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Storage Room Secrets (Part 1)

TITLE: Storage Room Secrets [1/?]
AUTHOR: *note, author uses alias, this is not her real name* Ambrose Chavez
EMAIL/FEEDBACK: agent47AChavez@h...
DISTRIBUTION: Feel free to archive this work as long as you notify me of its location so I can visit the site!
DISCLAIMER: ALIAS is the property of ABC, Touchtone Pictures, Bad Robot Productions, and is the creation of JJ Abrams. Sadly, I have no part in it.
SUMMARY: Sydney and Vaughn must learn that every decision has a price.
CLASSIFICATION: dramatic romance
AUTHOR'S SPECIAL NOTE: Hello, I hope you enjoy reading this piece. It's a WIP, and assumes that the reader has knowledge of the first season. This story takes place a short time after "Almost Thirty Years". While there is no appearance (yet) made by Sydney's mom in this first chapter, rest assured she'll come up at some point in the series. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and if you have any suggestions, please feel free to email me! *Ambrose

Desire. It poured though him, spread throughout him like a disease by which he would willingly die. Half pleased, half cursing her outfit without any real heat, he welcomed her into the storage room that was theirs.

"Hey." He said easily. It had been a hard week for her, he knew.

It had been a hard week on all of them.

She smiled weakly, lowering herself gracefully onto a crate, and managed to look incredibly sexy while doing so. He gulped a little and had to clear his throat from the tightening that occurred when her tight black skirt rode up an inch or two, and once more when she crossed her legs.

Tearing his gaze from their silky appearance, he forced his eyes to stay trained on her face.

Her eyes were haggard and tired, and for the first time in a long while, there was a dark shadowing beneath them. Bags of burden and failure lay beneath her usually bright, determined eyes. She was tired. She had forgotten to wear gloss, he noticed, as she kept licking her lips, unconsciously turning him on.

Finally, he stared at the top of her head. It was one thing that, perhaps if he tried hard enough, he could think rationally about.

"How've you been?" He felt the need to ask though he knew the answer. He simply wanted her to spill her emotions onto him so at least he could ease her burden, join her in her pain, and help her through the anguish.

She didn't look at him. Instead, she kept her gaze fixated on her black pumps as she circled her ankle restlessly. Her fingers gripped the edge of the crate tightly, her knuckles white.

"I keep thinking, maybe, just maybe…" In the quiet shelter of the storage room, she sounded suddenly small and raw. She heaved a heavy sigh before she continued. "Maybe if I had just hurried a bit more, ran a little faster, been more careful. Maybe it wouldn't have happened."

He nodded silently. He understood how she felt. All the `what ifs' of life had once plagued him too. The possibilities, he found himself agreeing, were indeed endless.

"It isn't as if you intended for it to happen." He sat on the edge of the crate with her. She moved over to make space for him, and he filled it. "There are risks to this job. We take them willingly. We all do."

"But if I had just done my job better, my father wouldn't have been shot, he wouldn't have a broken arm! He came back to save me, and it cost him!" she said fiercely. She looked up at him. "You wouldn't have almost died."

"You would have done the same for him if the roles had been reversed."

"Yeah, but I could have gotten out. He didn't have to. I'm trained to escape in all situations, whether I'm caught, held, and tortured, or just to run from guards. I'm trained to be constantly alert, to notice every minute detail. I would have found a way out."

He smiled thinly. "I have no doubt about that, Sydney. But your father did the right thing. If he had left you there… think about it this way. If he didn't come back to save you, SD-6 would have wondered where you were. Your cover could have been blown. I made it out okay, you didn't have to worry about me. I'm trained to escape and improvise too, Syd."

She nodded. She wouldn't admit it to him, not yet, that she had been sick with worry over him. The only thing that overshadowed her concern was her shock at finding out that her mom was The Man.

"But how can I criticize you for trying to save me?" he sighed. "I would have done the same for you."

She leaned forward, rested her elbow on her bent knee and laid her head in her hand. The headache that pulsed behind her eyes was still there, relentless. The guilt that wracked her heart with every beat wound its way around it and tightened.

"What I mean is, I shouldn't have gotten caught in the first place." Her shoulders were straight, tense with personal disappointment. "I should have seen or heard the guard coming. I should have been able to fight him."

Vaughn crossed his arms across his chest and dropped his head, staring at the floor. Looking up at her again, he tried to think of something to say.

"We can't help everything. We're not always in control, Sydney. We're smart, but we can't underestimate the enemy either. It's a huge mistake if we do. We anticipated resistance and the difficulty of this mission. No, it didn't go off without a hitch, but the important thing is you're safe."

She said nothing.

"Hong Kong is over, Syd. We have other worries that are more immediate. The agency has been keeping tabs on Dixon. For your sake, we're considering having you lay low on counterintelligence for a while." He waited for her protest. It worried him that it didn't come.

"He hasn't reported me yet, but he's thinking about it. He's watching me. He doesn't trust me, Vaughn. I know he doesn't trust me anymore. I can't really blame him." She raised her head from her hand and brushed back her hair, tucked it behind her ear.

Vaughn watched the movement, and uncrossed his arms. This poor, tired girl gave so much, and her reward was a life of secrets and lies. And betrayal of the highest degree.

"Then, there's my mother…" her voice trailed off. "Of all the people we suspected, we didn't suspect her. I was so shocked, I couldn't think. I sat, dumbfounded. I don't know how my father was able to time it so that she and Khasinau weren't nearby when he broke in and helped me. I don't know why my mother would…"

Giving in to the temptation, he reached over her shoulder and let his hand stroke her hair once, then he rested it on her shoulders, lightly drawing her to him.

She broke. The dam of steel barriers she built around her emotions shattered, and the tears came hard and fast. A sob burst from her throat as the weight of anxiety she carried finally burst through. For once, it was too much at one time, and she needed someone to understand. Needed someone to hold her.

Needed someone to comfort her. Not just anyone. Sydney needed Vaughn.

At precisely this one moment in time, the world around her melted away into dreams, nightmares, and memories. His arms banded around her, sheltering her from the dreary reality that was her life. One of her hands gripped the sleeve of his suit, the other fisted around his crisp white dress shirt. Her tears soaked his shoulder, and her sobs echoed in his ears.

He tried to quiet her, to calm her. Holding her close as he's always wanted to, his heart soared, then sank again. This wasn't something he'd done out of passion, but because she needed it. Realizing that for the first time, verbal words weren't sufficient to communicate her troubles. It was something soul-deep, and something heartbreaking.

He offered all he could, trying desperately, not to give up his heart as well. His mind and body betrayed him, though. His hand ran up and down her back in soothing strokes, and his lips uttered mindless endearments and consolations. Not just in English, he realized later, but in French and Italian as well.

He kissed the top of her head, still trying to comfort her. Her sobs were loud wails of anguish, and his heart was beginning to tear at the seams for her. Pressing her against him, he continued to mumble various phrases that surprised even him.

"Hush now, baby. There's no need to cry. I'm here, and the world is beyond us. Love is strength, and will get you through. Draw comfort from the pool of love, and you'll never cease to be complete." Italian and English this time.

Feeling her pain seep through her, and into him, Vaughn closed his eyes momentarily, absorbing it. God, what a great obligation this woman imposed upon herself.

He shifted positions, letting her rest against the curve of his neck and shoulder with one arm encompassing her. He caressed her hand that fisted in his shirt, and she immediately released it, linking her fingers with his.

Staring at their hands fused together, Vaughn made a vow in his heart. All this will pay off one day, Sydney. I'll make sure of it.

When her tears subsided and her sobs were subdued, she sniffled and stayed where she was. It hurt to talk, but she croaked a weak "thank you".

He gave her a smile, and dropped his head to place a kiss on her hairline again. He knew it was inappropriate, but he didn't care. Sometimes the line between a working, professional relationship and friendship blended and amalgamated until they were one.

She must have realized it too, because she sat very quiet and still. Finally, she swallowed hard once and cleared her throat of its constrictions.

"Michael?" she questioned.

He rested his cheek on her head and wondered if she was going to tell him to back off. He grunted in response.

"Will we ever get to go to that hockey game?" she sighed, nestling in closer.

He laughed at that. It was good to know that despite it all, she could still strive for something normal.

"Yeah," he smiled. "Someday we'll go to that hockey game."

"Good." She said firmly. A few moments pass, and neither of them moved. "Michael?"

Vaughn was beginning to like the sound of his first name on her tongue. He grunted again.

"We'll get my mother, won't we?"

His eyes went dark and sharp. "Yes, Sydney, we'll get her." How could she fake it all? How was it possible that she could be so cold? So deceptive? So uncaring?


He had unwittingly gathered her closer.

"Are you just going to hold me?"

"What?" he stiffened. His heart tripped, missed a beat. His mind woke up from its languid pleasure, snapped to attention.

"Or are you going to kiss me?"

What kind of question was this?! He thought uncomfortably.

"The thought's crossed my mind." He confessed quietly. "More than once."

"Oh." She said.

`Oh'? That was it? That was all she was going to say?

She leaned back, angled her head curiously at him and met his eyes with clear honey-colored ones. Her eyes were a little puffy and red from crying, her cheeks pink, her lips rosy. "What are you waiting for?"

He switched his gaze from her. "Uh, the right time?"

"What about now?"

"Listen, Sydney," he spoke. "We both know there's this attraction between us—"

"—Right. And it's time we acknowledged it," she rationalized.

He gulped. So, his gut was right – she was attracted to him as he was to her. "I just don't want you to do anything you might regret. Especially at a time like this, where you're not…"

He wanted to say `emotionally stable' but didn't think the phrase would please her.

"When I'm not thinking clearly?" she scoffed. "I've wound myself so tight that I'm bound to break apart sometime. I did, and I thank you for letting me. Now that's passed, I'm in the clear. I don't want reservations, and I won't regret a thing. I've been thinking about it for some time, Michael. I want you to kiss me."

Had Vaughn been a few feet from her, rather than right next to her, his eyes would have widened, and his jaw would have dropped. Instead, his eyes shone with brilliant delight, and his lips curved in a mischievous grin. "I didn't know you wanted me to."

Softly, slowly he bent his head to hers and pressed his lips against hers, letting them move slowly against and with each other. Her lips were soft and tender, and the heat between them escalated. There was a little gasp of thrill and pleasure that escaped her throat when she opened her mouth at his tongue's urging, and let him slip in to tangle with hers. She clutched at him, and groaned a small protest when he pulled away.

"Wow." She mumbled, somewhat disoriented. "I got what I asked for."

He smiled at her again, warmly. It had been the first real kiss between them, and it had sizzled and sparkled. It had been sweet, sensuous, and slow.

It had been pleasure and torment at the same time.

"I got what I've always dreamed." He said in French.

She smiled up at him, and leaned in for one more kiss. Just one more, she promised. One more time, she wanted to feel him against her, she wanted to taste the forbidden with a flash and instantaneous desire. Need meeting need. He obliged her wishes, and gave into his own.

Embraced and ensconced in each others arms, mouths hungrily nipping and devouring the other, they remained blissfully unaware of the presence that had stepped in the gateway to the storage room.

It was how he found them, so engrossed in their passion that shook him to the core. For a moment, he watched, surprised. Then he shook his head in swift disapproval, and suppressed the anger that welled up in him. His neck and shoulders became rigid, and he slipped behind a tall crate, concealing himself in the darkness.

Out of his breast pocket, he pulled a compact, long-range camera. When he looked up again, he noted that Vaughn's jacket was off, laying haphazardly on the edge of the crate and dragging on the floor. Quietly, he zoomed in and took silent photos of the two.
