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1977 Fourth Of July at St.Anne

1977 4th of July St Anne !
From left to right !

Darryl Lee Ponton _____________ Bass guitar.

Kenny Lackey_________________ Vocal & lead-guitar..

Gery Johnston________________ Drums

Lee Ponton __________________ Vocal & lead- guitar

Jack Lay_____________________ Piano & Vocal .

Jack was a good old boy
from Kentucky who had moved
to Illinois to get one of
those good paying jobs working in
the factory.
He and I worked together
for five years
in a factory making semi springs.

We worked as a team
on a blast furnaces that reached
2800 degrees to heat
the four foot main plates
for the semi springs.
On the week ends he and I
would play music
and drink a little beer.

In the fall of 1962
Jack went to Nashville
with two songs,
he and I had wrote and put music to.

They gave him $400.00
for the two songs ,
he came back home and in 1963
we heard our songs on Radio.
Stone Wall Jackson
sang one of them,
the title of the song, Life to go!

Johnny Durham recorded
the other song,
the title of it was
The shoe goes on the other foot tonight!

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