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The Phone Kall!




Created by: Angie

The last site update took place on:
August 3, 2002



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The following is my IMMEDIATE reaction to the phone kall! Gotta love that day!


here's the play-by-play w/o the transcript!!!!!

1) phone rings...i grab it from the couch and hold it while i check the kaller ID...(no, it was private number...and even if it did kome up, do you think i would tell you????)
2) i answer and this kute little squeak of a voice asks "Hi, is Becca there?"
3) i answer this is me
4) she goes "Hi, this is KRYStAL."
5) me: *silence* then some stupid giggle and a sigh and "i thought you were gonna be work kalling me" and a buncha "oh wows!" LOL

then after the shock wears off in a minute or so, we get to talking...and i tell her that yesterday when the phone rang i thought it might be her, but instead it was work...and she said, "nope, I'm not work kalling."

so we kinda chit-chatted for a minute or so about what i had been doin and i told her that i had just gotten back from Disneyland and that i hadn't been in like 15 years so it was like i was 5 all over again! she asked how it was and i told her that it was was like 100 where i lived and like 80 down there! she asks me exactly where in CA i live and i tell her and she said she was wonderin b/c it was 530 area code and i told her that 530 was like the entire northern half of the state! then i tell her that Papa Roach was just here like a month ago (total truth) and that i kouldn't go...she tells me that she hasn't seen those guys in like forever...then i tell her that i was surprised that they came back but i noticed something: Papa Roach played here and six months later were big on MTV...Alien Ant Farm played here and six months later they were big on MTV and so she should play here (yes i told her that!) and then she would be big on MTV...she giggled and was like "yeah...that would work"

i told her that she sounded exactly like i thought she would and she said she didn't really like her speaking voice...even thoe her friends say she should go into radio...i told her that i'd done the radio bit and i liked being able to talk to ppl and NOT see them and that i kould never do her job!

then i said "i have to klear up all the debate: how tall are you?"

she does this lil giggle thing and says "well, i like to say i'm 5'1" but a friend of mine whipped out a dang tape measure and measured me and i'm 5'. but i'm lucky to even make it there. My mom's like 4'11" my grandma's 4'10"."

i tell her the same thing happened to me: i was measured at 4'11 3/4" but i'm 5'

then i ask if she's seen SWEp2 and she says yes, and i tell her that "YODA rules!" she agreed that that was one of the best parts of the movie and that some of it was unbelievable (ie: jedi battle scene romance stuff...blech) and that some of it was sleepy-ville (these are my words btw)

i ask her what her fav kolor is and she says "baby blue" but she's leanin towards this light turquoise kolor right now, but it's always been baby blue...

i tell her that right before i left for Disneyland, I saw her video and she's all "which one?" and i tell her "The Kid in You" and she's all "the one for the Bears" and i'm like yeah...and she's all "I haven't seen it yet" i told her it was good but you would never know that it was for the movie unless you saw the trailer first...and she's like "so they didn't use the one with bears huh?" yep, that's right, no bears! she tells me that she just got thru screening it and it's gonna be one of those family movies for the summer first she thought it was gonna be kinda hokey but apparently (from the source here) there are some pretty funny parts in it...and a ton of stars to cameos...

so i had to ask if EJ was in it (Elton? hello? anyone out there?) and she said he was and i said, well that was it, i was going to see it!!!!!! then i told her i was raised on EJ and anyone who played piano just took my heart and so "when i saw you, it didn't take me very long before i knew" and she giggled and is all like "aw thank you"

OMG and im not done yet!!!!

then i tell her that some of her fans think she sold out and totally changed and blah blah blah...but that i didn't think so...that was where the LORD was leadin her...

and that's when she went, you want the true KRYStAL? she's is huge here okay...any wonder why she got kast in "Save the Last Dance" the TV show???? LOL what she sings in the later stuff, new album, singles blah is pretty gosh darn klose to the real MISS K...she feels that in her soul....and yet at the same time she's got these gospel roots that kept her straight...i dunno if you konsider the "tear factor" a way of telling a good artist...but well, i i told her ( after she got thru tellin me about her and the biz and being true and stuff) that every time I heard her sing "Amazing Grace" it brought tears to my eyes (it still does!)...and she thanked me and told me a lil bit more about the gospel side of it all...I told her that I saw her on Jenny Jones on Valentines Day talking about influences and she sang a piece of "Amazing Grace" and i knew then that there was more to her than what we were seeing...there was something in there that we just weren't getting yet...and she thanked me (hey it's true okay)...saying that it was incredible that i was saying that...

i told her about how the LORD had been whispering in my ear about the BSB and as a teenager i never listened!!!!! i told her how i started listening and everything fell into place...and i soon realized it wasn't the BSB that i was being led to...i was being led to her...i told her about the AJ thing and being woken up and then buying her album and everything being so klear after i told her THANK YOU (which was the ENTIRE REASON why i got this kall...i asked, i was told...HE assured me that it would kome) b/c she helped me discover who i was and that i had to be true to myself before i kould be true w/ anyone else....she was well, flattered i'm sure...and i think we were on the same wavelength as in both needing to hear what the other was saying...

we talked some more about our HEAVENLY FATHER and how HE is just so in our lives and such...and all we have to do is listen to HIM he knows what's best for us and HE's helping us...

then at last, it was time for the konversation to end, but not w/o MOM intruding a kouple times! yes, she was at home...w/ MOM!!!! HI MOM!!!! LOL...but she said she was goin' to the gym (like she needs to! *sigh*) she then asked me if i wanted her to sing for me...alright, i DID NOT tell her this, but: HELLO!!!! NO I DON'T WANT YOU TO OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND SING...DUH!!!!

so i said "yes please" and WOW!!!!!!! i was speechless....kompletely and utterly shocked...she really does sound amazing...i know what KEVIN thought the first time he heard her....WHOA!!!!! she sang a spiritual that seems to be her theme right now...she told me she was singing it a lot lately...when i find the title i'll let ya'll know kay? and lemme tell ya, i was nearly in tears!!!!!

afterwards i was so shocked that she asked if i was there...i was just stunned...i told her that whenever she sang it did that to me...she thanked me, blessed me...we told each other that we were in each other's prayers and that was were the konversation ended....


lemme tell you this...she is sooo much deeper than her music...if you listen, yeah you kan hear it...but you have to listen with your heart....she has such a wonderful spirit that i managed to glimpse today...i wish you all kould have experienced it...she is something else...if she isn't an angel then she is really klose to being one...that voice, that all just lifts me...the peace i feel now makes up for all the hardships i have faced in the past three days and that i know i am going to face in the next week or so...all the arguing and bickering and yelling and krying has all been kovered with a peace, a kalm that wasn't there before...i know now that no matter what troubles i may face, the LORD is with me and HE has always been with me and he sent all of us a wonderful soul to teach us and lead us...and yes i am talking about HIS SON...but every so often, someone else komes along and is sooo inspired by HIS LOVE and HIS GRACE that we kan't help but take notice...i have known only three other ppl like this in my life: my grandmother, my friend, and my fiancee...and now KRYStAL

thank you MISS are the embodiment of a LIGHT that shines so that everyone experiences it, even if some choose not to see it...


So that was what I wrote about it. It was every bit as inspiring as it sounds too. Since I sent this to all my lists to let them know how incredible it was, I decided to include the replies to this konversation!