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KRYStAL World!




Fan Fiction



The Phone Kall!




Created by: Angie

The last site update took place on:
August 3, 2002



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These are the articles posted on starting with the earliest, giving the kontest rules!

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"Win A Phone Call From Krystal"

Hey guys--- Melissa from Vteens.Org here with a mission (if you choose to accept it.) Yes! Ent (Miss Krystal's management) wants YOU to help them decide which song becomes Miss Krystal's new single, and because we know you rock, we've taken the liberty of uploading 7 choice tracks from her new album, out this summer. The possibilities are endless, and only YOU can make this happen!

We know it's going to be tough to choose just one Krystal ditty to unleash upon the world, and as always, we wouldn't leave you with such a heavy responsibility without giving you a very handsome reward.

That's right, we're talkin' prize time, baby.

As soon as you give us your creative input on the track you choose, you'll be randomly entered for a chance to win a phone call with Miss Krystal herself, your choice to gab, dish, or gossip with the Supergirl. The more times you participate, the more chances you have to win.

So show some support and get votin'--Miss Krystal's counting on you!

Now winning - well that is easy!
We have a "poll" on which all the tracks from Krystal's choices are listed -- Just Vote-Away
After you vote drop email to us telling us why you chose the song you did

ONE Winner will be chosen at Random

You Must be registered with VTeens - and you must include your email and user name so we can verify and know who and where to send the prize to - If your not a member join - if you are - edit the info on your profile to be correct so we can contact you.

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The VTeens Staff has gone over every detail surrounding this contest and we have a WINNER!

She's Krazi4Krystal.

She's from California.

She is BECCA!