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Natalie’s Diary Archives

Natalie’s Diary Archives
Archives from past dates

Tuesday, January 15

This is some pretty awesome shiznit. I must remind you all that there will be no lesbian pornography..just normal hetero stuff ^_~

I will swear (on my honor) to update my respectable (*falls over laughing*) side of the webpage. I will make an attempt not to use "verbiage" that would offend a 48 year-old Hell's Angel biker dude...though I have been known to make them blush...and cry (sorry Bubba!!!! I didn't really mean it!)

Anyway - we're approaching the a.m. of Wednesday morning so I will summarize what I did today:

  • Went to my T/Th a.m classes (Math/HPS)
  • Went out for yummy sushi with my guy
  • Made an attempt to bleach some hair (heh...heh..)
  • Babysat my two sweeties Dan and Kevin
  • Created an award winning web page

    And that's it for me! Kisses and Kaboodles!

    <3 Natalie (Jan 15 11:56 p.m.)

    Wednesday, January 16

    Check out my archive to see what I said yesterday..i'm sure it's some amusing stuff (I amuse to please). We had a little technical difficulties yesterday with Laura's column...Angelfire was trying to shank us without our belts on and do dastardly things to us...but I think everything's gonna be ok *crosses fingers*

    Today was a pretty crummy day for me...nothing seemed to go my way...but i'm not blaming anyone. Had a hard time staying awake in classes due to the fact that they were offensively BORING...not to mention I spent an hour and fifteen minutes in Composition talking about Ancient Greek's homosexual relationships - trying not to notice that my professor had a hard on the entire time.

    Spent time with my guy and that went well 'cept I refer to the above comment that I didn't get my way (I think I can live with that) I know he's enjoying the fact that he's a tease to me!!!!!!! (not upset...just pouting like a baby about it)

    Went downtown to see "Cats" at the glorious FOX theatre only to realize my tickets were for TOMORROW night..ahhh ok laugh...but I know where you live! To add to the discomfort my Dad's cd player in his car stopped workin because of my carelessness - So riding in the car downtown with him like that was a trip that I care not to take again.

    Besides that it was an uneventful killing contracts or drug dealin' today (my agent swore they'd be calling me!) So I will say g'nite early with an exasperating sigh.

    And that's it for me! Kisses and Kaboodles!

    <3 Natalie (Jan 15 10:00 p.m.)

    Thursday, January 17

    Another night another day - and I have a ticket stub from "Cats" and a throbbing finger for profits.

    Besides getting about 5 hours of sleep last night, the day started off in a typical fashion. A stupid lecture in Math Modeling about stuff I learned in 8th grade...and a less than fun work out in HPS (hey! I can do 30 push-ups!)I speant the remainder of my afternoon with Robb and that was great as always (he made me a yummy lunch)except for the adventure of getting back into his house (make-shift robbers can now ask me for tips on how to pry open a painted shut window!) I then made a stop at my house for various reasons..and on my out I decided to give my cat Solo (a Maine Coon kitten that weighs 20 lbs)a treat. He decided he didn't want the treat to end with my finger so he bit it. Yes...that little shit head bit through my fingernail leaving two puncture marks on the actual nail!!! It bled not only where he cut into my flesh..but through the holes in my nail as well. Let's just say this happend almost 8 hours ago and my poor lil finger is still throbbing...I can't use it for anything!!!

    Day got better though when I went to go see the best musical of all time and the longest running show on broadway, "Cats" at the FOX theatre. They did a pretty good job..though obviously it can't compare to the London version on video/cd. The show just let out an hour that's pretty much been my day. Hopefully my finger will heal without the nail falling off (I don't think it will....but this has never happened to me before). At least I've learned a lesson today: DO NOT HAND FEED A 20 POUND CAT.

    Well, that's it for me tonight..I must let my wounds heal.

    Kisses and Kaboodles!

    <3 Natalie (Jan 17 12:00 a.m.)

    Friday, January 18

    If anyone cares my finger did not fall off and yes it does feel better. I can't believe it...I actually got 10 hours of sleep last night. Well..not if you count the 3 sales calls I got at 8:30, 9:30, and 10:30 am this morning...I don't think they will be calling on a friday morning (my day off) for a while. I gave them all a piece of my mind before a slammed the phone back into the receiver.

    Today was very layed back. I had to run up to school to drop off a form that so kindly pays for my tuition(thank you tax payers!)and take my kitty Max to the eye doctor. Poor lil baby has Herpes in his's a long story...but you can see pics of him (with his normal eyes)and my other two kitties on my personal page.

    The only other thing I did for the day was to go see Black Hawk Down tonight..and it gave me a lot to think about. I've always thought that the U.S. should keep their nose out of other countries' business. They always end up losing American lives and resources that could otherwise be saved. After seeing this movie (which is a true story...and a book adapted to movie format) I have completely changed my outlook.

    The film is set in Somolia (East Africa) in the year of 1993. The country is being controlled by the Alkida (sp?) during a very serious famine. The UN and Red Cross made attempts to bring in food and supplies but the Alkida seized them all, killing anyone who made attempts to get at it. This resulted in 300,000 Somolians starving to death. Can you imagine that? Not being shot..or gassed..but actually suffering slowly, knowing your body was eating itself inside out..until you eventually died? The food and supplies were all there, the help and support of the UN was there..but the Alkida was taking it all for themselves! I had tears in my eyes at the thought of this...That this evil could exsist in any human being.

    After seeing this movie I think the U.S. belonged there...As the general in charge said in the movie when asked what the U.S. was doing fighting someone else's war..."This is not simply a civil war...this is genocide." If you get a chance to see this movie...go and see it. You leave the theatre with a pit of dread in your stomach..but it makes you realize that there is a world beyond our borders. It makes you thankful for the food you have in the fridge and the democracy that allows you certain freedoms.

    I'm going to step off my soap-box now and just say that this movie has changed me...heart and soul. I can't get these images and thoughts out of my head so I think I'm going to meditate tonight and sort things out. So I will say goodnight and merry be.

    Kisses and Kaboodles!

    <3 Natalie (Jan 18 12:40 a.m.)

    Sunday, January 20

    I was lazy and skipped a day cause I wanted to be cool like Laura Actaully..yesterday was so full of mishaps and bad turns that I didn't have the heart to post anything (you can spank me later).

    Saturday I woke up earlier than usual to take my Dad's car to Circuit City to get the Cd-Player fixed. We found out that the repair would be free due to a warantee (yes!) but it would be a week before the cd-player could be returned to the car (damn...). Dad wasn't too keen on this idea..but we forgot all about it over a wonderful lunch at a "hole in the wall" resaurant called Karey's. I'm telling you...if you live in the East Cobb area and are in need of an AWESOME burger..this place is it. It's off of 41 (Cobb Parkway) near the Crab House. *gets lost in thinking of their food....mmmmmmm*

    *snaps out of it* oh yeah! Sorry...heh...Next I went to Costco and drove around for a bit. When I got home my mom came up to my car and said..."Natalie...your car is hissing" I was like..." there a cat stuck in the engine or something?" No..there wasn't a cat stuck in the engine...but there was a very LARGE nail stuck in my front right tire (arghhhhhhhhhh)Tried changing the tire only to discover that the dim wit who owned the car before me had broken and badly bent my jack (arghhhh again)so I looked at the clock: 7:40 pm. Hmm...ok, Pep-Boys closes at 8:00..we can make it! Drove like a wild cat over to Pep-Boys and the front desk lady gave me a big stupid smile and said "We can't take's too late" with a little smirk at the end...(shall I say argh again?) Well, it ended up that my car survived til morning (damn good tires!) and when we brought it back they took about 4 hours of their prescious time to fix it.

    Another thing to add to Saturday's events happened after returning from Pep-Boys. My mom began installing a Cd-Burner on her computer (was a great deal, a new TDK 24x in perfect condition for only $45!) but she didn't realize that the heavy duty utility light she was using to see had a huuuuuuge magnent on it. Needless to say...the C-Drive didn't like that...So we're hoping Robb can fix it for us tomorrow (*crosses fingers*)

    Today...nothing really worth mentioning happened, cept I got to see my boi for a few minutes before he went to work. Oh! and clean sheets! gotta love that...can't wait to crawl into bed. I must make one last comment in accordance to Laura's Guy of the Week: Mwahahahahahahahahahaha..*wipes ters from eyes* ok..i'm done. Well, that's it for me, Ciao!

    Kisses and Kaboodles!

    <3 Natalie (Jan 20 11:00 p.m.)

    Sunday, January 27

    Wow, it's been forever since I've updated..I hope I still remember how! Everyone PLEASE check out our new section "Stories." There is only one up so far but there will be more to come from Laura, Sammy, and Tammy (I'm forcing them into it *grins*) Though I doubt he knows it (no biggie), today is officially a month after my first date with Robb. No bumps and bruises yet so I'm psyched. Today is also exactly 2 months until I turn 18 (wooo hoooo!!!!!). As reccomended by my friend Danielle, on this date I should (but won't): Vote, but something off T.V. (Hooked on Phonics?), go to a club, get a tattoo, get my tongue pierced, go to galaxy, buy some porn, and a pack of cigs (I don't smoke, but it's funny neway).

    This week has been mostly normal. I got to catch up on my sleep finally, so maybe I can pay better attention in class (that a good thing or a bad thing???) I also was taught how to use my C.D. burner (ty Robb!) so today I burned like a wild child out of control. I was told today that I looked like the Chesire Cat...anyone agree? I dunno if that's necessarily a good thing or not...but I do like to smile *BIG SMILE*

    Ok, so i'm running out of things to say..I'm just not too talkative tonight *looks over at the pic of Vin Diesel and drools for a few moments* mmmmm...ok..better.....ah. Oh! Yes...I uh..Ahem. I updated my personal section and listed some friends. I would like to thank all of my friends and other people for signing our guest book, it doesn't look so lonely anymore. I will most likely update again this week, but we've decided that our main day to update will be on Sundays. So, make sure to check us out every Monday and we'll have a treat for you (Good Sammy! Down boy..)

    So, again, I'm sorry for a lame entry tonight...I'll feel better later *wink* Catch yo on da flip side!

    Kisses and Kaboodles!

    <3 Natalie (Jan 27 11:30 p.m.)

    Sunday, February 3

    After this week I have officially joined a statistic. I had my first car wreck...*cries* and it was most likely MY fault too...*whimpers* Hey...what's $1200 worth of damage anyway? A HELL OF A LOT OF MONEY THAT'S WHAT!!!!!! *starts going into fits until the "doctors" give her the Perkeset* ahh..much better...

    Yeah, so I have joined one of those statistics for teens getting into accidents before their first year of having a license is over...woo woo..I feel so special *does all sarcastic like* But besides that my life has been mostly ok...some stuff I just shouldn't talk about...I don't consider that part of good therapy.

    If anyone noticed, I had a very special hot guy up for last week Kevin the Great. Yum Yum, am I right? You can see his acceptance speech on our guest book...very...modest? *snickers* Or check out his pic in the archives Here.

    I have my first tests coming up next week...Econ, Math Modeling, Pre-Cal, and HPS...Wish me luck! Cause I'll need it...Some bigger news though is that I've decided to start going to church Sundays with my friend Danielle...thanks to an inspirational talk with my bud Jacob. I'm making major changes in my you just might not recognize me (physically..or mentally) in a few months. Hopefully I'll still be the playful Kitten everyone adores...but just a better person all over. Like I always say...check with us daily. The written updates may not be changing..but the page definently is.

    Oh! almost forgot to mention...I went out last night with my friend Tammy (yeah...that insane chic that's probably stalking you right...NOW!) and we had the best sushi ever...not to mention an....interesting movie - Slackers. I don't really have an opinion yet on this's just very very odd. Considering Tammy is a professional stalker...this movie was VERY weird seeing it with her (jk! You know I love ya Tams).

    Well, that's all for me...keep coming back or I will have to whip you into submission! muahahaha!

    Kisses and Kaboodles!

    <3 Natalie (Feb 3 11:30 p.m.)

    Sunday, February 10

    Well i'm still well and alive. The world still revolves and turns and I have a new addiction:


    I eat sushi 2 to 3 times a week now...and shit man...this habit is more expensive than crack! It's not fair!!!! White tuna...octopus...eel...salmon...cali rolls...forget idle hands, this is the Devil's playground!! I'm going to attempt to learn how to make sushi (thought I dunno if I'm skilled enough for that). I would also like to state that I am going to make a shrine dedicated to sushi...and not Tammy (poor tammy...been asking for that "shrine to tammy" for a while huh?).

    Besides that, the only change to the page is that we are getting rid of our hot guy of the week section (hopefully will only be temporary *grins*) I'm tellin yah, it's getting hard to find pics of hot guys...why when I was a young tike back in the old days.....*slaps self so I won't ramble like an old man anymore*

    My week has been pretty good I guess...Had some good sushi fixes and highs (always with Robb tee hee) and I feel good about the tests that I took (we'll wait til next week to see how swell I did). My silly kitty Max still has eye problems...and I still have to take him to his eye doctor where I am the only person with a cat! I swear...if those dog people cut me a mean eye ONE MORE TIME...they just sit there and talk about how cute fluffy and poopsie look in their angora sweaters...and oh their poor lil eye...blah! What about Max? He could take on those pint size poodles anyday! He's a ferocious, man eating, fanged, demon, cutsie lil kitty cat! If you're new you can go see his pics along with Solo and Pepper on my info page.

    Well, i'm jammin to my Gone in 60 second's sound I think i'll make my top ten on movie sound tracks (cause i'm addicted to those too). Aight, I'm out my jiggas...gotta stare and drool at pictures of sushi and brad pitt......mmmmmmm *fantasizes about white tuna rolls covering Brad Pitt's body*

    Kisses and Kaboodles!

    <3 Natalie (Feb 10 7:40 p.m.)

    Sunday, February 17

    Ahhhhhh it was the week of luuuuuuuuuv. But who cares right? Who needs teddy bears, flowers, candy, and cards....*mutters* I know I don't. Bah! Anyway, my week, to say the least, was shitty. I was having a nice Valentine's evening. Robb took me out to a nice lil Italian place (like in Lady and the Tramp....cept we were inside), chugged around at U.S. play in the arcade (hahaha I beat his ass at Cruisin U.S.A) and just as we were goin up to Kennesaw Mt. to try and spot some stars through Atlanta's light and smog dad called and said I had to get home RIGHT AWAY.

    Well, I had a feeling this wasn't good...I grudgingly went home to discover I had forgotten to clean the litter box (once again) and that I would be grounded til further notice...after I have proven that I can do all this cleaning every week (vacuum and dust entire house, keep all dishes put up and clean, bathroom clean, and litter box done daily). This semester is gonnnnnna suck. *cries*

    Besides that I had to scramble to change a research topic in English, I might put my nice little paper on Astrology up for all to see and laugh at later...maybe when i'm feeling better about myself. I was a lil dissapointed that I didn't get any kev time in this week...not to blame kev...but AIM. For some reason my AIM crapo won't work right...and i'm a lil pissed about it. GRrrrrrrrr. *pouts* So, as you can see...this was just my week.

    On a nicer side, I discovered an awesome awesome (psst: awesome) band. DAFT PUNK!!!!! Yeaaaah buddy.

    This group is so tight it'll make your head spin. I can't get enough of it. I downloaded their recent cd Discovery, and the 4 ANIME music videos that go along with it. This shit is so awesome...i'm telling you...check it out. Only a weirdo with a hair lip wouldn't like this stuff. I even got a cute lil wall paper and winamp skin to go along with the discovery theme. If you see Blue Aliens on MTV playin trippy music...don't panic, it's not a take over. It's DAFT PUNK!!!!! Yeaaaaah buddy. (LOL I did that on purpose..don't fret).

    Ok, well.....I can't think of anything else really cause I'm too budy listening to DAFT PUNK!!!!!! Yeaaaaah buddy. Spank ya later!

    Kisses and Kaboodles!

    <3 Natalie (Feb 17 12:30 a.m.)

    Sunday, February 25

    Hmm Hmm, my first week of being grounded *groans* Oh ok..well it wasn't too bad. Left me a week of my lonesome to figure and work some stuff out that had been confugling me, and now i'm all clear on stuff...just need to change some stuff (give me some time though)

    Well, my biggest news that I have for this week is "Gi-HUGE-iC" as the person involved in this news would say. Kevin, better known as Kleban or that hot sexy hunk, is coming down from Philly to see me. *Bites lip so she won't burst out giggling and act too childish* He made his decleration on my guest book but I chose to make it private for now...for certain reasons *blushes* Anyway, I don't know if I can say i've been this excited about anything before, I'm having a hard time not peeing in my pants (jk!) So...Just know that when Mr. Sexaaaah does come down I might just be too oblivious to the surrounding world to notice anyone.

    Other news is that me and my friend Danielle are leaving this Friday for Spring (eeeeeeeeh, winter) break. We're gonna spend a week up in North Carolina doing naturey stuff and having a blast all by outselves (woooooo hoooooooo)*grumbles* would be kewl if Kevin could come.....Anyway! Yeah, I'm so psyched...I think this is the best, most rockin week i've ever had. All thanks to Kevin, Danielle, and my Aunt (hehehe, she's letting us stay at her house while she's outta town woooooo hoooo).

    In other news, Laura is here this week and we plan to hook up Thursday night with a new guest along, if he'll come along *glares at Sammy* and he better. I'm spendin the night at her house that night, but sorry guys, no lesbonic action gonna happen...unless you count Sammy later on that night thinking about it *giggles*. I won't be able to update until after I get back from break, so I know I will have to leave lotsa stuff for everyone to look at and read. *thinks...naked pictures.....naaaaaaaaah* I know i'll come up with something fun. But for now, let's all have a prayer of vigilence for Laura who is without the holy Porn channels. *dum dum dum, hum hum hum*

    Ok! enough of that...*wipes away a tear* man, when you start thinking about's really friggin sad! Well, I'm off to think of creative stuff. Have fun my kiddies without me, you know i'll be thinking of you the eniiiiiiiire time. *laughs*

    Kisses and Kaboodles!

    <3 Natalie (Feb 25 10:30 p.m.)

    Sunday, March 8

    Ok, new posting out look on life. Some shitty shitters happened but everything is ok now...all thanks to one person - Kevin. I know he's gonna get all big headed over it too, but I always seem to find a way to feed that awesome ego of his. *winks* You called me up while I was in tears and you found a way to kiss them all away...though I know i'm not the only one who got something special out of it.

    I allready posted this on the guest book but I wanted to post it here for everyone to see. This is a real quick poem I jotted down...trying to grasp the emotions of last night.

    I'm speechless for words after that trip that we took.
    Intense. Passionate.
    Babe, I think you've got me hooked.
    Imagining you're here, counting the moments with desperate sighs -
    Until I meet you...where we will ride that euphoric high.

    I hope you're still as spaced on that high as I am..."Wow." "Whoaaa." *giggles* so cute. Here's a pointer for guys out there on a way to turn a girl on...make sounds. There is nothing as erotic as sounds of pleasure from a man. You guys get turned on by chics moaning and come we don't get some of that too?

    Ok, onto new stuff. My trip was better than I made it sound. I fooled around a bit, saw the mountains, visited a "hill billy mall," saw some cities, got my cds back, visited my me maw, bonded with Danielle and Trevor, and got to see some live jerry springer action.

    Bad stuff was pretty bad...I got a speeding ticket (first ever), my cell bill was so high I had to get it cancled, and there's some more stuff but I'm trying not to dwell on the past.

    So I will end this post with a dedication to Kevin and to my friend Danielle and cousin Trevor. Thanks for a great Spring Break. Now I just have to wait 2 more weeks for Kevin's spring break and the 10 days of bliss. Argh....I can't believe I have to go back to class on monday *cries* Ok, peace out my beauties.

    Kisses and Kaboodles!

    <3 Natalie (March 8 3:30 p.m.)

    Sunday, March 10

    *sniffles and cries* Me is SICK!!!!!!!! Doc says strep....ack ack ow! my throat huwts. Dude...I can only swallow applesauce and jello..this shit sucks!! Yeah i'll eventually get better for neone who's worried bout lil ol me. I'd like to say "hullo!" to Scott (aka Dr. Love) and have fun on your trip to Disney World...and please, try not to molest the giant furry animals. Well one good thing about bein sick is a dun have to go to school til I get better...all I'm capabale of doing anyway is sleeping all day and typin somewhat coherently on the comp.

    I'll tell you one thing though, being sick sucks...but being sick and HARASSED BY A JERK CUNT MAGGOT is even worse. Grrr some people just need to be eliminated from the human race. Go back to your alien probing activities and leave us functioning human beings alone. I'm not even sure if charter could help this severely mentally disturbed person...I mean, who gets pleasure out of making someone cry? Maybe a neo-nazi...which I wouldn't doubt this psycho is. Ok.....*takes a deep breath* He got what he wanted which was to convince me he was not relationship material...or simply that he truly IS a sociopath.

    Anyway..other news is that I do have to eventually go back to school this week....bahooey. Have like 3 or some odd tests this week too bah! Well the good things is it won't be long til Kev comes down and i'll be 18 (March 22nd, and March 27th) Danielle's birthday is next monday (yeaaaaah) we need to hire a stripper too....Maybe Laura's chippendale dude...though I know she would like Vin Diesel better (muahahaha). I want to take that note to point out the beginning of a beautiful relationship between my first and favorite cousin Trevor and Danielle (awwwwwwwwwwwww) brought together on our trip to North Carolina. Pretty good birthday present don't ya think? I thought so as well *grins* Ok, well that's gonna be it for me tonight. Peave, Love, and (kev) hot steamy shower sex.

    Kisses and Kaboodles!

    <3 Natalie (March 10 9:30 p.m.)

    Tuesday, March 19

    Sorry about updating late, I've just had lotsa shit happening. My parents threatened each other with divorce, but every ting ish gonna be aight now. Wow Wow Wow - 2 more days and Sexah (Bishi God to MiChan) will be in Ga! my house...*faints* ---- few minutes later---- Ok Ok, i'm Ok now....*giggles* Yesh, that is my big news for the week. This Friday I will be receiving an early b-day present...leading towards the best birthday I've ever had...Kevin! <3<3<3<3

    Ok, well..other than that I've just been chillin. I speant 4 hours in a tattoo parlor today with Danielle why she eeeped through her tattoo touch up and redesign. YO it looks so AWESOME! I gotta scan a pic of it and post it. Props to K.C. (no sunshine band) the artist who did her tat, and will be doing mine next wednesday when I will be EIGHTEEN! woooo wooooo. I gotta go to like insurection or galaxy...just to say I did! I mean, I dun smoke...but I guess I could buy cigs for 13 yearolds like a good honest citizen. (haha just kidding..wait..I could charge 10 bucks a pack..yeaaaah.) Nah Nah, but I know I will hopefully be going clubbin one nite with Kev and animal city! Who knows, we may all just end up living together. (Crazy TIMES)

    Not a whole buncha goolash goin on, cept i'm way behind in my school work..for English..neone wanna write me a paperz? (Jk!) I got the weekend...with a sexah man breathing on my neck (*grins thinkin bout it*) OK, i'm calm now...just psyched. Oh, here's a tip for travelers out there - Don't bother visiting PA any time next week...the best thing to come out of it will be in Georgia. Ok, nite nite all....I gotta go dream my naughty dreamz!

    Kisses and Kaboodles!

    <3 Natalie (March 19 11:50 p.m.)

    Sunday, April 7

    Ah, the world is a great place when you're in love. I again apolagize for not updating...but i've been recovering from this thing that I've never experienced before...happiness. Wow, I never knew the world could be like that. I want more! Ah, but the terrible downfall to happiness is when it it did this monday when I said my goodbyes to Kevin as he flew back to Philly. I can't cheapen our time together by writing about it...the time we shared is too prescious to put into words, so I will just leave you with the fact that I know now what love means...and is.

    In other news I am no longer a red head. Meg colored my hair and it's black. In the light it looks purple...I'm really psyched about it! It's a big change from what i'm used to, but I like the darkness it brings...though I have noticed that I've been depressed since the change (but could also be Kev withdrawl). He says he's having fun goin to parties every night so i'm happy for him. Damnit, how come none of my friends are into that??? Well....Brit spit is but fuck she's not 18 yet!

    Oh yeah, that's another thing.....I'm 18 now!!!!!! I had a great birthday. Kev made me dinner....mmmm it was good, and my parents gave me a cookie cake and a phone. Ah, the BEST birthday ever. I got to see Laura later that week too which was really cool (I missed her *cries*) Danny got me some make-up that I was in dire need of and Meg got me the Fast and the Furious (mmmmmmm Vinny D!!!). Just for anyone who cares, I have experience the Big O and now my life has new meaning...and that is to experience the Big O..GIRLS OF THE WORLD GET YOURSELF A YANKEE....they know what they're doin.. hehe.

    School is coming to a close (YES) and graduation is coming up (DOUBLE YES) I'm thinking that maybe I want to take a semester off next year for when I move out. I havn't told my parents yet that i'm moving out with Kev and Danny...I know they will murder me. They keep telling me i'm too much of a baby to take care of myself...but I know I can. Life will be blissful without them on my back all the time, but I know I will miss them. I'm still looking for an extra room mate, 4 would be a good number. Ok, well I feel like i've written a novel so I will set down my quill pen and say good night. I hope everyone remembered to "spring forward" (LOL) sucks losing an hour. Ok, well i'm off to go listen to the Lords of Acid. Go check out the song "Show me Your Pussy" it's really nice....bout a kitty you PERVERTS! haha. Nite Nite everyone...

    Kisses and Kaboodles!

    <3 Natalie (April 7 8:30 p.m.)