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T.C.C. Band 2002

T.C.C. The Legends

August 10th 2002
we will play our third benefit
for this year making it
the 46th benefit we have done
in thirty two years.
The reason for displaying
the story of my music
is to help to encourage
the young people to reach
there goals in life.
It's about a little cripple boy
who wouldn't take no
for an answer.
It's shows how a
little boy had faith
in God and believed
in his hero,
his father!

The legend will go on
and I will keep teaching the ones
who need taught.
My music will be heard
to help the ones
who can not help them-selves.
I can not break
the promise that a
seven year old
little cripple boy
made to God
and to his hero
Pappa Joe!

My Music And Special Events