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Ritual Discussion Transcript 02-20-02


Celtic, Lisa, WillowSong, Santalover2000 (Chris), Hibou, Dragonrider, Spyrittiger, Scottee, TurquoiseSeas, MoonWolf, Wulfslaird, Rishwich, & Sinovess


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Celtic : MM Sinovess

Lisa : MM Sinovess

Sinovess : M Everyone!

Willow~Song : Allo Sin!

Sinovess : Sorry I'm late

Santalover2000 : MM Sinovess

Hibou : MM, Sinovess.

dragonrider : mm sinovess

Willow~Song : am still popping in and out

Sinovess : System problems

Spyrittiger : MM Sinovess

Scottee : MM Sinovess

Hibou : Go sit in the corner.

Scottee : I'm going to have to pop, too--charcoal is almost ready!

Hibou : Maybe we'll just do to you what they did to my dad in the Air Force when he was late too much.

Hibou : They made him sleep with a steel drawer.

Celtic : LOL

dragonrider : lol

Sinovess : I have a feeling that wouldn't be too much fun

Celtic : hmmmmmm did it work Hibou

Scottee : OOH, don't tell my boss about that one, Hibou!

Hibou : Yeah, he's never been late for work again, unless it was unavoidable.

Hibou : But he's late for everything else. Hell he'll be late for his own funeral. Which would probably be a good thing since that might mean that he'd still be alive. Right? Haha

Celtic : LOL right

Santalover2000 : Sounds like a good theory to me - being late to his funeral!

Hibou : Yeah, that would be nice.

Hibou : Show up late and ask everybody why they're crying. Haha

Santalover2000 : hahaha

Celtic : kind of like huck finn and tom sawyer

Hibou : :)

8Santalover2000 has left the conversation.

Celtic : awwww Chris where did you go

8Santalover2000 has joined the conversation.

Hibou : Yeah, kinda like that, Celtic. but he doesn’t wear overalls. Haha

Celtic : wb

Celtic : LOL ok Hibou

dragonrider : what’s wrong with overalls

dragonrider : lol

Hibou : So what's on the list for tonight?

Hibou : Nothing's wrong with them.

Hibou : My dad doesn't wear them. Give him some golf shorts and he's in heaven.

8Scottee is away.

Sinovess : Hmm....hope Mystik will be here tonight

dragonrider : cutoff the overalls lol

Hibou : Hahaha

Santalover2000 : hahaha

Celtic : LOL@dragonrider

Willow~Song : me too Sin, she didn't say she wouldn't did she?

dragonrider : what I wear them that way

Santalover2000 : would those be redneck golf shorts?

dragonrider : there you go

Sinovess : Ok...basically, we need to wrap up all thoughts and discussion on the "Box Formerly Known As Spirit Box"

Hibou : Yeah, I think that sounds about right, Chris.

Celtic : I like the idea Sinovess

Hibou : Ok.

Celtic : do you have a new name for it?

Sinovess : As far as I know, Michelle...she should be here.

Willow~Song : Sin ok

Sinovess : Not too sure, Celtic...we've been sort of throwing the idea around and I never really go to do the poll..

Celtic : ok

Willow~Song : the big name was Kindred Ritual, I think

Willow~Song : and then the other that I also like is The Walk about

Sinovess : Oh right! Sort of a Michelle/Michelle combination...LOL!

Willow~Song : Sin, I know *giggles*

Sinovess : Ok...question to the peanut gallery...which one do you guys think.?

Celtic : what is a name? a rose is still a rose if it is called something else

Santalover2000 : I like The Walk About!

Santalover2000 : good one Celtic!

Celtic : not very original I am afraid

Celtic : but thank you

Sinovess : :)

Hibou : How about "Medicine Box"?

Hibou : Kinda a Native American twist on it.

Celtic : Sinovess, put a few names in a hat and have your significant other draw one out

Sinovess : Oh NOW she pipes in with the ideas!

dragonrider : lol

Santalover2000 : lol

Hibou : Hey, I was keeping my mouth shut because I'm new.

Willow~Song : Hibou, i like that one too...

Hibou : Thank you.

Celtic : I am new too didn't make me be quiet

Sinovess : Hey Celtic, is Wulf planning on being here?

Hibou : Yeah, well I'm not you am I. Otherwise, I would be online talking to myself wouldn't I. Hahaha

Celtic : LOL

Celtic : true

Celtic : Oh Sin I don't know he has been too busy for me today

dragonrider : the name is not as important as the idea the idea is excellent

Celtic : did anyone like the box of shadows

Sinovess : You can thank Mystik Rose for that one, Dragonrider

8TurquoiseSeas has joined the conversation.

Sinovess : MM TurquoiseSeas!!


dragonrider : mm tseas

Celtic : MM TS

Hibou : MM, and happy birthday!

TurquoiseSeas : mm all

Sinovess : YEAH! I didn't know it was your birthday! Sneaky bugger

Willow~Song : HAPPY BDAY TSEAS!!

TurquoiseSeas : thank you all

Scottee : MM & Many Happy Returns of the Day, tseas!

Sinovess : HaPpY BiRfDaY!!

Spyrittiger : MM & HB TSeas

TurquoiseSeas : only one person knew

Santalover2000 : Happy Birthday!

Sinovess : Looks like you told the wrong person...LOL!

Hibou : That's enough to get it spread all over town, ain't it? Hahaha

Celtic : oh I was reading some of the member profiles now that I have chatted with some of you

Celtic : and that is how I found out

Hibou : Oh.

dragonrider : happy birthday tseas

Sinovess : OH! Ok

TurquoiseSeas : what have I missed

Celtic : I could not pass up the opportunity

Lisa : MM TurquoiseSeas.. sorry so slow

Lisa : Happy Birthday

Hibou : You missed the test. Looks like you'll be staying after to make it up.

Hibou : Hahaha

8MoonWolf has joined the conversation.

TurquoiseSeas : ok

Celtic : MM moonwolf

Lisa : MM moonwolf

dragonrider : mm moonwolf

Celtic : gosh she took that rather well Hibou

MoonWolf : mm everyone.........pardon for the late arrival

Sinovess : MM MoonWolf!

Spyrittiger : MM Moonwolf

Hibou : brb, bedtime kisses.

Hibou : MM, moonwolf.

MoonWolf : how can I change my font here?

Sinovess : Look on Chat Room Options

Sinovess : You'll see from there

MoonWolf : thank you Madame

MoonWolf : much better

Sinovess : BRB everyone...

8You have been marked as being away.

Celtic : k

Celtic : oooooooo so quiet

MoonWolf : yup, sometimes it is..............never been in an msn room b4

TurquoiseSeas : well let's make some noise

MoonWolf : doesn’t seem that bad

Celtic : throws silly string at the guests in the room


Santalover2000 : is that enough noise?

Celtic : brings out the party hats and blowers

Spyrittiger : J

Celtic : turns up the music

Willow~Song : *tosses around some cake*

Spyrittiger : Don’t wake up my kids guys!! LOL

Willow~Song : *pops back to my meeting*

Santalover2000 : lol

Celtic : LOL

TurquoiseSeas : lol

Celtic : feels like dancing now

MoonWolf : I was making good use of the uniqueness o the minute of 821

Celtic : J

Hibou : Yeah, I just got mine in bed myself.

Celtic : oh shoooooooooooooooot I forgot

Lisa : mine are still up

Celtic : oh darn

Celtic : J

TurquoiseSeas : mine's going now

MoonWolf : yup, consecrated my sword rt at that time

Spyrittiger : Mine fought bedtime tooth and nail tonight!

MoonWolf : ~smiles~

Hibou : Mine just whined a lot all evening.

Scottee : I just have dogs, and they go to bed when I do. They're waiting for dinner now.

Celtic : hubby said it has been a bad juju day

Scottee : Why, Celtic?

Celtic : traffic awful, people were awful and came home early from work

Lisa : would be nice if'n I had me a man to corral the young'ins while I did this

Spyrittiger : I have a little of everything, Kids, Dogs, Cats, Mice, welcome to my Zoo.

Celtic : he is blaming it on the 20022002002

Hibou : Yeah, well don't think it's the greatest thing in the world, Lisa. The kids find you anyway.

Lisa : LOL

Hibou : Blame it on Satan. Hahaha.

Celtic : LOL

Celtic : don't believe in Satan

Lisa : me either

dragonrider : brb wife would like popcorn she commands I obey

Willow~Song : blame it on the rain...*hums*

Celtic : just bad energy

Lisa : its their fathers' fault

8dragonrider is away.

Lisa : J

Hibou : Oh man I read a bunch of crap today about Satan and the pope and how the Smurfs are a ploy to convert children into pagans. Haha

Santalover2000 : was today supposed to be a good day??

Celtic : ooooooo I like that bring me some too dragonrider please

Hibou : Yeah, so you blame it on the imaginary guy.

MoonWolf : now, that’s hilarious

Celtic : you’re kidding Hibou

Spyrittiger : I want popcorn too now.

Celtic : I love the smurfs

Willow~Song : the one armed man...LOL

Hibou : Nope. Not kidding. Sinovess was my witness.

Celtic : my boys are grown and they still love the smurfs

dragonrider : popcorn for celtic

8You are no longer marked as being away.

Celtic : awwww thank you dragonrider

Santalover2000 : Yesterday was so crappy for me that most of the energy just hung around my house all day today! I plan on cleansing before I go to bed!

Hibou : Haha. I thought that was the dumbest thing I'd ever read.'

Celtic : :X

Sinovess : Whaaaat? *In Her Best Stone Cold Voice*

TurquoiseSeas : we call my brother papa smurf

TurquoiseSeas : what

dragonrider : popcorn for everyone boy am I going to be busy lol

Hibou : What was that about, Sin?

Lisa : shhh! bosslady is back

Sinovess : Ok...2 things...

TurquoiseSeas : k

Celtic : my 24 year old still has his Smurf record

Celtic : we played it at Christmas and our granddaughter loved it

Santalover2000 : I still have my action figure smurfs!

Celtic : cool

Sinovess : MoonWolf: What type of band is Clown Posse? I've heard of them...but never HEARD them...I like Disturbed, Linkin Park, Papa Roach, Limp Bizkit, etc...

Sinovess : #2:

MoonWolf : lol....

MoonWolf : well

Hibou : I have a graduation smurf. But I always was rooting for Gargamel. Does that make me a Christian? Hahaha

Lisa : ICP is cool

Hibou : ICP is crazy.

MoonWolf : they’re rap, but different...HORROR CORE, is their titled label.............

Hibou : They're wakko!

Hibou : They're hard to define.

Celtic : gosh I don't know any of them names

dragonrider : they deserve there name my son says

MoonWolf : so, kinda like a cross between limp bizkit, and.....well, they’re original, lmao

Sinovess : Celtic: About the elements and directions...there's really quite a few different ways explain them...all depend what path you and what you've learned...I say North = Earth, East = Air, South = Fire & West = Water

Santalover2000 : My best friend loves ICP - but the one time I listened to them I thought they were just a little to 'hard' for me.

Sinovess : MoonWolf: Cool!

MoonWolf : the celtic way, is what i was taught, like that

Celtic : ok thank you for helping me on that sinovess

Sinovess : J

Celtic : J

MoonWolf : they are hard, xtremely./give a listen to "lets go all the way"

Sinovess : Yeah? I like disturbed...Mmmm.......Stupified....!

8dragonrider has returned.

Sinovess : WV DragonRider

dragonrider : ty

TurquoiseSeas : yea popcorn

Hibou : Let's put it this way. My kids don't get to listen to them until their 45th birthdays.

Sinovess : and WB too!

dragonrider : lol

Celtic : I am glad my kids are grown so I don't have to listen to it LOL

8Lisa is away.

TurquoiseSeas : once they turn 13 it's hard to stop

Lisa : kids

Celtic : yup

Sinovess : I'm grown! 26 y/o...I LOVE that music! I know when I finally get a band together *Crosses Fingers* That the stuff I'll be doing!

Hibou : I'm gonna keep my mouth shut again.

Willow~Song : lol

Celtic : LOL

MoonWolf : hey y’all, ill be back asap...back in a few

8MoonWolf has left the conversation.

Sinovess : Woah La! What's that mean?

Hibou : No, I was talking about how I'm not talking about the Insane Clown Posse anymore.

Sinovess : OHHH! Ok

TurquoiseSeas : listen the Greenday, Blink182 with Jeff

Sinovess : I like those guys too

Celtic : I like Country, Cajun, and more Norse ethnic and Celtic music

Hibou : I like commercials. Hahaha

Santalover2000 : hahaha

Sinovess : I'm a confusing girl...I listen to everything from Enya to Jewel to LinkinPark/Disturbed to Metallica to fiddle

Celtic : or mellencamp and clapton

Willow~Song : Sin, am the same way..very few things I don't like

Hibou : I'm a classic rock kind o girl.

Sinovess : Yeah...Hibou's a hippie chick!

dragonrider : i live in a town called lincoln park

Hibou : But yeah, as long as it's not too much rap, country or gospel, bring it on.

Sinovess : LOL!

Santalover2000 : We have a 100 disk changer that plays anything except jazz and rap. Mozart comes out often!

Willow~Song : Hibou, i don't care for rap myself

Hibou : Love Classical. Can't get enough Classic Rock, and if you have a Tori Amos album I haven't heard, I'll give you money.

Hibou : Hahaha

Santalover2000 : lol

Sinovess : I don't mind rap...but I have to be in the mood for it...same with classical...but country? Shoot me in the leg as a warning before you put it on. Then just shoot me in the head to put me out of my misery!

dragonrider : traffic?

dragonrider : me too

Hibou : Yeah! John Barleycorn Must Die.

Sinovess : Yeah! Down with John Barleycorn!!!

8Lisa has returned.

Sinovess : Who's John Barleycorn?

Scottee : The Child is Father to the Man

Hibou : That's the name of an album by Traffic.

Sinovess : WB Lisa

Sinovess : oh

Hibou : Dragonrider said Traffic.

Santalover2000 : Speaking of Music - where's a good place to hear samples of Celtic music?

Scottee : Oh no, that's wrong!

dragonrider : low spark of high heeled boys

Celtic : Do you have a Borders Books Chris?

Santalover2000 : yes.

Hibou : Your ear.

Celtic : go there

Santalover2000 : hahaha

Willow~Song : Sin, I have to go, can you fill me in on what i miss later?

Santalover2000 : ok - that's the only place I haven't looked! lol

Celtic : LOL

Celtic : my favorite hang out

Sinovess : Sure, Michelle...It'll be in the archives as well

dragonrider : john barleycorn must die traffic album

Hibou : Haha, I was hoping nobody was gonna catch that, Chris.

TurquoiseSeas : love the place

Willow~Song : Sin, thank you!

Willow~Song : *hugs to all*

Sinovess : mp Michelle

8Willow~Song has left the conversation.

Celtic : hugs willow

Hibou : MP!

TurquoiseSeas : bb Willow

Santalover2000 : I try to check out the used places first so I often forget the 'regular' places.

Sinovess : HA HA! Who's huggin' air now, huh?

Santalover2000 : BB Willow!

Sinovess : Sorry...couldn't resist

Celtic : me I guess

Sinovess : Don't worry about it Celtic...I did it last week...makes ya feel so...empty...LOL!

Hibou : I keep laughing.

TurquoiseSeas : lol

Hibou : Stop being funny, everybody. No more haha. Hahaha

Celtic : I know, empty nest, now empty arms

Sinovess : Sheesh, Hibou! What do you think this is, funny??

Hibou : I'm sorry?

Hibou : I think everything is funny.

TurquoiseSeas : that's good

Sinovess : No...too the corner for you...NO SOUP FOR YOU! 2 WEEKS!!!'

Hibou : And you can't stop me!

Celtic : laughter lightens the soul

Lisa : hmmm...

Lisa : can’t have my corner

Hibou : Got a dark cave anywhere instead?

Santalover2000 : I'll sneak you some soup when she's not looking! hahahahahahahahahah

Celtic : oh I just remembered something

Sinovess Thinks Of That Awesome Song, "All Four Corners The Same, All Four Sides The Same!"

Hibou : ok

Sinovess : By Elmo!

Hibou : Hahaha

Lisa : hehe

Celtic : I think Wulf is teaching an Ice Diving Class tonight

Hibou : Sounds cold.

TurquoiseSeas : Ice dancing?

Celtic : no Diving

Celtic : as in rescue diving

TurquoiseSeas : I know lol

Sinovess : OH! Possible…‘cuz he's not here...but MR is the one I'm concerned with...she was SO looking forward to being here this week...I didn't think ANYTHING could stop her!

Celtic : oh

Hibou : Oh, still sounds cold.

Santalover2000 : Maybe she fell asleep again?

Hibou : She might've gotten her time off.

Celtic : yes she did promise to be here

Hibou : Maybe she's still thinking it starts at 10.

Sinovess : With the way I'm forever drilling it into her head? I don't think so...LOL!

Celtic : dragonrider are you still making popcorn?

dragonrider : nope I ate it all sorry

Hibou : Maybe she's sleeping somewhere with a steel drawer. And if not, maybe she should. Haha

Celtic : it is ok just a little thirsty now LOL

Sinovess : OMG! The horrible thoughts!

Celtic : LOL@Hibou

Hibou : J

Celtic : Hibou interesting name. May I ask how you came by it?

Sinovess : So this one band camp...

Sinovess : Just felt it was time

Hibou : It's French for Owl. The whole name is Femme de Hibou which means Owl Woman.

Santalover2000 : how do you pronounce your name Hibou?

Celtic : cool

Sinovess : eeboo

Hibou : Sinovess, tell me if this is right. Ee-boo.

Hibou : Yeah, that's what I thought.

Sinovess : correct

Celtic : LOL like minds

Santalover2000 : cool!

Hibou : J

Hibou : Glad you like it.

Sinovess : fem deeboo

Celtic : I do

Sinovess : J

Santalover2000 : And how did you decide that was the name for you?

Hibou : Hey there's another little survey to do.

Sinovess : What? How to pronounce your name? LOL!

Santalover2000 : lol

Hibou : We can do a survey on how everybody got their names.

Hibou : And what they mean and stuff.

Hibou : J

Hibou : Haha

Sinovess : Oh...that's a little more creative than mine

Santalover2000 : I think that would be REALLY helpful

Hibou : YEah, pronunciation is the key.

Sinovess : Hey! who can pronounce my name?

Hibou : Say-tan.

Hibou : Hahaha

Sinovess : LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Santalover2000 : hahaha

Celtic : LOL

Sinovess : VERy GOOD!

Hibou : Thank you. See, I studied.

Sinovess : Alright! A+ for you! Now...who can REALLY pronounce my name? LOL!

Santalover2000 : actually it's pronounced like it's spelled - right?

Santalover2000 : sin o vess

Sinovess : It's actually just a bit off that...

Sinovess : But close

Sinovess : It sounds sort of french/spanish mixed..

Santalover2000 : ok so give us a clue.

Sinovess : See-no-vessssss

Santalover2000 : aahhh!

Sinovess : only...maybe a few less s's...LOL!

TurquoiseSeas : That's what I thought

Hibou : Oh gods, I almost said that as a joke.

Hibou : Hahaha

Celtic : what does it mean?

Sinovess : You suck!

Sinovess : LOL!@

Hibou : Hahaha

TurquoiseSeas : hahaha

Hibou : No it means Monkey Licker.

Celtic : LOL

Hibou : Hahahahaha

Santalover2000 : hahahaha

Celtic : wake up dragonrider

Sinovess : Oh...what does it mean? Nothing. I mean…it means something to me value-wise...but no literal meaning...I made it up. It came to me about 6 years ago

Celtic : ok just curious

Hibou : So make up a meaning for it.

dragonrider : still here

Hibou : J

Spyrittiger : I think Mr. Burns on the Simpson’s once sung a song about you Sin, OH no sorry that was " see my vest" not see-no-vess. LOL,

Santalover2000 : lol

Hibou : lol

Sinovess : Naww...I like it not having a meaning...makes it easier to explain

Hibou :

Celtic : LOL

dragonrider : listening and learning

Sinovess : LOL!!!!

Hibou : "What does it mean?" "Oh, it's not really a word."

Hibou : Hahaha

Sinovess : Honestly, if you do a search on any search engine of Sinovess, everything you come up with will have something do with me.

Hibou : That's really cool.

Sinovess : Believe me...I check every now and then to see if anyone's stolen my name...LOL!

Celtic : yes it is cool

Lisa : a little bit of ego there, eh, Sin? LOL

Lisa : j/k

Sinovess Sticks Tongue Out At Lisa! LOL!

Lisa : hehehehe

Celtic : celtic giggling

Spyrittiger : I smell toast.

Hibou : Ok, so what do we still have to talk about?

Sinovess : LOL!

Sinovess : OMG! It's a seizure!

Spyrittiger : That is strange because I am in an empty house and I am not cooking.

Sinovess : Oh wait...that's burning toast

Spyrittiger : Its gone now.

Celtic : are you hungry Spyrittiger

Spyrittiger : I have a question.

Hibou : Ok.

Celtic : ghost maybe making a snack

Sinovess : No...I'm serious...I remember seeing a commercial on epileptic seizures and every time the woman would have one, she smelled burning toast right before

Hibou : Hmmm.

Celtic : oh that is an aura before a seizure

Sinovess : an aura before a seizure? Hmm...they were talking about how a vessel was pressing down on her central nervous system and would make her smell a certain smell.

Celtic : aura's before seizures are common, and they can vary from person to person

Spyrittiger : Ever since the birth of my son in this house in my bedroom there has been an unusual presence around the door of my bedroom, the only time I sense it or it manifests itself is when my baby son is sleeping in that room.

Celtic : probably was a vessel

Hibou : How does it feel to you, Spyrittiger?

Sinovess : Maybe a spirit watching over him as he sleeps.

Santalover2000 : do you feel it at the door of other rooms he sleeps in?

Spyrittiger : I was wondering if there is any way of finding out who it is or what it is without getting into dangerous territory as far as communicating with the other worlds goes?

Celtic : yes it could be his spirit guide

TurquoiseSeas : Maybe t's the spirit of a family member

Sinovess : Or the spirit of someone who may have lived there before you that has an attachment to him. Feels compelled to watch over him.

TurquoiseSeas : My father-in -laws spirit is still in our house watching over my mother-in law anf the rest of us

Celtic : do you know the history behind your home?

Spyrittiger : My baby has chosen for himself a prized possession of mine a teddy bear given to me by my grandfather shortly before he passed away and my son was not given this bear he just took it for his own and he is very attached to it.

Sinovess : Could be a sign of who it is. Maybe your son knows

Hibou : I have something in my bedroom. There's something in the bedroom that was mine at my mom's house, too. I never noticed that.

8Scottee has returned.

Spyrittiger : I was wondering if maybe our visitor is my grandfather and my son feels the connection between the bear and his spirit guardian?

TurquoiseSeas : that could be it

Hibou : Sorry about the psycho babble.

Hibou :

Sinovess : have something there that wasn't there before?

Celtic : children are very intuned to the spirit world

Hibou : In my bedroom?

TurquoiseSeas : yes

Sinovess : yeah

8Celtic's local time: 2/20/02, 9:01:50 PM

8dragonrider's local time: 2/20/2002, 10:09:56 PM

8Hibou's local time: 2/20/2002, 10:11:09 PM

8Lisa's local time: 2/20/2002, 9:09:24 PM

8Santalover2000's local time: 2/21/02, 8:13:05 PM

8Scottee's local time: 2/20/2002, 10:09:30 PM

8Spyrittiger's local time: 2/20/02, 10:12:40 PM

8TurquoiseSeas's local time: 2/20/2002, 10:09:29 PM

Celtic : it is grown ups that squash that sensitivity in them

8Sinovess's local time: 2/20/2002, 10:09:27 PM

Hibou : When Blake was real little, he used to sleep in the bedroom that used to be my room at my mom's and he'd lay in his playpen and laugh at the "ceiling".

Hibou : I don't know if it was here when I got here, but as long as I can remember, all my bedrooms had something in them.

Sinovess : mean a spirit of some sort

TurquoiseSeas : Jeff did that when he was a baby

Hibou : Yeah.

Spyrittiger : I would really like to find out if I can if this spirit is my grandfather because I was really attached to him and no-one told me he was dying so I never got a chance to say good bye.

Hibou : Every bedroom that has ever been mine.

Sinovess : I thought you meant there was an object in your room in your new house that was there before and used to be at your Mom's

dragonrider : my parents told me when I was a child things I saw were not real

TurquoiseSeas : I am convinced that it was my brother who he is named for

dragonrider : so i stopped seeing them

Hibou : Oh, see, I knew I didn't make any sense.

Celtic : yes dragon exactly what I mean

Hibou : My little sister can see angels.

Spyrittiger : My spirit didn’t appear until after my son was born, and the same room where he is guarded is the room in which he was born so I am thinking that that event might have attracted this presence.

Sinovess : Spyrit: You might want to try contacting them in a friendly manner...Ouija, scrying, that sort

Santalover2000 : does scrying actually contact spirits?

Sinovess : Dragon: That's sad...Did you stop seeing them? Or were they still there?

Spyrittiger : Do I cast a circle to do this? do I include the baby in my circle if so?

dragonrider : its taken two years of trying but its slowly coming back

Sinovess : You most definitely cast a circle...always protect yourself

8wulfslaird has joined the conversation.

Sinovess : Include your want to protect him too

Sinovess : MM WULF!!

Celtic : MM Wulf ((((HUGS)))))))

TurquoiseSeas : mm wulf

Lisa : MM wulfslaird

wulfslaird : MM everyone

Santalover2000 : MM Wulf!

dragonrider : mm wulfslaird

Hibou : MM Wulf.

Spyrittiger : What about Dustin, will he be safe if he is outside the circle?

wulfslaird : sorry I'm late

Spyrittiger : Ok saw your answer there now.

Sinovess : J

Hibou : You have to go over and sleep with the steel drawer.

Celtic : glad you made it

dragonrider : lol

Celtic : LOL

wulfslaird : thanks celtic, hugs!

Santalover2000 : lol

Celtic : J

Sinovess : Spyrit: The most important thing is to let the spirit know you mean know harm. You are just curious to who they may be and make sure they mean no harm as well.

TurquoiseSeas : purring

Celtic : they are going to make you sleep with the steel drawer Wulf

wulfslaird : LOL @ Tseas, be good

Spyrittiger : Trying to contact this spirit may attract others, can I be sure they will leave with no harm done after I am finished?

Sinovess : Not me! I was gonna give him an anvil!

wulfslaird : I see that, celtic

wulfslaird : hahahahaha! You card, sinovess

Celtic : hey did you check out the website I sent you Wulf

wulfslaird : not yet hon, just got home, whew!

Celtic : ok

Sinovess : Another good point, Spyrit. Always say your goodbyes...tell them they can go. This way there's no confusion. If they mean no harm, then all will be well...if they aren't so nobel, you may have to do a banishing ritual

wulfslaird : hey dragonrider, bet you were ganged up on before I got here.

Santalover2000 : well - I thought if you create a circle it kinda automatically means protection from harm?

Celtic : awwwwwww he made popcorn for us

wulfslaird : nice guy

dragonrider : no but they sure badmouthing you lol

Spyrittiger : Okay I will try this on an evening or day when Dustin is awake. I will see what I can find out about his spirit friend and I will let you know what I find out.

Celtic : LOL

dragonrider : mouthing

TurquoiseSeas : what are you making for us

Hibou : hahaah

wulfslaird : LOL, now THAT I believe

Spyrittiger : Thank You !

Celtic : J

Sinovess : Chris: It's a great form of protection, but you do eventually close the circle. In which case, this leaves you vulnerable.

Celtic : how old is Dustin?

Santalover2000 : ah!

wulfslaird : fine! I'll just take my ball and go home then

Spyrittiger : Dustin turned 1 on Friday

Celtic : awwwwwww don't go wulf

wulfslaird : teasing

Celtic : ok, too young to tell you what he sees

dragonrider : wait don't leave me alone they are scary

Santalover2000 : Happy belated birthday to Dustin!

wulfslaird : hehehehe

Hibou : Hahaha.

Celtic : dragon! we are not scarey

Hibou : I'm scary.

dragonrider : see

Hibou : Oooga boooga!

wulfslaird : HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tseas!

TurquoiseSeas : Thank you

Spyrittiger : Yes but he does not seem to be afraid of what I am seeing but he does get upset when in that room alone.

Celtic : we are mystical

Sinovess : I'm scary

Lisa : *leers at dragonrider* scary, eh? LOL

wulfslaird : what is it now?? 50 something??

Lisa : just wait...

TurquoiseSeas : no

Sinovess : Ooooooooo........low blow! Score a point for Wulf!

Celtic : good grief Wulf

wulfslaird : laughing wickedly

Spyrittiger : Thank You! He really enjoyed his birthday

wulfslaird : aren't paybacks something??

TurquoiseSeas : You are still older

Sinovess : Oooooo...good come back! point on TS's side!

TurquoiseSeas : The old man of the sea

Celtic : LOL

wulfslaird : hahahaha

Hibou : Ok, so was there anything else that needed to be discussed?

Sinovess : matter how old she'll always be older...doesn't that suck?

TurquoiseSeas : sucks to be him

wulfslaird : yup sure does, so anything you try, I've done

Sinovess : LOL!

dragonrider : but he will be that much wiser

dragonrider : twice

Sinovess : Wulf, you talk to Dawn today?

wulfslaird : thrice if its fun

wulfslaird : no Sin, I haven't heard from her since last night

Sinovess : SHEESH! That girl!

wulfslaird : I know

wulfslaird : little disappearing poop

TurquoiseSeas : maybe she's busy

Hibou : Ok, so we're dicussing poop, now?

Sinovess : LOL!

wulfslaird : hahahaha Hibou

Sinovess : I would rather not discuss poop...but majority ruless

wulfslaird : ok guys, I've done something special

Hibou : I had an interesting conversation recently about poop.

Hibou : Hahaha

8Lisa is away.

Celtic : It is a daily discussion where I work

Santalover2000 : If you want to go for majority - I say NO POOP!

Lisa : brb

TurquoiseSeas : What?

Hibou : Yeah, tell us Wulf.

Celtic : Poop

Sinovess : poop

wulfslaird : tell me what you all think, ok?

Hibou : Ok.

Sinovess : Ok STOP that! LOL!

Sinovess : Sure's gotta be better than talking about p00p!

wulfslaird : I did a very special picture that is an award given once a month to an outstanding member in our family

Sinovess : So far…sounds awesome!

TurquoiseSeas : great

dragonrider : cool

Celtic : cool

wulfslaird : each month someone new that has went the extra mile to help or do something special gets it

wulfslaird : it by nomination from our family members

TurquoiseSeas : cool

Sinovess : Very nice!

wulfslaird : what do you think?

8MoonWolf has joined the conversation.

dragonrider : great idea

Celtic : mm moonwolf

Sinovess : WB MoonWolf!

dragonrider : wb moon

wulfslaird : Its the crystal fairy

TurquoiseSeas : neat

Celtic : sounds very nice indeed

Sinovess : I WANNA SEE! I WANNA SEE!!!!!!!

MoonWolf : yvw........took long enough, lol, but I’m back

Sinovess : old am I again?

Santalover2000 : I think it's a wonderful idea.

wulfslaird : I will down load into wulfs files after the meeting

Hibou : The pictures are a great idea, but aren't we all outstanding members?

Sinovess : cool!

Santalover2000 : lol

8Lisa has returned.

8Lisa is away.

wulfslaird : I thought since I made it, I would pick the first to receive it, is that alright?

8Lisa has returned.

Hibou : Fine by me.

Celtic : wb Lisa

dragonrider : of course

Sinovess : Now Lisa...what did I tell you about doing that invisible spell...I said it wears off a lot!

Sinovess : LOL!

Lisa : TY

wulfslaird : ok the person I have in mind has worked overtime for the family

Lisa : LOL @ Sinovess

dragonrider : wb lisa

TurquoiseSeas : good choice

Hibou : Hand her the drawer, please.

Hibou : Haha

Lisa : ty dragonrider

wulfslaird : it is a person that means a lot to everyone here and is always there for anyone that needs love, tenderness or a strong shoulder

Sinovess : You already have someone? Cool!

TurquoiseSeas : Sinovess deserves it

wulfslaird : its Sinovess

Sinovess : I don't think I should be able to get it

wulfslaird : oh yes

Celtic : applaud

dragonrider : yeah congrats

Sinovess : Should I be in it? Isn't that sort of...well...not fair?

TurquoiseSeas : no you should have it

Hibou : Applesauce applesauce!

Celtic : oh yes I think so

Lisa : yay Sinovess

Sinovess : Awwww...guys!!!! Make me cry!

Hibou : No it's fair because it wasn't your idea.

wulfslaird : I think of all the things you have done to make us a family and I feel you deserve to be the first to receive this

Santalover2000 : I think Wulf is right - wulfslaird : it is a person that means a lot to everyone here and is always there for anyone that needs love, tenderness or a strong shoulder

wulfslaird : yes, Santalover

wulfslaird : my sentiments exactly

Hibou : Verbatim.

Sinovess : Awwwwwww.......*Cry!* I swear...I'm gonna cry!!

Sinovess : Well...thank you SOO much!!

Sinovess : I only do what I do ‘cuz you guys rock!

Hibou : Don't cry love, you'll get tears in your dirtshake.

wulfslaird : I will down load it with Sin's name and announce it to the family and also information on how the awarding works

Sinovess : *Sniffle*

TurquoiseSeas : here's a tissue

wulfslaird : you are most welcome Sinovess, you really do mean the world to us hon, and we appreciate all the love you share

Sinovess : You know what...I was having SUCH a crappy day! And you guys make it all so much better! LD

Hibou : I'll drink to that.

Sinovess : oops..

Sinovess : meant

wulfslaird : J

Sinovess : *Huggs*

Sinovess : Can I...can I put it on my page??

Celtic : I have to go hubby is in a mood bye MP

Sinovess : Mp Celtic *Huggs*

Hibou : MP Celtic.

TurquoiseSeas : mp

Sinovess : Talk soon

Santalover2000 : BB Celtic

8Celtic has left the conversation.

Lisa : MP Celtic

Lisa : ack

wulfslaird : please always keep in mind another person for the following month and Sin gets to award it next time

dragonrider : mp celtic

wulfslaird : The winner of each month passes it to the next

dragonrider : open air

wulfslaird : sound fair??

Sinovess : Now that's neat!!

TurquoiseSeas : does to me

Santalover2000 : sounds fair!

Sinovess : I think I have someone in mind already...

Hibou : J

wulfslaird : goodie gum drops, then its sealed

wulfslaird : the winner is by nomination to sin for the following month

Sinovess Counts....1..2..3...4.................8...9....10....noone talking? 10 people?

Hibou : 7 minute silence, Sin.

wulfslaird : think they are eating popcorn

Sinovess : LOL!!!

dragonrider : yup sorry

wulfslaird : hahahaha

Lisa : I think I am lagged

wulfslaird : knew it

Hibou : So what else was on the agenda?

Scottee : Sorry, I got caught up in listening! Just finished dinner and now I'm sleepy.

TurquoiseSeas : agenda

wulfslaird : pats scottee on the back

Sinovess : She's a work-a-holic, that Eeeboo!

wulfslaird : gets a burp, ok now??

Santalover2000 : So what was the final word on The Walking Box?

Hibou : Yeah, so?

Scottee : Thanks, wulfs!

Sinovess : J

wulfslaird : anytime scottee

Hibou : What are you gonna do, tell on me?

Sinovess : Yeah! I'm tellin'...Blake! BLAAAAAAAAAAAKE! Mommy's a work-a-holic!!!

Hibou : Blake won't care. He'll think that means he gets to go get into stuff.

Sinovess : Ok...the walking box? LOL! Sorry...mental vision...heh

Lisa : *giggles*

Spyrittiger : I gotta go, work comes way too early these days and I am sleep deprived as it is. Merry Part all and I will see you all on the list!

Sinovess : for the box that gets mailed out...hmmmm...

Hibou : So what WAS the final answer?

dragonrider : mp spy

Santalover2000 : BB Spyrittiger!

Sinovess : Mp well

Scottee : MP, Spyrittiger!

Hibou : MP, Spyrittiger.

wulfslaird : Take care Spy, and it was nice seeing you here, sleep well

Lisa : MP Spyrittiger

8Spyrittiger has left the conversation.

Hibou : I'm getting David "fixed" tomorrow. Anybody wanna talk about that? Haha

Sinovess : Ok Wulf...what do you think?

dragonrider : ouch

Scottee : Who is David and what is broken?

Sinovess : I figured that would be from a guy...LOL!

Santalover2000 : lol Scottee!

dragonrider : lol

Lisa : lol

Hibou : Vasectomy Day is tomorrow. Didn't you get the memo?

Hibou : Haha

Sinovess : Not broken yet...but it WILL be

Scottee : Oh, THAT memo!

Hibou : Yeah.

Scottee : Talk about your conversation stoppers!

8Rishwich has joined the conversation.

Santalover2000 : hahaha

Hibou : Ok, everybody type the name they want for the box and nothing else for one minute. Then we'll tally up the votes and see.

dragonrider : mm rish

Santalover2000 : MM Rishwich!

Hibou : MM Rish.

Rishwich : MM all

Sinovess : MM RISHWICH!

Scottee : MM Rishwich

Rishwich : sorry I'm late

TurquoiseSeas : mm

wulfslaird : Hiya Rish!

Scottee : What were the choices again?

TurquoiseSeas : bob

Sinovess : the walkie talkie.

Hibou : Steel drawer is now getting passed to Rish.

Sinovess : No...that's not right

Hibou : We need more drawers.

Hibou : Ok ready to vote?

Rishwich : took a nap and woke up with a sick 8 year old.

Lisa : MM Rish

wulfslaird : hmm, still like the goodie box

dragonrider dragons in morning for david (who ever that is)

wulfslaird : J

Hibou : Just pick a name and type it in.

Santalover2000 : lol - the walking box?

Rishwich : what happened to Kindred Ritual

Sinovess : Kindred Ritual

TurquoiseSeas : bob

Sinovess : LOL!!!!!

TurquoiseSeas : Harvey

Sinovess : HAHAHA!

Rishwich : I vote Kindred Ritual

Hibou : Walking Box sounds really cool.

Sinovess : But we can't use box

wulfslaird : Harvey told me to write that, Tseas

Sinovess : No box for you!

Sinovess : 2 weeks!

Hibou : Ok, Majority says Kindred Ritual.

Scottee : Who's Majority?

Hibou : So with 3 votes, looks like that should be it.

Lisa : lol

Sinovess : I dunno...but apparently they've got some serious power! LO!L

Scottee : Bob was kinda interesting, but Kindred Ritual is nice.

Hibou : My mom's cousin's wife.

Sinovess : Quick quiz......

TurquoiseSeas : I need two more votes for bb

Sinovess : Boy and father driving in the car...

Sinovess : get hit

Sinovess : father dies

wulfslaird : I Knew there would be a test !

Hibou : Ok, so Kindred Ritual. Does anybody have a major problem with that?

Sinovess : boy survives barely but needs surgery

wulfslaird : always a pop quiz........ geez!

Sinovess : goes to hospital..

dragonrider : nope not me

8Celtic has joined the conversation.

Rishwich : no problema here.

Lisa : WB Celtic

Sinovess : doctor says, I'll take care of him..

Rishwich : MM CELTIC

dragonrider : wb

Sinovess : Other doctor says, NO! You can't! He's your son!

Celtic : MM

Hibou : WB Celtic. Knock him out?

TurquoiseSeas : she's his mother

Sinovess : Who's the doctor?

Lisa : the doctor is the boys mother

Scottee : Is this quiz open book?

TurquoiseSeas : his mother

Celtic : actually I may have LOL

Scottee : I KNEW that one!

wulfslaird : AGGGGGGGGGGGGH hate those kind of question Sin

Sinovess : Ok...blah blah blah...can't fool you guys...

Santalover2000 : the dad?

Lisa : J

wulfslaird : it was the intern waiting in the hall!

Santalover2000 : o I c!

8MoonWolf has left the conversation.

Lisa : the doctor is the mom's lover/the boys biological father

Lisa : <BWEG>

Hibou : Ok, so voting is closed. That cool with everybody.

Hibou : ?

Scottee : cool with me!

Sinovess : HAHAHA!

TurquoiseSeas : wait

Celtic : what did I miss

Scottee : We were voting on the doctor, right?

Rishwich : yes! cool here1

wulfslaird : sure Hibou, I think harvey sounds great!

Lisa : sorry.. I have a warped sense of humor

wulfslaird : hehehehe

Hibou : No, not the doctor!

Hibou : Hahaha

Sinovess : Thank you Hibou...good control!

Sinovess : Scottee! You're hilarious!!! LOL!

Rishwich : do we have Applesauce tonight?

Hibou : Thank you, Sin. Sometimes you have to kick people. Hahaha

TurquoiseSeas : see you all later

8TurquoiseSeas has left the conversation.

Scottee : I saw a new doctor today. Very different. Had a dog for me to pet to keep from getting anxious (I'm doctor-phobic)

Rishwich : good job Hibou!

Hibou : I had some earlier.

Hibou : Thanks.

wulfslaird : Tseas, is feeling her age, had to go to bed I guess

Hibou : Ok, so Kindred Ritual is taken care of, put it in your notes. There wil be a test.

wulfslaird : poor girl

Scottee : I didn't have applesauce, but there was popcorn earlier.

Scottee : earlier

Hibou : So what's next?

wulfslaird : ok Sin, who was the father??

Lisa : I have to go .. gotta hop in the tub

Sinovess : He was in the car accident...I think he was a lawyer

Sinovess : LOL!

wulfslaird : *** * **** Lisa?

Lisa : LOL Sin

wulfslaird : J

Santalover2000 : BB Lisa!

Hibou : Nope, insurance Agent.

Lisa : nwulf

dragonrider : mp lisa

Sinovess : Ok Lisa...MP...take care

Hibou : G'night Lisa.

Lisa : err wulf

wulfslaird : hahahaha

Lisa : *flustered*

Celtic : bb Lisa

wulfslaird : Nite Lisa

Lisa : lol

Rishwich : MP Lisa

Scottee : Nite Lisa

Lisa : g'nite.. MP and BB Everyone

8Lisa has left the conversation.

Hibou : Any more decisions to make?

wulfslaird : yeah who was the dang father??????

Sinovess : What should I have for dinner tomorrow?

Hibou : Me. Ok, next!

Hibou : Chili. Next!

Sinovess : LOL!!! wulf! He was the guy that died in the accident! LOL!

Hibou : Hey this is easy.

wulfslaird : ohhhhh geeeeeez

Sinovess : I can't have chili! Only dirt shakes for me!

wulfslaird : thought it was Harvey

Hibou : So why'd you ask?

Sinovess : Testin' ya

Scottee : Eee-boo, you are a born leader! Steel drawers and snap decisions!

Hibou : J

Hibou : This is pagan boot camp.

Hibou : Hahahaha

Santalover2000 : lol Scottee

Sinovess : I've got 20 pages of conversation so far! WOOHOO! Keep 'er comin'! LOL!

dragonrider : oh no not boot camp

Celtic : did I miss anything while I was gone?

Hibou : So was there anything else we needed to talk about?

Rishwich : I can't wait to read the transcripts

wulfslaird : oh oh, better delete the part where I ask if * *** ** ** *** *** **** **** then Sinovess

Hibou : We finished naming the Box.

Sinovess : Actually Wulf, I was gonna put that in BOLD!

wulfslaird : NOOOOOO

wulfslaird : hahahaha

Santalover2000 : lol


Celtic : thank you Hibou

Hibou : Celtic, do you have any morbid fears of "Kindred Ritual"?

Hibou : aka phobias.

Celtic : morbid fears? NOooooo why?

Scottee : What about Bob?

Sinovess : That movie sucked!

wulfslaird : hehehehehe, I know ONE . Celtic

Celtic : what? wulf?

Hibou : Because that's what we settled the vote on, so unless you have a really big problem with it, then we're gonna keep it. Cool?

wulfslaird : she’s definitely afraid of sea snakes guys

Celtic : yes that is fine with me hibou

Hibou : Ok, good.

Celtic : LOL

Hibou : Great.

Sinovess : otherwise known as eels to the rest of the world?

Celtic : am not

Hibou : We actually got something DONE!

Hibou : WOOHOO!

Celtic : just the sea

Hibou : Applesauce, everybody!

Scottee : Sea snakes: not a bad phobia

Rishwich : APPLESAUCE!!!

Sinovess : Mmmmmm...snakes...LOVE snakes!

wulfslaird : to the rest of the world, its referred to as Divers in a hot tub

Rishwich : I was feeling that I had missed the Applesauce

Sinovess : Too fattening, Bou, sorry

wulfslaird : kidding Celtic, LOL

Celtic : wulf you are incorrigible they don't even know what you are talking about LOL

Scottee : You missed the popcorn, too.

Sinovess : AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!

Hibou : Ok, so we talked about poop and the name for the box, and vasectomies. Any other pressing issues?

Celtic : LOL

Sinovess : Hey! We talked about unfamiliar presences too!

Hibou : Yeah, we sure did.

Hibou : Who was going to do the rune thing?

Rishwich : oh man...popcorn too?!?

Sinovess : We also talked about this one time back in band camp!

Hibou : Uh huh.

Sinovess : HEY! I found another time to fit it in! WOOHOO!

Celtic : LOL sin

Hibou : J

wulfslaird : yes and also the special family award too

Hibou : Yup.

Sinovess : Yeah! We talked about that too! There must be SOMETHING in these 23 pages of chat!

Celtic : wulf someone asked you about the rune thing

Hibou : We learned how to say Owl in French.

Sinovess : Yeah...I'm curious about that..

Rishwich : HIBOU!=owl

wulfslaird : ok celtic, I'll check after we finish

Celtic : no dear

Celtic : they want to know what we are planning

Santalover2000 : Starving ! - must find dinner - BB Everyone! (will see if there's anyone here when I'm done creating!)

wulfslaird : oh ok

Sinovess : Is that the week newsletter? or something along that lines? Or something completely different? Come on now...spill it!

Celtic : J

wulfslaird : think that was before I made it here tonight

Scottee : What's for dinner, Chris?

dragonrider : mp santa

Hibou : That was the idea. I was just wondering if anybody was gonna do it.

Celtic : no hon they just asked you

Santalover2000 : I have to see what's out there!

Celtic : about two minutes ago

Scottee : Enjoy!

Rishwich : MP Santa

wulfslaird : I'm sorry, I missed it then

8Santalover2000 is away.

wulfslaird : old eyes you know

Hibou : Who's the one who's been sending all the Rune info?

Celtic : LOL very pretty green eyes

wulfslaird : celtic

Celtic : and wulf

Sinovess : HEY! I got green eyes!

Sinovess : Cool!

wulfslaird : she’s the resident expert

Hibou : Ok, then Celtic and Wulf, what did you guys think of the Rune letter idea?

Celtic : wulf you are quickly catching up

Hibou : Is it something you'd want to do?

Celtic : yes that is what wulf had in mind too

Sinovess : And what was your secret plan too?

wulfslaird : I don't know if I am advanced enough folks

Celtic : he is kidding you all

wulfslaird : J

Celtic : J

Hibou : J

Sinovess : J

Celtic : wulf will post a rune a week

Sinovess : I felt left out

Celtic : I will work on teaching the divination, meaning and casting

Hibou : My secret plan is a secret. I could tell you, but I'd have to put duct tape over your mouth and tickle you after.

wulfslaird : Sin, we will clear our plan with you first of course hon

wulfslaird : never left out

Hibou : Ok, that sounds good.

Sinovess : Oh no...I felt left out of the facey thing

Sinovess : J

dragonrider : time to get my gerital everyone

wulfslaird : J

Celtic : hopefully we will be able to orchestrate it so that it will flow

Celtic : J

dragonrider : blessings to you all ty see you next week

dragonrider : mp

Hibou : Yeah, just keep in close touch with each other, and it should turn out fine.

Sinovess : orchestrate? Plans? AAAAAHHHHH! It's an OVERTHROW!!!!!!!!

Scottee : MP Dragonrider!

Rishwich : mp

Sinovess : *Phew* Glad I'm over that!

wulfslaird : Nite nite Dragonrider, take care my friend

Celtic : mp dragon

Sinovess : Mp DragonRider,, take care

Hibou : G'night dragonrider!

dragonrider : ty until next time

Hibou : Hasta!

8dragonrider has left the conversation.

Celtic : on never Sinovess

Celtic : we are open to any suggestions and input from other runesters

Sinovess : HAHA! I was just kidding

Hibou : J

Celtic : J

Rishwich : Sounds like a great plan you will make a great Rune team W and C

wulfslaird : definitely correct celtic and would appreciate any help with the runes

Sinovess : I'm not a rune person myself...but I'd like to learn...looking forward to seeing what you guys have to offer

Hibou : Ok, I'll keep that in mind.

Celtic : J

wulfslaird : we'll do our best Sinovess

Hibou : It'll be great anyway.

Celtic : put our best rune, foot forward

wulfslaird : soooooo Celtic, how are you going to do it now?? hehehehe

Hibou : So how often were you planning it? Weekly?

Rishwich : Can't wait to get started!

Sinovess : Nor am I a tarot person or even an I Ching person...I'm a ME person

Rishwich : Yes you are Sin!

Celtic : how am I going to do what dear, you get to start it

wulfslaird : I'll stick to my representations and pictures

wulfslaird : J

Celtic : hey you started this

wulfslaird : hehehehehe, wicked aren't I?

Rishwich : we love your pictures Wulfs.

Celtic : Sinovess do not let him back out of this

Sinovess Breaks Out The Referee Shirt

Celtic : wulf I will get you

wulfslaird : I get to blow the whistle though!

Celtic : J

Sinovess : Wulf: From what I see you got all kinds of air to do so! LOL! J/K

wulfslaird : why thank you

wulfslaird : J

wulfslaird : diver, good lung capacity

8Hibou has left the conversation.

Sinovess : Ok...the rune was a the two of your ideas?

wulfslaird : celtic, I just helped

wulfslaird : LOL

Celtic : wulf started it

Celtic : LOL

Celtic : J

8Hibou has joined the conversation.

Rishwich : you guys sound like my kids!! "He started it"

Hibou : Oh poor, stupid me. Haha

Sinovess : Ok whoa now…who started it? You both started it? Now Celtic you put the tongue back in your head or you're gonna stay like that! LOL!

Celtic : he is picking on me

wulfslaird : ok, kidding aside, it was all celtics idea

Sinovess : WB Bou

Celtic : LOL

Rishwich : WB

Celtic : IT WAS?

Celtic : It must be my Alzheimer’s kicking up

Hibou : J

wulfslaird : senior moment Celtic?? SURE it was!

Sinovess Bangs....Head.....On.....Desk......

Celtic : ok

wulfslaird : seee

Celtic : wulf

Sinovess : I like that name...Bou...fits you

Celtic : you do the rune a week

wulfslaird : ok

Celtic : I will work on the divination and casting

Hibou : Haha. You aren't the only person ever to say that to me. Hahaha

Celtic : deal?

wulfslaird : sounds like a plan

wulfslaird : deal

Sinovess : Bou

Celtic : shakes wulfs hand

wulfslaird : no cards up the sleeve either celtic

Celtic : no cards up the sleeve

wulfslaird : ok, we've got a plan

Celtic : thank you

wulfslaird : J

Sinovess : ALRIGHT! And I didn't even have to lift the strap!

wulfslaird : I seen it though Sin

Sinovess : LOL!

Celtic : I hate the strap

Sinovess : I'd be a little TERRIFIED if you liked it, Celtic...LOL!

wulfslaird : Ok, be sure you check out the new award picture Sin, and I am thrilled you like the idea

Celtic : roflmao This is true

Hibou : I don't think I want to know what you guys are talking about.

Sinovess : TOTALLY!

Sinovess : LOL!

Sinovess : They were fighting over who gets to do the ROTW

Celtic : wulf and I were sparring hibou

wulfslaird : something to help keep the family pulling together

Hibou : Oh, alright.

Celtic : we don't fight, we just spar

Hibou : Maybe my mind blocked it out because my kids do that all day. Hahaha

wulfslaird : you hit like a girl celtic

Sinovess : Dontcha just love how I abbreviate everything?

Sinovess : OWR

Sinovess : RD

Sinovess : ROTW

Celtic : J

wulfslaird : ROTC

Sinovess : That's a military term!

Celtic : you hit like a boy

wulfslaird : oh

Sinovess : LOL!

Hibou : Hahah

wulfslaird : straightens up and gives Sinovess a crisp military type salute!

Sinovess : LOL!!!!

Celtic : mental picture of two people slapping hands at each other

Sinovess : At ease, soldier

Hibou : Ok, ABOUT FACE!

Sinovess : HAHAHA! @ Celtic

Scottee : Well, I'm starting to doze off, and not from boredom. Tomorrow's my day off and I have to be at work for a staff meeting at 8:15. If you all are still chatting when I get up, I'll see you then!

wulfslaird : ok, got to go, Spongebob Squarepants is on

Sinovess : So you guys have a plan for the runes, we have a name for the traveling box (HAHA! I like that one!)...we did a lot here!

Celtic : good night scottee

Hibou : LOL. G'night, Scottee!

Celtic : who is that wulf

wulfslaird : NIte Scottie!!!

Sinovess : MP Scottee...take care.

Rishwich : good night.

Hibou : Sure did.

Celtic : who is spongebob squarepants?

wulfslaird : kidding Celtic, my daughters fav. cartoon

Sinovess : Squarehead Droopypants is on? NOONE TOLD ME!!!!!!

wulfslaird : LOL @ Sin

Celtic : oh dear

Scottee : Nite all!

wulfslaird : yeah and then the Simpsons

Celtic : nite scottee

wulfslaird : Nite scottee

Sinovess : Mmmmmmmm...Simpsons.....D'OH!

wulfslaird : better then the rugrats, geeeeez

Celtic : I don't watch toonies

wulfslaird : bawling, poopie dipered babies

Celtic : sorry

Sinovess : I like Southpark

Sinovess : LOL!!!!!! Budt Tombee!

Hibou : I like Freakaziod and Space Ghost.

Hibou : And Animaniacs.

wulfslaird : HUGSSSSSSSSS everyone, going to go and get that award downloaded for Sinovess

Rishwich : I like Bugs Bunny

8Scottee has left the conversation.

Celtic : hmmmmmm my granddaughter watches talking planes and Veggies

Sinovess : Ok Wulf! THANK YOU AGAIN! *Huggs* Talk to you soon!

Rishwich : good night Wulfslaird, have great dreams.

wulfslaird : ok hon, you deserve it!

Hibou : G'night Wulf. Good to see you.

Celtic : goodnight Wulf ((((((HUGS)))))))

wulfslaird : nite everyone!

wulfslaird : HUGSSS

8wulfslaird has left the conversation.

Sinovess : I'm getting pretty sleepy myself

Hibou : Can we get back to the poop conversation now? Haha

Sinovess : It may be time to crash

Sinovess : EEEEEEWWWWWWWWW!!! PoopyBou!

Hibou : I think it is... yes, it's about that time again.

Rishwich : Oh man.... I missed the poop chat too!!

Sinovess : LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hibou : Hahaha. You really didn't miss anything. Hahah

Sinovess : You can read all about it RishWich!

Celtic : I guess I will go too, BB and HUGS to all goodnight

Rishwich : I had my own little pukey disaster here.

Hibou : Eww.

Rishwich : I will look forward to it Sinovess!!

Celtic : ewwwwww

Sinovess Thinks To Herself 'My Goddess...Am I Really Gonna Put That Up On The Site???'

Hibou : Please spare us the details.

Hibou : Haha

Rishwich : no prob. Good night Ladies!

Hibou : G'night.

8Celtic has left the conversation.

Sinovess : Good night all...have a GREAT sleep!

Rishwich : and GREAT dreams.

Sinovess : I know I will..*CRASH*

8Rishwich has left the conversation.

Sinovess : Chris?

Hibou : I think Chris fell asleep on the keyboard.

Sinovess : Ok...guess so...LOL!

Sinovess : Night Chris...have a good sleep...if you're not there already Take care!

Hibou : J

Hibou : G'night Chris.

Sinovess : Night Bou

Hibou : G'night Sinovess.

Hibou : Hasta manana.

8Hibou has left the conversation.

                 8Sinovess has left the conversation.


This transcript has been edited to show the most important part of the discussion.

Any and all questions should be brought to the attention of MystikRose, WillowSong, Wulfslaird or myself.

*~*~* Sinovess *~*~*