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The Wolvenwoods

Welcome, seeker, to Dire Wolf's domain.

Sometimes, it's all too easy to forget who we really are and where we came from. Sitting in class, walking through the mall, pushing papers in some bleak cubicle; we're seperated from the forests of this world and the forests in which our souls once ran. Magic exists in this world is you're only willing to use it, and remember a time when the great outdoors weren't something to be overlooked by modern man. Welcome to the cyber-woods, and rollick with your fellows here. Saevard the Dire Wolf, webmaster, welcomes you and any folk you wish to bring.

And here's the point where're you're rolling your eyes and thinking, "Yeah, ok, another new-agey site with the usual crap about magic and how everyone's busy making a living rather than running naked through poison ivy. Seen it, all the same, time to download more music!" Well, for one thing, this site isn't going to publish a list of 'kewl love spells' or recommend quitting your job to live on a commune. If that's what you're looking for, eh, um, say his name backwards three times or something and he'll be yours.

Seriously, I'm a neo-pagan with shamantic leanings and Wolf as my Totem. The craft name I've chosen is Saevard the Dire Wolf, and if that sounds pretentious, well, too bad. ^_^ Questions about neo-paganism? Learn about the Wiccan Rede. I'm also a lesbian, a writer, a role-player, and I work in medical management for CIGNA Healthcare.

This site is a personal site as well as the home of my forthcoming, soon to be very famous Lesbian Gamer Page, reference page for past games I've run (and on e I hope to run!), and general fun. I believe in keeping the magic alive in myself and if that's right for you, I urge you to do the same. All fiction etc, you read on this site is web-copyright to myself, and the graphics (with the exception of my production banner, which is an original creation) came from free sites so feel free to copy any you like.

Past Adventures All About Me Links

Wolf Magic Lesbian Gamer Page

This site updated February 27th, 2003