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My Info!

Some more of my favorite things!

Actor: Morgan Freeman, Edward Norton, Johnny Depp

Actresses: Charlize Theron, Christina Ricci, Wynonna Ryder, Ashley Judd, Jennifer Connelly

Movies: The Shawshank Redemption, Seven, Requiem for a Dream, Clueless (total guilty pleasure!), Labyrinth, A Beautiful Mind, The Fellowship of the Rings

Bands: Offspring (mainly because of their older stuff), System of a Down, The Vandals, the crystal method, Drowning Pool, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, Weezer, Foo Fighters, Stabbing Westward, Smashing Pumpkins, Radiohead, Oasis, Travis, NIN, Nirvana, Marilyn Manson, Kittie, JIMMY EAT WORLD, Gob, Godhead, Adema, Godsmack, The Rolling Stones, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, MxPx, and many more!

Song: "Eleanor Rigby"- Godhead, "Smash"-Offspring, "Buddy Holly"- Weezer, "Save Yourself"- Stabbing Westward, "Benevolence"- V-Mob, "Wonderwall"- Oasis

Food: Sweet and Sour Shrimp

Drink: Mountain Dew or OJ

Store: Goodwill, Hot Topic

Place: Seattle

Author: Stephen King, James Patterson, James Redfield

Book: The Celestine Prophecy, Kiss the Girls, It

If you want to get ahold of me, e-mail me or contact me on:

ICQ: 2015040


Yahoo! Messenger: alternagrl17

AOL: AIternagrl17

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