Supergirl © 2001 I walked out the back door and into the full parking lot. Around me were just about every type of vehicle, all parked and waiting. I stared up into the night sky trying to discern the stars from the lights of the surrounding town. Here it was, another night, another town, another crowd of young screaming hormone filled girls. It was summer, and I hated summer. I liked being cold. But then again, everyone I worked with thought I was nuts because if it was eighty degrees or below, I was in jeans and a sweatshirt or jacket. I crossed my arms and stared at the sky. Turning in circle's slowly, I heard the familiar sounds of the show that I had seen all too many times start. The opening act would just be finishing up her autograph session, meaning she'd probably start looking for me. She'd find me soon enough. I had just lowered myself down onto the ground, pulling my knees up to my chest when I heard her walk up. "What are you doing out here?" she asked me. I tilted my head back and looked up at her. Even upside down she was stunning. Short black hair, a nose ring, green eyes, if I was a guy, I'd be jealous of her manager-boyfriend. Well, I was a girl and I was jealous of her boyfriend. She was in all black, like myself. Black shiny vinyl pants with a matching black vinyl jacket. Her top was black with a red sequined design on it. She was in high heeled boots that were so polished you could almost eat off of them. "Oh just thinking," I commented, pretending to stare up at the stars and not her eyes. "Yeah right," she said, sitting down beside me. "So what are you thinking about?" I sighed and looked over at her. "Just stuff." The woman beside me giggled. "Stuff like Nick? Stuff like AJ?" she teased. I took both my hands and slapped her shoulder. "Krystal," I groaned. Krystal Harris was the opening act for the Backstreet Boys and my closest friend on the Black and Blue World Tour. She held up her hands. "What? You're always thinking about those two. And you can't forget your little Latin Loverboy. Come on, Shawn. So what's the deal?" I smiled slightly before staring at her again and telling her, "You know your song, 'Supergirl'?" "Yeah?" "I feel like that sometimes." "How so?" I sighed. "I have dreams. Dreams that I'm flying. I've thought about it. I think it means that I want freedom. I feel trapped." "How do you feel trapped?" Krystal asked me. "I mean, you've got just about everything you could ever want here." "Yeah, I know, but it just doesn't feel right anymore." Krystal stared at me. "Are you leaving the tour? I don't think the guys could get along without you." I grinned and stared at the ground before looking up into her eyes. "No. I could never leave the tour and all of you. I'm just thinking, that's all." "Good," Krystal laughed. I leaned my head on her shoulder. "I don't think I could ever leave you K-girl." Krystal wrapped her arm around my shoulder and patted my shoulder. "I know." Krystal and I stayed there for a bit, just staring at the stars and then she got up to head back inside. "The guys'll be changing soon. You know they'll wanna see you." I smiled. "No. I wanna see them," I laughed. Krystal joined me in my hysteria and then headed inside. I stayed outside and waited. I didn't want to seem too anxious about seeing my favorite band in their half- dressed states. I stood up, about ready to go inside when I felt someone come up beside me. Glancing briefly at the tall man out of the corner of my eye, I started inside. "Where do you think you're going?" the man said gruffly. "Inside," I replied, thinking it was Danny, one of the drivers. "No you're not," another man said, suddenly appearing on the other side of me. "Yes I am," I replied and started to push past the two big men. They grabbed me by my arms and picked me up off the ground. I swung my feet trying to kick them, but to no avail. A third man came up behind me and put a pillowcase over my head, keeping me from seeing or screaming. I just rolled my eyes and went limp, hoping they would set me down so I could get away. My idea didn't work. I was carried off and shoved in a van. I knew it was a van, manly because I had ridden with the band in their vans. Once inside the vehicle, I felt a sharp prick in my arm. I fought to remain conscious, but in the end losing the battle and drifting off into the comforting blackness, knowing that whatever was going to happen, I wasn't going to feel it until I woke up, which I hoped that I would wake up in Krystal's arms, or at least AJ's. It seemed like I had only been out for a few hours when I finally started to come out of my dreamless sleep. There was someone beside me, lifting my head. Through blurry eyes he looked like Brian, but I knew it couldn't be. I tried to focus, but couldn't, tried to speak, but found it futile. "Shh, don't say anything," came the familiar Southern accent. "You need to eat something." I blinked again, this time making out Brian's blue eyes. I jumped, startled by what I saw and pushed my way away from his hands. I was lying on one of the sofas in a bus so I pushed my way up against a wall, shaking my head. "Wh...wh..." I squeaked, unable to form words. Brian smiled slightly at me and placed a bowl of soup on the counter behind him. "It's okay Shawn. It's me, Brian." I shook my head at him, not believing a word he said. "Trust me. You're back home. Back with us. It's okay." I felt the bus lurch to a stop and saw the soup in the bowl on the counter slosh over the sides. The doors to the bus whooshed open and four men and a short woman came rushing in. The short woman was my friend Krystal. The man beside me was Backstreet Boy Brian Littrell. The other four were Kevin Richardson, Howie Dorough, Nick Carter and AJ McLean. My eyes were still blurry but I could make out my K-girl. I reached out for her and she took my hand. "Shawn-baby you had us worried," she said. I smiled weakly up at her. "We're so glad you're awake," AJ said sitting down on the end of the sofa. " long..." I whispered. My throat was raw and I found it difficult to speak. "You've been missing for three weeks," Kevin said gently. "Three weeks?" I practically shouted. Krystal put her hand on my shoulder. "Don't," she said firmly. "You'll hurt yourself." I looked at her and then at each of the five men, staring into their eyes before continuing on down the line. "Why don't you sit up here and have some soup?" Krystal asked me, gently pulling me up to the table across from me. "You know Brian makes the best chicken noodle." I smiled again and sat there while Brian fished for a spoon in the sink. I watched as he put the end in his mouth and sucked it clean and then presented it to me. I closed my eyes and shook my head at him. Howie stared at him and then reached into the drawer and pulled out a fresh spoon for me. I smiled my thanks and slowly started eating the soup before me. It had felt like I hadn't eaten in months, but in the same instance my entire body ached. Just holding the spoon made my fingers hurt. Krystal slid in the booth beside me and set a hand on my knee. Howie and Brian slid across from me while Nick joined AJ on the sofa and Kevin leaned on the counter. "We've missed you Shawn," Howie said. I looked up at him before going back to attempting to devour my soup as if it was my last meal. Holding the bowl with my other hand I disregarded the spoon and picked up the still warm soup and poured it down my throat. The warmth of the broth soothed my aching throat, but not enough so that I could talk yet. When I handed the bowl to Kevin, pleading with my eyes for more, I noticed my hands. They were almost black. I looked down at my body at that point and was shocked. My clothes were tattered, barely hanging on my body. Every inch of me was covered in mud. There were clumps of dried mud in my hair. I wasn't wearing any shoes and I could feel the dirt between my toes. I looked at Krystal with tears in my eyes. "We didn't want to disturb you," she said to me. "We each took turns watching over you. You've been asleep on this bus for a little more than a day." I just continued to stare at her. "Just finish eating. I'll help you clean up after that, okay?" I nodded and took the now full bowl back from Kevin and quickly drank up the warm soup. Once I finished, Krystal took my hand and stood up. "Guys," she said to the men on the bus. They all quickly vacated claiming some excuse or not saying anything at all. Once all the male prying eyes were gone, Krystal helped me out of my rags and ran some warm water in the sink. She placed a towel down on the sofa and told me to sit down. Running a warm damp cloth over my shoulders, back, and arms, I felt the dirt slide away. She ran the cloth over my breasts, which sent chills down my spine. Oh how I wished she wasn't involved with her manager. She helped me clean up, even washing my hair in the sink for me being I could barely lift my arms. "We'll be at a hotel sometime later in the day," she said, rinsing my hair. "Then you can take a real shower." I smiled up at her as she ran her hands through my long dark hair. Wrapped in a towel, with another one holding my wet hair up off my neck, we walked down the corridor to the back where Krystal had some of her clothes stashed. It was great that we were the same size. "What happened?" I finally asked, trying to hold the towel on my head. Krystal sighed as she dug through a suitcase. "Well, you never came in that night in Tacoma. I thought you just wanted some more time to yourself, but then when you didn't show up by the end, we all started to worry. I went back out into the parking lot and found your anklet. I knew something was wrong." She tossed out a pair of sweats and I quickly stepped into them, totally ignoring the fact that I didn't have any underwear. Once I was dressed, I sat down on the floor and Krystal sat down beside me. "We couldn't report you missing for twenty-four hours and by that time we were in Portland. Instead of calling local PD; we called in the FBI, we had to. Three days after you had disappeared, we were in Bakersfield, we received a ransom note. Apparently your kidnappers were following us. That was the only contact we heard from them. They wanted something like a couple million for you and they wanted it by the end of the month. They never took the money. Instead, we found you here on the sofa the other day when we got back on the bus after the show. We let you sleep. That's all we know." I sighed. I didn't remember anything that had gone on. I remembered being injected with something, but other than that, it was a blank. "I dunno what happened to me," I confessed softly. "That's okay," Krystal said. "You don't have to know right away Shawn- baby. You can stay with me." "Thanks," I replied. Getting up, I carefully walked towards the front of the bus. "Where are we?" "Just on a stop for now." "I'm gonna go see the guys." "Do you want me to come with?" I looked at her over my shoulder. "Nah, I think I can handle it." Walking slowly I made it to the door and headed outside into the sunshine. The Backstreet Boys were right outside. "Hey Shawn-baby," AJ said, stepping towards me. "Feeling better?" I nodded and reached up to hug AJ realizing I hurt. Nick then placed a hand on my back and I turned around and hugged him. "I'm so glad you're up," Nick said. I smiled when I pulled back. I then looked at Howie who engulfed me in one of his famous hugs whispering in my ear, "Shawn-baby, please don't disappear like that again. You scared me." "Don't worry Dee, I won't," I said softly. I knew they were trying to size up whom I would sleep with that night, but I wasn't going to tell them yet. Days passed. I went back to my duties on the tour, still not remembering what had happened during those three weeks or who had done it to me. Then it happened one night. The Boys were going into the last set and I was standing off with my beloved K-girl watching them. We had our arms linked just listening to the group as they broke out into perfect harmony. They probably could have done the entire show a cappella; they were that good, but always opted for backing. When everyone had come off the stage, Kevin reached over and touched my shoulder. He was just going to say something to me like always, but it didn't come out like that. In my mind I saw someone pushing me up against a wall. I screamed and then shielded myself as though I was going to get hit. I sank to the floor and there I stayed, unmoving, screaming anytime one of the Boys or their band or security tried to touch me. I shook uncontrollably and only with Krystal's help, was I even able to make it back to the bus. For days I stayed curled up on the sofa in Krystal's bus. When I slept, I dreamed of what had happened. When I was awake, I shook with fear, afraid that someone would come and hurt me again. I didn't attend the shows anymore, neglected my duties as a stage manager and had virtually given up. The Boys would come in, usually one at a time and sit with me, trying to coax me to talk. Nothing worked. No one could touch me. Even my dear K- girl's touch bothered me at times. Finally, one night before Krystal's set, I made it to the arena. She saw me and seemed to play her heart out because she knew I was there. Afterwards, she skipped the autograph signing instead to spend time by my side with the Boys. I told them that after the show, when we got back to the hotel, I would tell them what had happened to me, but they had to promise not to kill anyone. After the show, which seemed to drag on and on for an eternity, we all went back to the hotel. Meeting in a room and asking only for water and to be left alone, the seven of us curled up on the beds and in chairs. I sat cross-legged on one of the beds staring at the comforter beneath me trying to figure out how to them. They all sat in silence, Krystal right beside me, as they waited. Finally, after several minutes, I opened my mouth and was surprised at what came out. "I was locked in a van the entire time," I whispered, kissing the air with my breath. "If I was ever out of the van, one of my four captors was with me. We followed you guys for the three weeks that I was gone. It was almost as if they were mocking me. I was raped God only knows how many times. It was always right outside one of the shows or the hotels. Always in the van. I'm really surprised no one noticed. "Tied down, held down, pretending to be asleep, it didn't matter. If I screamed, I was slapped, beaten or raped again. Nothing mattered. In those three weeks, I learned to expect it and accept it. I wasn't getting away. I tried a couple of times. I didn't get very far. And when I was caught, they raped me all night long, each taking turns, thinking it was funny. "It was as though they got a kick out of doing it right under your noses. It was like they knew I had the hots for you guys. Sometimes they'd make me scream; force me to scream your names. They had no mercy. I had very few breaks. One of them almost always had their finger or their dick in me. I never really knew if I was coming or going." I paused and looked up at all of them. No one said a word, at least not right away. Howie was the first to break the silence. "Do you know who they were?" "No. I never saw their faces. It was always dark. If we were driving, I was drugged." Krystal placed her arm around my shoulder and pulled me into her chest. "Aw, Shawn-baby. I'm sorry." "What's there to be sorry about K-girl?" I asked, sitting up and looking at her. "If I hadn't have left you, this wouldn't have happened." I stared at her and then at each of the men in the room. "It's not your fault Krystal. It's no one's fault. I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time." Brian met my gaze and said, "Do you believe that?" Glancing away from his piercing blue eyes, I commented, "Yes I do." "Then look me in the eyes when you say that." I lifted my head to look at him. Staring at him, I stuttered, "I...I...I can't Brian." I turned away from him. "It's because you don't believe it." Glaring at him, I yelled, "No, I don't believe it! If I had just gone in with Krystal, none of this would have happened. Hell, if I weren't even out there, then there would have been no way they could have gotten to me." AJ got up from his spot on the other bed and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, maybe that's true. But God doesn't just let these things happen." I scowled. "You mean to tell me this was all apart of God's plan?" Kevin walked over to me. "It never is. But think about it this way. They brought you back. Why?" "Because they were tired of me," I spat. Kevin shook his head. "No. It was a miracle. More than likely they could have killed you. That is probably what they were after, not the money. But they didn't. You're still here." "But I've been violated." "But it wasn't your fault. God gave us free will. What people choose to do with that freedom is up to them. The Lord can only guide them, if they let Him." Kevin paused. "Why were you out there that night?" I stared at the flowered pattern beneath me and picked at the imaginary lint. "I was looking for answers," I admitted. Brian stood next to his cousin. "To what questions?" I sighed. "About where I should be. I kept dreaming I was flying. I wanted to know what it meant." "What do you think it meant?" "I thought at the time that it meant I wanted freedom. But all I got was controlled," I sobbed. I suddenly realized what the dream was telling me. "The flying meant I was vulnerable. It meant that I needed help." Brian stroked the tears falling down my cheek. "That's right," he said. "And we're all here to help you." The next night at the show, I was actually dressed up. AJ had told me that it would make me feel better; like a different person. He was right. I did feel different. As I was standing there, watching Krystal up on the stage, I thought she looked beautiful. She walked back towards me and grabbed a stool and an extra microphone with a stand and I stared at her. She just winked. Placing the items out on the stage near her gorgeous white piano, she said to the crowd, "The next song I'm going to do is called 'Supergirl'." The crowd yelled. When the yelling stopped, she continued, "One of my best friends, who also happens to sing backup for me most of the time, really is a Supergirl. She's been through a rough spot in her life and has flown through with all the strength of some one from another planet." I grinned. "There was no Kryptonite in her bag. I would really appreciate it if she would come out here and back me up on this song. So please give a warm welcome to my friend Shawn." I shook my head and stared at the ground, grinning. Looking at Krystal, taking her spot behind the keys, she winked at me again. I continued to grin as I walked out onto that stage in front of the fifteen thousand people. A spotlight hit me and I took my place on the stool, turning my body slightly so that I could see my K-girl play. When she finished the song, she then did something that wasn't even apart of her usual set. She started playing "You're the Reason" on her piano. Nodding at me to sing, I sang. I knew I was nowhere near as perfect or as wonderful as she was, but she took the chorus, changing the words to her favorite ones "Me and my Piano." By the end of the song, I knew exactly what she was trying to tell me. Not only did she care about me, but I had five brothers backstage who were all there for me as well. I was going to beat this, and they were all there for me.