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My Cheesy Photo Album

Welcome to my online photo album. There aren't many pictures up yet, since I haven't TAKEN many pics yet, but you know how it goes. If you keep checking back, more might just randomly pop up! :-)

This is me!

<---And this is me after my haircut--->.

Look Ma! No spikes! :-) hehe

And these fine people are my friends.

Here's my buddy, Eric

Isn't he a super-stud?

Here's Katrina and Eric... Amature porn?!

Good ol' Chad!! Katrina, Eric, and Chad!

And here's my roommate, Terra, after she spilled her cereal all over herself.

Fun times!

Terra getting her haircut by Karah. Notice the frightened look on her face?

Terra and Sky being weirdos... As always!

This is my friend, Tyler. :-) Isn't he cuuuute?

Here's Jeremy---> <---and Jesse!

Jesse, the sexy beast once again!

Karah...She's surprised I'm taking her picture maybe? :-)

Jess is being his usual friendly self!

Montana, super computer genius!

And how could I leave out Moe?

I'm not quite sure why Moe's lip looks so HUGE here...

Ahh, the mysteries of science!

This is Setheronio, he kinda looks like Keanu Reeves! hehe

And these little studs are my nephews, aren't they CUTE? They're twins, if you hadn't noticed ;-)

Alex---> <---and Andrew

Schylar, my super hip and happening niece...She looks pretty goth, eh? hehe

My sister, Dona, my mom, and my nephews! What a happy family ;-)

And this is my other sister, LISA!

Condom fun!

Random pics at UM!

This is just a view of the mountains at sunset from out my dorm room window.

And this is once again from my window...

This was a random picture Jess told me to take of the mountains outside Missoula.

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