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My first vacation

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Amelia Island, FL with Nonnie and Boompa

Nappin' with Boompa

Making a face at Boompa while I'm sleepin'

My feet (so cute, right?)

Mama feeding me poolside

I'm still eating and Boompa videos the whole thing

Daddy gets a shot at feeding me after cooling off in the pool

Boompa trying to wake me up so we can go eat

Jane finally gets to hold me

Mama, Daddy, me, Nonnie and Boompa at the crowsnest

Mama napping with me

Mama napping with me 2

Me and Mama on the beach


Gator Country Gainesville, FL --

visiting my Great Grandmeme and Great Grandpapa

Waiting to go to Gainesville (bw)

Waiting to go to Gainesville (color)

Great Uncle Ed holding me for the first time

My Great Grandmeme loved me

My Great Grandparents love to watch me

Me with Great Grandmeme and Great Grandpapa (bw)

My Dad's cousin Natali holding me, she's funny

Cousin Natali and her mom Great Aunt Rhonda

Boompa's Cousin Donna came to se me too

Great Grandpapa holding me for the first time while I looked at dad like a crazy person

My Dad's cousin Jensen loved holding me, until I cried (which wasn't much, I promise)

Click on the helmet . . . just a hint for you

On the way down we stopped to see Cousin Emily and Great Uncle Bob and Lois in Atlanta

Group picture

Mom me and Cousin Emily

Great Uncle Bob and Aunt Lois talking to me




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