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Fan Fiction



The Phone Kall!

Created by: Angie

The last site update took place on:
August 4, 2002



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~*Supergirl Slash*~

Disclaimer: I don't know KRYStAL, I simply have a crush on her. I don't know if she thinks and feels this way, but if she ever came out and said she did, I'd probably faint. I did talk to her on the phone, but how do you ask someone permission to write slash about them? You don't! So I didn't! I don't claim ownership of any of her songs, nor do I know her manager, Mook, her record label, KBNHA, or anyone else surrounding her. KRYStAL, if you're reading this: I'm sorry!

Title: Alternative Use for a Glow Stick
Author: Krazi 4 KRYStAL
Style: Slash
Rating: NC-17 for sexual situations
Pairing: KRYStAL/Other
Summary: Nabbed by the young performer, I'm pulled into an interesting game of seven minutes in heaven that results in a new use for those used glow sticks from the concerts.

Title: Backstage
Author: Krazi 4 KRYStAL
Style: Slash
Rating: NC-17 for sexual situations
Pairing: KRYStAL/Other
Summary: Waiting to get an autograph from Krystal, I wasn't expecting her to tell me I was cute. And I sure as hell wasn't expecting to be led backstage to a room to be alone with her. But then AJ walks in. Is our cover blown? Am I in huge trouble?

Title: Celebrity Real World
Author: Krazi 4 KRYStAL
Style: Reality Based Series
Rating: PG

Title: Club Tabu
Author: Krazi 4 KRYStAL
Style: Slash
Rating: NC-17 for sexual situations
Pairing: KRYStAL/Other
Summary: Dancing in a club, she brushes up against me. Before I know it, she leads me out the back door only to have her way with me. But who is she?

Title: Coming Out
Author: Krazi 4 KRYStAL
Style: Subtle Slash/Slash
Rating: PG/NC-17 in some parts
Pairing: KRYStAL/Other
Summary: I met her in a coffee shop after she broke up with her boyfriend and little did I know what I was getting myself into. She's a celebrity and that means either lying to the public or coming clean with it and facing the mud they would throw at us.

Title: KC
Author: Krazi 4 KRYStAL
Style: General
Rating: G
Summary: A young figure skater loses her family in the attacks on the World Trade Center. Through a miracle chance she gets teamed up with Scott Hamilton's Tour of New Stars. When she arrives home in New York to perform, Scott has a surprise for the Krystal look-alike.

Title: The Kiss
Author: Krazi 4 KRYStAL
Style: Subtle Slash
Rating: PG
Pairing: KRYStAL/Other
Summary: My girlfriend Kellie breaks up with me and this opens new doors, mainly a friendship with Krystal while on tour with the Backstreet Boys. Krystal is the only one who knows that I'm a homosexual. After losing my family over it, I decided to keep it a secret, only history seems to repeat itself.

Title: KRYStAL Klone
Author: Krazi 4 KRYStAL
Stlye: General
Rating: PG-13 (for some language)
Summary: So I look like Krystal, big deal. So fans come up to me thinking I'm her, no prob. But getting backstage because of it? Yeah right! The guy would have to be blind!

Title: Let me be Your Friend
Author: Krazi 4 KRYStAL
Style: Slash
Rating: NC-17
Summary: KRYStAL's take on the phone call (see The Phone Kall!) and what follows. (The phone call was real, but this story is fictional.)

Title: Pure Love
Author: Hills
Style: Slash
Rating: NC-17 (in parts)
Pairing: KRYStAL/Other
Summary: A fan meets the girl of her dreams and comes to grips with past loves that failed, true love, and most of all, the discovery of self love.

Title: Soul Mate
Author: Krazi 4 KRYStAL
Style: Slash
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: KRYStAL/Other
Summary: Abducted from a club, I come to and I'm tied down to a bed. But when my captor reveals herself, something unusual happens: we connect.

Title: Supergirl
Author: Krazi 4 KYRStAL
Style: Subtle Slash
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: KRYStAL/Other
Summary: Three weeks gone out of my life. Missing. I have no recollection of what happened. The only thing I remember was sitting outside talking with my friend Krystal and then getting picked up by a couple of thugs. So what happened?

**Wanna read them WHEN they come out?**

Join KRYStAL's Slash Supergirls!