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KRYStAL World!




Fan Fiction



The Phone Kall!




Created by: Angie

The last site update took place on:
July 11, 2002



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Hi! Gald you found your way here. This is my special page dedicated to when the fabulous MISS KRYStAL kalled me. Here are the stats of it, so you know. It was June 27, 2002 around 10:00am Pacific Daylight Time. We talked for about 20-25 minutes. From the konversation, I learned the following:

  • She's 5' tall (though she likes to say she's 5'1")
  • Her favorite color has always been baby blue, but she's leaning torwards light turquoise (That's why the colors on the pages have changed! Though I did origially have the text right!)
  • She has seen Star Wars Episode 2 and thinks Yoda's scene was one of the best. (Us short people have to stick together!)
  • She originally thought "The Country Bears" was going to be hokey, but now that she's seen it, she doesn't think so. (July 26th people! Go stand in line now!)
  • For a 20 (almost 21) year old, she is remarkably comfortable with herself. She knows who she is, where she wants to go and what she wants to do. This is surprising to me because at 20 (almost 21), I had no idea who I was.
  • That voice of hers is not doctored in the least. She really kan sing. And sing amazingly. I suggest you really listen to her songs and feel the music, don't just listen.
  • And finally, she's normal. Her mom (Hi Mom!) kept walking into the room to bug her. Hello, normal household. Most of all, we just talked, like two people who just had something in common and it was more than just fan/idol, it was Spiritual.

So now, you're probably wondering how I got this once in a lifetime thing, right? Well, it all started with a kontest. A kontest I just found out I also won. See, back in May, Krista (the webmistress of KRYStAL the posted to all of us saying that MISS K was going to be on Power 106 in LA to debut her new single "Please B-Real". Then after that she asked us to cram Power 106 with requests for the song. So we did. It was all for free promo stuff. Unfortunately, the kontest was during the roughest week I had at school. So I kouldn't email every 5 minutes like some people. (But I still won, one of five people! WOW!) But then, I realized that I hadn't even heard the song and everyone in LA was talking about it. Some people were saying KRYStAL had sold out and changed. So I went on a mission to find the song. And I did, on I also found six other songs. They were having a kontest. "Pick KRYStAL's next single and win a phone kall from her!" So I signed up. I then started downloading the songs. It took me three days. (I do have the lyrics to some of the songs. I plan to post them here.) The songs were:

Cry Never
Please B-Real
Sing 2 Me
U Told Me
I Oh I