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The Phone Kall!



Created by: Angie

The last site update took place on:
August 3, 2002



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A lot of people emailed me when I told them about WINNING the phone kall. But a lot of those same people never responded to the phone kall itself! (I guess they were just too jealous to write anything! *lol*) But here are the few replies I did get to the actual email!

From: Pixie Girl
List: KRYStAL's Slash Supergirls
Date: June 28, 2002

I'm sooooo jealous right now. But really cool that you got to talk to her and it wasn't all formal and boring. :)


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From: Rihana
List: Cali BSB Girls
Date: June 27, 2002

That's great! hehe. the concert my sister told her she was pretty and she goes "Uh uh girl, you are" hehe. Ghetto. LoL

(* ; *)

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From: Jessica Jenkins
List: BSB Inn
Date: July 5, 2002

i'm sooooooo happy for you. omg i can't even express how happy that makes me feel. you're very blessed.


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From: krystal_fan247
Date: June 27, 2002

Hi, I read your phone call from Krystal. That was so cool!!! I Live in California too. I was just wondering what was it like to talk to Krystal. Was she just as normal as a you and me. I mean To talk to? I have meet Krystal, one time and she was totally cool to met. Krystal has an aswome voice too. I live the song MY Relgion in concert and on the Album. E-mail me back I would Love to talk to you more. Leah 19/FCA

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This one is my favorite!

From: storm_2725
List: The KRYStAL List
Date: June 27, 2002

Okay, I've never posted here, but I feel the need to say this to you Becca:

As much as I would have loved to talk to Krystal, after reading your post I'm glad you got the call! Girl, you made ME proud! Out of all the goofy things you could have asked, you took the time to talk to her about something that means alot to her and is obviously very special to you. Many people get angry at artists for always talking about God, but then singing "wordly" music. I'm glad that you and Krystal know that the spirit can shine through ANYTHING and that if you stay true to yourself and not worry about what everyone else thinks, the right people will notice...that you will touch someone else. I'm glad Krystal seems to have been as touched by your words as you have been by hers :) And I'm glad you shared this with's not everyday someone testifies on the message board ;-)

And if you remember any of the words to the song she sang for you I might be able to help. If it was Gospel, I've been listening to it ALL my life...if I don't know, my father is the "minister of music" at our church and I'm quite sure he would know!

:) Mie

Here is my reply, because I feel like it!

aw, sweetie...thank you for saying that....

one of the things i told KRYStAL that i neglected to mention in the email was that sometimes when you're out there on your own & you can't run home to mom & dad, HE is all you have to turn to...she agreed wholeheartedly...she knew exactly where i was koming from...

and i know this is gonna sound strange to most of you...but i think there was a konnection there...something that went beyond fan/idol..something that was speaking to both of us at the same time...just letting us know what to say and how to say it...i mean, i told her about knowing there was something more to her when i heard her sing "Amazing Grace" and THEN she went into how the LORD and the Gospel has helped was like we were just leading each was truly incredible and i probably kould have spent days talking to her about stuff...i mean, just everything...and there's so much more i wish i would have said, but it's okay...i know i'll get another chance....

the LORD gives us things when we are ready...and truly i had no idea what was in store for me today...the KRYStAL phone kall was something that SHOULD have started a great day right? wrong! after i got off the phone w/ her, i kalled my fiancee to tell her and then i got online and typed it all up for all of you! and when i got off is when the backlash hit...i won't go into details b/c they are rather upsetting, but it was far from the perfect day...but just remembering the sound of KRYStAL's voice would instantly bring back that peace that overtook me while we were on the phone for all the waiting i had to do and suffering through it, it was all good...the LORD gives us only what we kan handle...and well, HE knows i'll make it thru this and that i'll have KRYStAL right there beside me in spirit to guide me thru all the turbulance....

how often in someone's life does something like this's not everyday that's for sure...and it's not everyday you meet someone or talk to someone and instantly feel like you've known them forever and that somewhere in HEAVEN your souls have danced together before...i really wish that you all kould have shared in it for it was truly DIVINE and HEAVENLY and she has such as HEAVENLY voice...she is as klose to an angel as one kan get i think...

i know why i had this opportunity...the LORD was giving me this chance to say THANK YOU...b/c she was the katalyst...she was the one who made me sit up and notice that i was different than that person beside me...that i wasn't there for the BSB, i was there for her...i saw the LIGHT from her from the very beginning and was just blown away...she is soooo much more than she appears...she hasn't sold out...she has changed...she's being true to herself & her MAKER is allowing those who are true of heart and kind of spirit to experience it...HE wants all of HIS children to know of the LOVE that HE has for them...sometimes HE does that in the form of preachers, ministers, pastors, and fathers....sometimes HE does that in the form of angels...and sometimes HE does that in the form of ordinary people like you and me who have a special gift that HE has given them to share with the rest of us...

most of what i have been saying has just been koming out of me...the LORD gave me a gift as well, a gift of words...and every so often HE gives me words to express exactly what is going on...and this is what HE is doing now and what HE did earlier...i only had a few things PLANNED to say....nothing much...just a kouple of questions to set things straight in everyone's mind and such, and to say THANK YOU...but other than that, the LORD just gave me what to say...all b/c i asked HIM...

i pray all the time, though not on bended knee like most people....i pray at work, i pray at school, i pray in my room, i pray outside...whenever it strikes me that i need to tell HIM something, i do...and KRYStAL is always in my prayers...every time i hear a song by her, see a video, or anything, i thank the LORD for bringing her into my life and i pray that HE keeps her safe...

she is just the perfect person for someone to idolize...aside from their parents...i mom just doesn't get my passions and my obsessions...i would NEVER tell her about the phone kall...she wouldn't understand...b/c i like KRYStAL not just as an artist but also as a person...she's normal, just happens to have an extraordinary gift that LORD gave her and told her to use...she is someone i truly admire....someone who allows the LORD to guide them and not be sidetracked or betrayed by fake fronts or falsehoods...i mean, i was chosen to carry the Olympic Torch b/c i'm an inspiring person...but if i had to pick someone who is an inspiration to me, it would be KRYStAL

but now that i've gone on and on...i must depart...i've been at this for too long and i have a spot in bed that is getting kold!!!! not that that would be a bad thing right now...anyone who wants to talk more...i'm available!!!!!!

may the LORD bless you...