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**Web Site Articles**

Miss Krystal, From: WickedColors
Small Girl, Big Talent, From: UK Music
Untitled, From: PopZine Online

Author: Rebecca Rob

Miss Krystal

Question: What do you get if you mix pure musical talent with a soulful voice and a funky style?

Answer: Miss Krystal

Who: A 20 year old singer/songwriter from the USA. She was the first artist signed to the Backstreet Boys own label. Krystal released her debut album, Me & My Piano, all over North and South America last summer and now she is back with a new soulful sound, which will be hitting audiences worldwide. The lucky lady toured with the BSBs last year on their massive Black & Blue tour.

Any more: Yes, she has a cameo role in this summers Disney movie 'Country Bears'. She also wrote the theme song 'Kid In You'.

I chatted to Miss Krystal to get the full low-down on what life has been like this past year for the world's fastest rising star.

You have been changing your style a bit lately, what is happening with your hair?
I can be a chameleon at times but on this next album I am getting a chance to go back to my roots. As people get older you begin to see who they really are and you will always see my roots at each stage of my career. As for my hair, I am changing my style a little bit.

Whose fashion sense do you really admire?
The person that I think is really hot would be Mary J Blige. On one hand she will be wearing just jeans and on the other she will drive up in Gucci. I really dig her style because it is just soulful and beautiful.

Everybody knows that you are a musical supergirl. On your last record you played the piano on all tracks, what can we expect on this next record?
I will always be playing the piano and on this new record I am playing piano, flute, organ and also the drums!

You've had the chance to collaborate with the Backstreet Boys on your debut record, who have you been working with lately?
I have been doing some stuff with Mary Mary and it looks like I might be doing a duet with Genuwine soon.

Are you still hanging out with the BSB as much?
We are always hooked up and talking about things. They have been involved in the fight for me to be me. They are always involved with everything I do.

With all that work has there been any time for romance?
(laughs) I have not had the time! It takes a lot of extra energy and this past six months or so I have been focused on the Lords love and that really helps.

What do you think of stars like Nelly being at the top of the charts?
I give props to those guys because I know where they came from. They just shot up; they came from having not much at all to having everything.

Are you happier with your new material?
Yes, the first album touched so many lives and I am so thankful for all of that. This new album is more of a comfort for me and I am really excited about it.

What are you doing right now and when can we expect to see you in the UK?
Right now, I am doing the movie thing and having lots of meetings with movie companies. I am going to be doing a few more songs for soundtracks. The biggest thing I am doing right now is finishing my new album and you can expect to see us in Europe really soon!

And finally do you have a message for your fans in the UK?
I am so thankful for you guys out there, you mean everything to me. I look forward to being able to see you in person and I hope that the new music blesses you because it has blessed me and I am really excited about it.

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Source: UK
Author: Unknown


The UK will soon be visited by a brand new musical talent. A petite, 20 year old singer/songwriter, named Miss Krystal, will soon be visiting our shores with her very own brand of soulful tunes. Playing the piano, flute, guitar, bass and drums, she sets herself apart from her contemporaries.

As the first artist signed to the Backstreet Boys own label, she has already released a successful debut album throughout the US and was the opening act for the BSB's massive Black & Blue world tour. Her vocal talent is not to be ignored either. Her live performances have showcased her amazing vocal talent and proved what a gifted performer she really is.

Miss Krystal will soon be releasing her second album entitled 'Hip, Pop and Soul - Volume 1,' Worldwide. So I gave her a call to get the latest for

So Krystal, tell us what we can expect from your new album?
Well, I have been involved in the whole writing process. I am playing the piano as much as I did on the first record. I am also playing the flute and organ as well as the drums.

What's your fave track?
That would be 'Sing to Me', it's a very spiritual song and it means a lot to me. There is also a song that will probably end up being on my album called 'Destination'. I wrote it with one of the guys who starred in the 'Save The Last Dance' TV special that I filmed. He and I wrote it when we were in Toronto and it was one of the most beautiful songs ever, and we wrote it in an hour!

Have you met any inspiring people lately?
Just recently I went to the 'Lilo & Stich' premiere and when I was there I met Wynona Judd. I used to really like Wynona when I was growing up and she was awesome. She was totally being herself and that really inspired me.

What personal qualities would you say set you apart from other artists your age?
I hope that they hear a message of hope in my music. They will hear that Christ is there for them. The most important message in our lives is that someone is there for us and they care. I hope that when they listen to my music they will hear something different, and that they will hear my faith in my music.

Do you think that music helps people get through terrible events such as September 11th?
Yes, and also prayer. I think that prayer helps a lot of people get through things like that. It was interesting because I actually got to go down there. If you think of how many lives were lost it was like there were that many people who came down to the scene to help restore it and it was just incredible to see that.

On a brighter note, what have you planned for the rest of this year?
Well, right now I am having a lot of meetings with movie companies and I am going to be doing a few more songs for soundtracks. The biggest thing I am doing this year is finishing off my new album!

When the interview is over, Miss Krystal blasts a hymn down the phone line and it is clear from her note perfect voice and charisma that she is going to take the music world by storm.

You can also catch Miss Krystal in this summers' Disney movie 'Country Bears', where she performs the theme song 'Kid in You', that she wrote alongside Dallas Austin.

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Source: PopZine Online
Author: Jules Wagoner

This interview took place in June 2001.

PZO: What's your favorite pick up line?

Krystal: I have a problem with pick up lines! Well, sometimes I've heard the cheesiest pick up lines in the book. I don't know cuz for me it's more impressive if a guy comes up and is himself rather than being like "Hey ya got a quarter? I need to call my mom and tell her I just met the girl of my dreams." That to me I just wanna go "Oh're cheesy. Kraft from the Kraft factory." So if the guy is kind of cool and smooth..that's the kinda guy I like.

PZO: So have you had any weird dreams lately?

Krystal: I had a dream that there was this guy that I knew that I kind of dated for a while. It was a while back. I had a dream the other night that he came back and found me in whatever city I was in at the time. It was weird 'cause I felt scared. I was like Nooo!! Please!! I can't get back with you! He's really really tall and in the dream he looked like the jolly green giant cause I'm so short. It was so weird cuz the dude was like 10/11 feet tall. It was really exaggerated. I was really scared in the dream. Maybe it means I'm phobic about my height

PZO: What's the stupidest thing you've bought that you thought was good at the time?

Krystal: I can't believe I did this. I bought some kind of food processor/blender type of deal. I don't know why at the time I thought I needed it because I'm on the road. I thought it was sucha good idea so I could make shakes and fruit smoothies. I could be miss health fanatic..I never use that thing! I think I spent 50 bucks on it which wasn't that bad, but 50 bucks I could buy some other things with 50 bucks like buy somebody a gift. Don't buy blenders they don't do much. They just take so much time just go to Orange Julius.

PZO: What's the most memorable bumper sticker you've seen?

Krystal: I see alot of bumper stickers but to me..the one I always remember that I hate are Christians aren't perfect just forgiven. That is the stupidest bumper sticker on the planet! Because nobody is perfect and everyone is forgiven. It's totally wrong. It makes everyone feel like crap. It's like an excuse.

PZO: Do you have a favorite line from a movie?

Krystal: My favorite movie is the Matrix. And my favorite line from that movie is "Don't think you are, know you are." Actually, it's my philosophy now. It's the thing, a phrase I live by now. I'm sucha big Matrix fan. I wish I could be in that movie.

PZO: Do you wish you could have a video where you could have that special Matrix scene in it?

Krystal: Absolutely. I wanna learn to fight and all that.

PZO: What's your best caught in the act story?

Krystal: Oh no! These are good questions...caught in the act caught in the one point in time I was on a diet where I cut out cheese and mayonnaise. The thing is I love mayonnaise! I mean mayonnaise is so good. French fries and mayonnaise are high on cholesterol but taste really good. I can cut cheese out with no problem, but mayonnaise is one of my downfalls. My manager Mook was looking out for me, you know? Making sure I didn't eat the wrong thing. Well at one point, I remember I had gotten really good for about 3 days. A couple times I got really grumpy. I was like "grrr." I didn't wanna talk to anybody. I was trying to sneak a sandwich with mayonnaise on it. 'Cause if you don't ask for it with no mayonnaise, they'll bring it to you with mayonnaise. So, I was saying the order really fast. The person brings it back and Mook looks and sees the mayonnaise dripping off the side. He was like, "Nah girl, you ain't eating that." I was really excited about my mayonnaise. I thought I won, but I didn't.

PZO: What was the worst job you've ever had?

Krystal: Now, I've been really lucky actually in my life to have good jobs. What's funny is I don't think there's been a really bad job honestly. When I was about 7 years old, I started working. My mom was basically jumping about me being independent at a young age so I had a checking account. I was balancing. I was doing everything at that time. Paying bills..and everything! I started working at the studio doing commercials and voice-overs things like that. I continued to do that all the way up 'till this started to happen. So I've been really blessed beyond belief by the Lord in heaven to have things enjoyable that taught me alot.

PZO: What's the weirdest/strangest gift you've ever received from a fan?

Krystal: I've received so many cool things. Um..I think the strangest thing I received..and this was cool to me because it meant alot to the girl. There was a girl who came up to the autograph table in all black who was like a Goth chick which was awesome. She took this ring off her finger and handed it to me. She asked "Can I give this to you?" and I was like "Sure! That's sweet thanks!" It was a pentogram. A ring with a pentagram on it. I've never gotten anything with a pentagram on it needless to say about the church. But then again I was like that's so cool 'cause I know that probably meant-- is a big deal to her. But that was so awesome! People give you things that are totally-- they mean alot to them. I've gotten bracelets and stuff. I think those people would want to keep their jewelry. But they don't, they give it away because they feel the love from you and back. You would think they'd want to keep it for their own possession.On the other hand it's awesome. So I guess jewelry would be the strangest gift.

PZO: What's the best prank you've played on someone?

Krystal: I don't know if I'm able to play pranks! I'm a geek. I'm the one who always gets pranks played on me! Let me think here.. A long time ago, my dad's kind of a three stooges kind of guy. He usually does stuff like that. Let me tell you about the best prank played on me. I used to have an extra key to the house. It was under the mat incase I forgot mine which I often did. So this one time in particular I forgot my key and so I reached under the mat, got the key, and I unlocked the door and went inside. Well, I stuck the key on top of the toaster oven and I think I had made some kind of toast or something and the key was still sitting on top of the toaster oven. I put it there all the time. My dad kept telling me don't set it on top of the toaster oven. He kept telling me no and I kept doing it out of habit. So this one time I set it up there. I made some toast before my parents got home. I was back in my room listening to music or something. My dad goes, "Krystal, come here." I walk down the hall..I didn't notice at the time, but he had a napkin wrapped around his hand and he was holding this key in the napkin. And he says, "Is this your key?" And I grabbed it out of his hand and I didn't know the key was burning hot from sitting on top of the toaster oven. It took me a minute but it was like that slow motion type thing where I was like "AHHHH!!!" and I dropped it on the floor! It actually really hurt! My dad was laughing at me and my mom was like, "Phil, I can't believe you did that." Needless to say, I never put my key on top of the toaster oven again. What better thing, It taught me a lesson. Ow..but thanks Dad.

PZO: What's it like touring with the Backstreet boys?

Krystal: It's totally cool. The boys are like my family. They are really good friends and big brothers who are there to kick my butt. They've made it like a family atmosphere. I'm really honored to be a part of the tour.

PZO: If you could be handcuffed to one person for the rest of your life who would it be?

Krystal: I like this! I would choose Mook, my manager. There's nobody that knows me better than him. It would be someone that I know would change my life. I'd do that.

PZO: What's your favorite song off of the album?

Krystal: I really like all of them but my most favorite is "You're the Reason". It's a duet with the Backstreet Boys. Really the main reason why it's so special isn't the fact that they joined us, but it was the first song Mookie and I ever did together when I first met him. It's a very special song. Not to mention, it's about Christ which is really the most important thing.

PZO: What can we look forward to after the tour?

Krystal: The tour started back in January and it ends around New Years. I hope if everything goes okay..and I'm lucky enough to have success off the tour, off the first album. I'll be lucky enough to have my own tour. We're going to be doing alot of stuff. We're gonna do charity. We started a Krystal and Mook children’s foundation. We'll be doing a merchandise thing where we sell T-shirts and the proceeds go to children so they can fulfill their dreams.

PZO: Have you ever had a strange phone call from someone?

Krystal: Basically, it was like "is your mom there?" "is your dad there?" It freaked me out 'cause they never told me who they are. I was scared cause it was thinking there was a person looking in my window while asking "What's your favorite scary movie, wanna play a game?" That's what I expected. I was like Oh my god! Who are you?!? you freak! I basically hung up after they said that. Freaky!

PZO: Out of the Backstreet Boys, if you had to choose one of the boys for a prom date which would you choose?

Krystal: They're all kind of like my brothers which would be weird. I'd pick Aj as my prom date. He's fun and wacky. We have a lot in common. He's a good singing partner. We sing together alot. He's a soul/ rock singer kinda like me. So I guess it would be him.