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The Spirit Of The White Buffalo

It was once said that the white buffalo
did not cast his image in the water.
Legend suggest that the white buffalo
was the spirit of the wind walkers father Kia-ta-wa -ha.

I enjoyed writing this story
that my grand mother told me!
It’s all a bout her
people and their beliefs!
It’s about a time when the eagle
could swore the skies and not be
disturbed by mans mechanical Inventions.

It’s about a time when our streams were clean
enough to drink from.
And our precious trees that once
covered the ground like a giant green blanket
from shore line to shore line.

It is good to have progress
but this story helps you and I
to recognize what we have lost
in the process of progress!

My Favorite Web sites

My Hobbies:Short Stories
The Windwalker And His Sacred Crystal
Windwalker Continued