Soul Mate? © 2002 The last thing I remembered, I was accepting a drink from a gorgeous, heavy-set black woman with a shaved head. The next thing I knew, I was lying flat on my back. My eyes were open, but I couldn’t see anything and I could feel something tied around the back of my head. Coming to the conclusion that I was blindfolded, I let my other senses take control. I felt scratchy sheets on my back and cool air on my skin. My arms and legs were held in place spread eagle fashion and I couldn’t move. There was a scent of sex and burning wax in the air. I could tell by that that we weren’t anywhere near the bar that I had been. My head felt kind of groggy and I couldn’t really focus on anything, thus cementing the fact that I had been drugged. Outside of the slight twinge in my arms and legs, my body felt fine, so I hadn’t been date raped, yet. Again, I tried to pull against whatever restraints were holding me there, hoping that they would give way and I would be free. “Don’t struggle, Cherie,” a sexy, husky voice whispered in my ear. “The more you pull against them, the tighter they will become.” I turned my head toward the voice, trying to picture what the woman had looked like, but it all drained away from me so quickly, like a dream fading with the morning sun. “Are you sure she’s like us?” another voice asked, this one squeaky and high-pitched. I placed the voice somewhere down near my feet, but I couldn’t be sure. “I’m positive, my dear. She approached me.” Without another word, I felt cold fingers on my thighs. Before I had a chance to react, two of those long, slender, cold fingers plunged right inside of me. I gasped and almost screamed. Just as I did this, the fingers were removed and the high-pitched squeak returned. “Hills, I thought you said she was like us,” the squeak whined. “She is, babe. Just some don’t like it rough.” “But I want her to scream my name,” the squeak continued to whine. Before either could say another word, I called out, “That’s gonna be kinda hard, being I don’t know who you are!” “Oh yes you do,” the husky whisper replied to me, as the blindfold was loosened on the back of my skull. The blindfold slid down my face and pooled around my neck. I blinked back tears that formed because of the brilliant candlelight. When my eyes finally adjusted and everything came into focus, I realized I was staring into a pair of crystal blue eyes. It took me a moment to completely recognize whom I was staring at. When it finally sunk in, I about screamed for a second time that night. “You’’’re Krystal Harris,” I managed to squeeze out. “Yeah,” Krystal, who was the squeaky voice, replied. “So you’ve heard of me.” I gasped, unable to catch my breath. “Yeah. But I never knew...” “Never knew that I liked women?” she finished. I nodded the best I could. “Yeah, well, I try to keep it under wraps. I don’t want it to ruin what little of a career I have had.” “But...isn’t this considered...” I stammered. “Date rape?” she asked. “No. You can’t rape the willing, now can you?” I stared at her. She was right of course; you couldn’t rape the willing. But was I really willing to have sex with Krystal? Hell yes! But something bothered me. Something that made me think that maybe there was more to this little fantasy of mine than I was seeing. “So are you willing? Or am I going to have let you go?” Krystal asked me. She stroked my sex gently and then added, “I assume the fact that you are so incredibly wet is because you want this as much as I do.” I nodded. “This has been my dream,” I told her. “What? For me to rape you?” I smiled. “Kinda. I’ve always wanted you to fuck me like the little whore I am,” I growled. Krystal raised an eyebrow. “So you like it rough, huh?” She started to climb over my body. “You like the fact that you’re tied down, do you?” She gripped my left nipple in her lips and sucked on it, hard. She let go just as I started to moan under her touch. She moved back down my body and refused to touch me. Then, just as she had before, she plunged two fingers into me. I squealed in ecstasy as she dove deep inside me. She came in hard and fast and quickly maneuvered her fingers around inside me, exploring all the little spots that made me moan and writhe and pull against my restraints. She must have found one position she liked one location that made me wild because she kept putting pressure there. I kept attempting to pull against the ties that held me down, arching my back. I wanted to hold her as she ravaged my insides. I didn’t know when my first orgasm took hold but I felt the downfall of it and the uprising of the second. I screamed continually as she pounded into me. After the second orgasm, she removed her sticky fingers without warning, saying, “Did you like that?” All I could do was nod. My brain was completely out of it and my body was warm all over. “Well, guess what?” I stared at her. “It’s not over yet,” she replied. Slowly this time, she started to build me up again. She stroked my folds, and found my clit hiding beneath them. She began rubbing my clit softly and had an orgasm before she really wanted one. My juices flowed freely onto the sheets as she traced my pubic lips with her fingers. She slid one finger inside my slippery hole while her thumb reached up and found my clit once more. This time, ever time she got me close to my climax she would stop and let me come almost all the way down before starting again. She went on like that for about ten minutes I guessed; I wasn’t really sure of the time, but I knew it was a while. When I finally climaxed, it was so intense that I dripped not only with juices but also with sweat. My hair was plastered to my head and wrists and ankles hurt immensely from pulling so hard against the scarves that held me in place. My voice was almost entirely gone from all the screaming I had done. As I came down from that incredible high, the woman at the head of the bed untied my arms. Krystal reached down and let my ankles loose. I just lay there for a long time; still believing my body was tied down. Then as the feeling began to return to my body, I realized that I could move and I slowly sat up. I reached out and managed to pull Krystal into my arms and hold her against me. She didn’t resist like I expected and actually laid her head on my shoulder for a moment. She then pulled away and regarded me with a look of satisfaction on her face. “Well, you didn’t scream my name, but that’s okay. I kind of figured that you weren’t into names anyway.” “That was...” “Amazing?” she finished. I nodded and she smiled. “Now, I have a favor to ask of you.” I stared at her, waiting. “You have to keep this a secret. You can’t tell a soul, okay?” I nodded again. I wasn’t about to tell anyone that Krystal Harris had given me the best sex of my life. No one would believe me, especially since she was thought of as straight in the music industry. Yeah, I might get some money out of the tabloids one day, but I would never do that to her. “You know, when I saw you in the club,” she told me, “I had a feeling about you. That we already knew each other or something.” “I had the same feeling,” I confessed. “I mean, you kept finishing my sentences. No one’s ever done that before. What do you think it means?” “Maybe we’re soul mates?” she replied. “You know, destined to be together or something.” I laughed. “As if. That would be the irony of century.” “Yeah, it would,” she agreed, as she handed me my clothes. “I hope you don’t hold this against me or anything.” As I got dressed again, I told her, “Of course not. Why would I? You just fulfilled a fantasy of mine. And don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone, okay?” I was taken back to the club and dropped off. I was fortunate that I had gone out by myself. I climbed in my car and as I reached for my keys I found a piece of paper in my pocket. “Call me,” it said and there was a phone number written underneath it. I knew whose it was and I smiled as I shoved the paper back into my pocket and pulled out into traffic, still horribly wet and missing all that had gone on.