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27 JAN 2003
2237 PST

KRYStAL was finally in an episode, so I updated The IT Factor episode guide. I also fixed the link on The IT Factor main page.

15 JAN 2003
0129 PST

Well, I know it's been awhile. So here's the list of what I've done. There are new pictures up in the Scrapbook with more to come soon. Also there is a new section devoted to KRYStAL on The IT Factor. I'm also working on changing all the links because I'm in the process of moving my other website. So bare with me on that. Also, I made it so you could actually get to The Kountry Bears site and to The IT Factor site from the main page. (How stupid was I? You could get to the Kountry Bears page from everywhere else BUT the main page!)

6 AUG 2002
1513 PDT

Do you get the feeling that I like this? Making new pages, I mean! Well, this one was by chance. I came across some new KRYStAL pics and I just HAD to. It's the Albums page in the Scrapbook. Also, please note that the "Kaptures" page has changed. It is now: blah blah blah/kaptures.html...with a "K".

4 AUG 2002
2127 PDT

The Kountry Bears
Well, I added yet ANOTHER new section. So check out The Kountry Bears documenting stuff about KRYStAL in her first movie!

Celebrity Real World
KRYStAL World presents: Celebrity Real World. Going on right now, YOU can vote for who you think should be in the LA beach house. Visit The Casting Special to vote now!

I also added a few new little tidbits to the Stats page.

3 AUG 2002 0427 PDT

Well, the entire thing I wanted to put up about the Phone Kall! Even with STUPID HOTMAIL dumping my "sent items" folder! So go check it out here

2 AUG 2002
0239 PDT

Well, I posted the email I sent out IMMEDIATELY following the phone kall with MISS KRYStAL. If ya wanna read it go here

1 AUG 2002
0123 PDT

KRYStAL e-cards!
I joined Bravenet last night and am working on a photo gallery so ya'll kan send KRYStAL e-cards to your friends! Give me some time and I'll have a killer collection going! If ya wanna send e-cards NOW, there's a link on the main page!

24 JULY 2002
1350 PDT

Premiere of "The Country Bears" and a new kolor!
I added new pics of KRYStAL at the premiere of "The Country Bears" to the Scrapbook, but you have been warned, KRYStAL has a new kolor!

21 JULY 2002
0253 PDT

New kaptures from Bianca!
Check out the Kaptures Page and then Scrapbook Main Page for a new AMA pic.

Coming Soon!
A new fic series, and a ton of new fics and slash! I've been hit by the plot bunnies. And you know how bunnies like to mulitply!
