have you ever really really wanted a pet but for some reason couldn't? well now i'm giving you the chance! not only to have a pet, but have an e-vil pet! what could be more fun! especially since you don't need to feed, water or clean up the poop! yay! *runs in little circles*
all you gotta do is save the picture to your hard drive (pc: right-click, save-as) and then either upload it to your site, or print it out.. you'll find something to do with them, i know....
now, it's not a requirement, but i'd appreciate it if you link back to my site. i've even provided some banners.. more coming soon..
*note: i found most of these graphics on the palace*
wanna see what the pets would look like on different coloured backgrounds? (yes, they all have transparent backgrounds! whoo-hoo!) clicky de buttons below!
cute and cuddly
pure eevil
all images and ideas Šopyright Lizz, 2002, unless otherwise stated
props and dolls made possible by the letter P, the number 6, and the palace.