd connection...but you never know

Rishwich : I'm Gemini too....doesn't take much to carry me away

MystikRose :

Willow~Song : oops sorry, think the conversation went off track a bit


Hibou : Can we put the baby in the box so everybody can play with it? Haha

Willow~Song : Gemini here as well!

Sinovess : YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Willow~Song : Hibou, umm how about pictures, if there is a baby *giggles*

8sieramari has joined the conversation.

Rishwich : Oh that is toooo funny!!! and scary!!

Hibou : Just don't send it here, I have 2 of my own. No more babies.

CrowHavenWitch : how do you mark that for UPS when you ship

MystikRose : hey yeah..that way we can all see and hold it...pleassssse

Sinovess : MM Siera Mari!

Willow~Song : LOL

Rishwich : me too....2 and i am done

Willow~Song : MM Siera Mari!

sieramari : MM

sieramari : Sorry I'm late...

MystikRose : mm siera mari

Hibou : MM, Sieramari.

Willow~Song : 2 sounds like a good number...none here yet..

Sinovess : I have a dog and iguana baby

Willow~Song : Sieramari, tis good to have you here

sieramari : thanks...

Sinovess : HEY! MorGan's birfday on the 12th!

Hibou : You want one of mine, Sin? Hahaha you wish!

Willow~Song : We have a cat, no babies..oh and ton of lady bugs

sieramari : you can just call me siera for's easier to spell...

Willow~Song : Sin, that is cool

Sinovess : Yeah Hibou...drop it on by...LOL!

MystikRose : okay all tis baby got me hungry again...getting more cerael..brb

Hibou : Ok, but you have to promise to feed him.

Sinovess :

Rishwich : mm Siera...I was late too.

Sinovess : NO! I want the little girl!

Sinovess : I wanna hear her cute songs

Hibou : Ok, hey take them both. But I can't let you keep them. Consider it a loan. Haha

Rishwich : wait.....mystik and both have ladybugs?

sieramari : LOL...

Rishwich : or did I get confused?

Willow~Song : Rishwich, yes we both have them

Sinovess : LOL!!!

Willow~Song : we get them here every year..tons of them when the weather gets cold..

MystikRose : yeap..indiana is being

Willow~Song : not as many this year as last year but they've gotten vicious and will dive bomb and bite on occasion

Rishwich : I think that is so strange. Maybe it's a group thing??!!

Willow~Song : must just mean we have lots of aphids in our homes, that's what they eat, i think..

Sinovess : See Dawn? Now you know how to get rid of the...MOVE! *EG*

MystikRose : lol

Willow~Song : *giggles*

Hibou : It's an Alfred Hitchcock movie waiting to happen. The Ladybugs.

Rishwich : oh my. That's not nice.

MystikRose : lol

CrowHavenWitch : lol

Rishwich : LOL!!

Willow~Song : Hibou, LOL so true!

MystikRose : hey lets not make me cry again..sin..

Sinovess : LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rishwich : oh This is too much fun!!

Sinovess : This one band camp.........

CrowHavenWitch : Well I have to get's getting to be dinner time soon. I'll talk to you all later.

Sinovess : Bad joke # 2!

CrowHavenWitch : MP

sieramari : MP

MystikRose : yeap that us Indiana folks...ladybug state...

Hibou : ...somebody hit you in the head with their tuba?

Rishwich : MP

sieramari : I'm over here in MA...

Sinovess : Oh...ok...will keep you up to date, Athena

8CrowHavenWitch has left the conversation.

Willow~Song : I'm really from Ma

MystikRose : mp..

sieramari : Kewl...

Willow~Song : I miss it actually.

sieramari : really? why???

Willow~Song : Indiana can be well a bit odd at times *g*

Rishwich : well folks, this will sound mundane, but I promised the boys a trip to Blockbuster

8You have been marked as being away.

Rishwich : And they are READY!! Look forward to our next visit, and Post on Spirit Boxes!!

Willow~Song : bye Rishwich have fun!! *H*

Rishwich : Merry Part

Hibou : MP, rishwich.

sieramari : MP

MystikRose : mp

8Rishwich has left the conversation.

Hibou : See, my kids don't know what Blockbuster is, and I have no intention of telling them.

Hibou : The mall, too.

8You are no longer marked as being away.

Willow~Song : WB Sin

sieramari : wb sin

Sinovess : Thanks

Willow~Song : Dawn are you still with us? *looks around*

8MystikRose has left the conversation.

Sinovess : brb

8You have been marked as being away.

Willow~Song : anyone have a good remedy for a sinus headache? other than over the counter stuff, or bashing my head against a wall?

sieramari : ummm try white willow bark.

Hibou : I could stomp on your foot. You'll forget about your headache.

sieramari : lol

Willow~Song : Hibou thanks *giggles*

Hibou : That's what the pediatrician always suggests.

Willow~Song : J

Hibou : He's a funny little man. Looks like a miniature version of Mr. Rogers.

Willow~Song : Hibou, he sounds kinda scary LOL

Hibou : Nah, I've known him all my life.

Willow~Song : Hibou, that is good

Hibou : He was my pediatritian, my sisters', my best friend's, and now he's my kids' doctor, too.

sieramari : ah...

Willow~Song : Siera, oh I see....everytime we fly through clealand we have problems..lost luggage, late flights..horrible delays..

Hibou : He's really the only doctor I trust.

sieramari : i have no clue on what my niece's dr looks like...mine either for that matter...I致e only been there twice since i moved to norton...

8MystikRose has joined the conversation.

Willow~Song : Hibou, it's good to have someone you trust! hard to find someone like that

Willow~Song : WB Mystik *H*

Hibou : Yeah, it really is. Especially these days.

MystikRose : f.k.....msn.....fadaeafdk..msn...da

sieramari : lol...

MystikRose : sorry everyone..just little steamed

Willow~Song : Mystik it's ok *H*

Hibou : It's ok, Mystik. I hate MSN, too. My sister and I are going to turn Bill Gates into a toilet brush. Wanna help?

Willow~Song : Hibou, sounds like a good idea!

MystikRose : yep call me there

8You are no longer marked as being away.

Sinovess : *Sigh* Back

Willow~Song : well my dears I think I am going to head out, my head is killing me. Have a great weekend everyone!!

Hibou : Where'd you run off to?

Sinovess : You too Willow...

Willow~Song : *sprinkles the room with hugs and glittery wishes*

MystikRose : bill gates toilet brush...ffdaieyr msn...awhhh

Sinovess : *Hugs* MP

sieramari : okay...MP Willow

Hibou : MP, willow.

Willow~Song : oh and Sin and Mystik, just drop me an email if/when you need help with the spirit box stuff!

MystikRose : mp willow...huggs

Willow~Song : by everyone!

8Willow~Song has left the conversation.

sieramari : bye

MystikRose : you got it thanks

Sinovess : AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Sinovess : Ok...good now.

sieramari : what??

Hibou : What's wrong?

Hibou : Is the party over?

sieramari : just exercising your lungs???

Sinovess : Nothing now...all is well..and happy *Cheezie Smile*

sieramari : J

Hibou : Are you trying to imitate Blake?

MystikRose : no ...just steamed of msn hate at the moment

Sinovess : LOL!

sieramari : oh...

Sinovess : Not sure, Hibou, does Blake run around real fast and get everything done right before the worker gets home? LOL!

MystikRose : okay so hey did we ever get of the exercise

Hibou : He probably would if he'd learn what clean up meant.

Sinovess : OMG! NOOO!! Not exercise again!

Sinovess : LOL!

sieramari : I wish my "kids" would help clean up around here instead of knocking everything off the tables...

Hibou : haha

MystikRose : hahah

Hibou : I don't exercise, and I like it that way.

MystikRose : me

Sinovess : Ok...we must stop the exercise's bringin' me down, man!

MystikRose : lol

sieramari : I work at dunkin donuts, so I have no choice about working out...I知 on my feet for a good 5 hours...

sieramari : sorry...

MystikRose : can't say I enjoy it much

Sinovess : So be working...

Hibou : I'm right there with you on the kids thing, Siera.

sieramari : lol...I致e been out of work for 3 weeks and am going insane...

Hibou : I'm a starving artist.

MystikRose :

Sinovess : Funny Wulfslaird didn't come...did he say he wouldn't be here?

sieramari : I only have the animals for hubby works 2ns shift at NECCO so I hardly see him unless I知 asleep...

MystikRose : didn't see a post about it..

MystikRose : did you talk to him yet sin..

Sinovess : I was hoping he'd be here...wanted to talk to him about...that...thing...LOL!

Sinovess : I'll wait and email him I guess

MystikRose : hmm that was what I was wondering

MystikRose : yeha okay let me know how it goes..k

Sinovess : I think he'll be happy...but I'll run it by him first...and I WILL be telling him who's wonderful idea it was too.

Hibou : Oh goodness, I must have messages. I've been online since 7 this morning.

sieramari : the list is kind of quiet today.

Sinovess : messages?

MystikRose : boy you are just full of jumping surprises on me you having fun...

Hibou : Voice Mail.

Sinovess : It's VERY quite today...don't know why

Sinovess : OH!

sieramari : people are probably was a nice day here in MA...

Hibou : It was a nice day here, too. I should've gone outside.

Sinovess : Went for my walk and it was BEAUTIFUL!!!!

MystikRose : ya..not so bad here today...either..

Hibou : But NOOO! I was playing with funny faces on the internet all day long.

Sinovess : Rained yesterday...and the batteries went dead 10 minutes into my walk...Did THAT ever suck!

Sinovess : LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sieramari : I went to the mall for my was too breezy for me...

MystikRose : lol

Sinovess : J

Sinovess : or something...LOL!

Hibou : The batteries in your electric scooter?

Hibou : Hahaah

sieramari : i'm trying to get new work clothes...and can't find what i like in my current size...

MystikRose : haha..that was good

Hibou : I know how much you love to walk.

Hibou : You could get a HoverRound. Hahaha

Sinovess : If I walked in the mall the way I walk outside, people would probably panic! "WHERE in the BLUE HELL is the fire???"

sieramari : lol...why? do you race walk???

MystikRose : blue hell say...

Sinovess : I walk fairly fast...I get the Latin dance mix music going and away I go!

Sinovess : LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sieramari : my husband walks so fast that i have to practically jog to keep up with him...that's because he's a giant and I知 a midget next to him...

sieramari : lol...

Sinovess : LOL!!!!

Hibou : hahaha

sieramari : I知 kind of pokey when I walk...but it depends on my mood too...

sieramari : my hubby's 6' 6" and I知 5' 2"...mutt and jeff here... LOL

Sinovess : Kaya has trouble keeping up with me...she has to trot...but I think she likes it that way

Sinovess : HAHA! CUTE!

sieramari : lol...

Hibou : I walk like a mom that's dragging 2 kids by the arm trying to keep them from touching everything in the store.

sieramari : hehehe

Sinovess : LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sinovess : I'm SO excited! I love weekends!!!

sieramari : and the straps on the wrists thingy doesn't work too well because they know how to take them off...

sieramari : me too...I知 planning my sil's bday party...

Sinovess : How about the harness?

MystikRose : yeah..I remember that the sound of tags ripping as you push the stroller down the aisle in

Sinovess : LOL!!!!!!!!!

Hibou : Well, my mom had this wonderful thing for my little sister when she was a baby. It's a baby harness, and it's kinda like one that you put on a dog. They can't go anywhere.

sieramari : i was there this afternoon...

Hibou : Yes, the harness. Wonderful thing. Unfortunately, I only have one, and both kids won't fit in it together. Maybe I'll have them surgically attached to each other.

Sinovess : YEAH! Heard of that...seen them...cute as heck...gotta be some embarrasing to your kid friends though..."Hey Josh! Nice dog collar! MUAHAHAHA"

Sinovess : Kids can be SO cruel...LOL!

Hibou : What's worse is that people without kids look at you like you're a cruel person for putting a kid in a harness.

sieramari : lol...

sieramari : yeah i can't win

Hibou : Then you wanna go and kick them and say, "Yeah, you try it without the harness, and see how you like it."

Sinovess : LOL!'s a good way to keep 'em near's the people that carry 'em that way that I look at weird!

Hibou : Geeze, my back is killing me.

Sinovess : Have you been carrying your kids with a harness?

Sinovess : J

Hibou : Haha, no it's the moving.

Hibou : It hurts me.

Sinovess : Oh yeah! LOL!

Hibou : Waaaaaah!

Hibou : I tried to take it easy this week, but that didn't work too well.

sieramari : have someone give you a back rub...

sieramari : or go soak in the tub

Sinovess : Awwww..go do some TaeBo...things will be ALL good!

Hibou : If David didn't completely suck at massage, I'd get him to do it. I think he does more harm than good.

sieramari : lol...

Hibou : Yeah, TaeBo, the cure-all.

Sinovess : LOL!

sieramari : I致e had that too once...but my hubby's really good at it...and he's at work

Hibou : Well, send him over to give me a back rub when he gets home.

sieramari : lol...I haven't tried it...I知 not coordinated enough...there's a reason why I知 not named grace...I知 not graceful!!!!

sieramari : won't be until after 1 am...

Hibou : Ok, I can wait.

Hibou : I probably won't be able to sleep anyway.

sieramari : and let's you live where???

Hibou : North Carolina.

Hibou : It's only a couple hour flight.

sieramari : okay, that's a day's ride...

sieramari : true.

Hibou : Come on over. Let's party.

Hibou :

Hibou : Just, no broom parking in the driveway. David's rule.

sieramari : sure...I知 kind of a wallflower....

sieramari :

Hibou : I should go. I don't want David to think I've been chatting on the computer all day... even though I have. Haha

sieramari : okay

Hibou : I'll talk to you guys later. Great meeting everybody. MP!

sieramari : okay

Hibou : Bye for now.

8Hibou has left the conversation.

sieramari : I知 going to uncle called from IL

sieramari : MP

MystikRose : oh okay..sorry got to eating

MystikRose : mp

8sieramari is away.

8sieramari has left the conversation.

MystikRose : oh okay as usuall we are the only ones left yet

8MystikRose has left the conversation.

8Sinovess has left the conversation.


This transcript has been edited to show the most important information that was discussed.

Please direct any and all questions to MystikRose, WillowSong or myself.

*~*~* Sinovess *~*~*