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The Phone Kall!




Created by: Angie

The last site update took place on:
August 3, 2002



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These are the emails I exchanged with Vteens rep, Melissa.

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This is the inital email I sent to enter the kontest

Date: May 17, 2002

This was really tough for me to pick...

I downloaded all the songs and burned them onto CD (mainly so I could listen to them over and over again wherever I went so I could pick one...I am still going to buy my 2 kopies of the new album!)

I chose "Please B-Real" for the simple reason that it has been stuck in my head almost constantly since I downloanded it!

But as I said, it was really tough to decide...I really liked "Cry Never" because it fits well into a story I'm writing and is unlike any other song on the radio (concept wise)...I loved the cover of "Real Love" even though everyone I've been talking to can't seem to remember the original! Miss KRYStAL really stays true to original! "I Oh I" is another one of those that I COULD've picked because I'm really into making sure she has a wide audience and "I Oh I" would be most likely to be played on the AC stations..."Sing to Me" is nice and different compared to other songs out there..."Rhymin'" is another one of those songs that just occassionally get's stuck in my head "U Told Me" was also one that could be played on AC radio stations, so that was a possibility...

So as you can see, I really had a difficult time choosing, but finly chose "Please B-Real" because, well, it takes me back to when I was young and I listened to Hip Hop/R&B and there was nothing offensive about it and I could dance to the song. Frankly, I've already got a video concept idea running through my head for this song...but I'll just keep my mouth shut, like always! I would REALLY like to hear this song played on a station in my town...

Frankly I think the direction that Miss KRYStAL has gone with these songs is EXACTLY where the public is right now...I mean, look at Alicia Keyes, Nelly Furtado and the rest of the seems that R&B is winning out again!

So that is why I chose "Please B-Real"

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This is the email from Melissa. Would you have opened it right away if you saw the subject?

From: Melissa
Subject: Greetings from
Date: May 23, 2002

Hey Becca!

This is Melissa from Vteens(as if you couldn't gather that from the e-mail address, haha). Today, I come bearing good news!


But before we can work out a time and date for Miss Krystal to call you, I need you to do me a very small favor. I need you to go to and fill in all the fields you missed at registration, so we can verify who you are and where you are coming from. Also, you'll need to e-mail your phone number and the time of day that's best to call you, so we can pass along this info to Miss Krystal.

Congratulations and thanks for participating, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to e-mail me!


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This is my response to that inital email from Melissa. As you can see from the date it was two weeks later!

Date: June 10, 2002

sorry i blanked on this...i just haven't been checking my email lately! OMG!!!!

geez louise...i'm a dork!!!! hello!!! need to check email more often!

see, that was during finals week for me...i wasn't even checking all that week and then i totally didn't even check this acct until today!!!!!

holy cow!!!!! are you kidding me??? are you kidding me????

OMG!!!!!! i think i may faint!!!!!!

phone number: 530) XXX-XXXX
best time of day to reach me: during the daylight hours!
basically, between 10am and 6pm (after June 12th)

i work nights...oh but June 11th and 12th i SHOULD be free all day! (i don't have to work those two days)

and on June 19th, i'm leaving to go to Disneyland (i almost forgot that i'm so overjoyed!) and i'll be gone until June 23rd!

You couldn't have picked someone w/ a more flexible could you! LOL!!!!!!!!!! No, i'm kidding!!!!!


i signed up strictly to listen to the new KRYStAL music, never thinking i'd win, you're seriously not kidding me on this are you??????

*runs around room screaming*

okay, i'm done for now...i'm going to go scream in my bathroom right now as i take a shower to try and recover!!!!!!! and the profile has been updated!!!!!

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So you know, after this email Melissa and I go back and forth about KRYStAL NOT kalling me. I'll give you the two emails AFTER I got back from Disneyland because they were literally RIGHT BEFORE she kalled!

From: Melissa
Subject: Re: Greetings from
Date: June 10, 2002

Be happy! You won yourself a Krystal phone call, Missy! I am going to talk to her manager Mook and see which day and time you gave works out best for Krystal. This way you guys will have a quality phone call! I should be in touch within the next day or so, and congratulations!

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Date: June 26, 2002

okay...not that i'm upset or anything like that at all...i know i'm really hard to get ahold of and such...but, i kan't see MISS K not being able to get ahold of me or my roommate after all this time (what a week & a half! *lol*) so...just to reiterate stuff:

phone number: (530) XXX-XXXX
time of day to get ahold of me: anytime before 6p Pacific Time

i'm a patient person...i have to be if i'm gonna be a teacher! *lol*

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From: Melissa
Subject: Re: phone kall...
Date: June 26, 2002

Hey Becca!
Woman, I cannot even tell you how sorry I am about this! I was informed by Mook that she had called you---no worries, he'll be hearing from me this afternoon. I'll let you know how it goes, and trust me, this will be fixed!

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Now, if you want to read my IMMEDIATE reaction to the phone kall, klick here!