The Only Rape I Know Of .. is happening

ok ... this is an actual profile message and I just had to show you people because .... um ... (sorry God!)... but it is so funny .... actually it is stupid ... go figure.

Atheism has takened over society and ruined it. It has banned Christians to openly speak about religion or religious beliefs. Christianity is therefore quote "a personal expierience with God". I believe God had created Earth and it's creatures, and that he created us humans. Why would anyone believe that is true? God is a loving God, and every word in the bible is true. Everything said in the book of Revelations has come true, and now it is time for the Lord to take up his loyal and faithful servants. So if u r an athesist, why don't u believe in God? IM me!O:-)

ok I can comment ... but I wont ... okay .. I will . UN-BE-LIEVE-ABLE .... and thats all this specific site specifically contains ... gibberish I came across through AIM .... some is funny , but most makes you proud not to be that person .... NegativeCreep210: why hello there FatedFire: *half smiles* FatedFire: Jessie? NegativeCreep210: what's wrong? NegativeCreep210: yes FatedFire: hmmp I have had to block your love twice so far tonight. NegativeCreep210: my love? FatedFire: Persistant little bugger. FatedFire: Ryan. NegativeCreep210: he only has on s/n NegativeCreep210: what were the one's you blocked? FatedFire: Muuddy mud skipper and one other one. NegativeCreep210: never heard NegativeCreep210: that wasn't him FatedFire: I see no one else with motive. FatedFire: but i will drop the topic. NegativeCreep210: what did they say? FatedFire: Things I care not to repeat. NegativeCreep210: hmm, i'll talk to him about it but i don't believe it was him FatedFire: dont want to get emotional. FatedFire: Hey , I have something to tell you. NegativeCreep210: ok FatedFire: I am sorry if I creeped you out last time we talked. FatedFire: i didn't mean to. NegativeCreep210: you didn't NegativeCreep210: don't worry FatedFire: Applogy accepted? NegativeCreep210: yeah FatedFire: Listen I may never get along with Ryan but that doesn't mean I don't want to. FatedFire: I would much rather have friends then enemies. NegativeCreep210: yer gunna hafta to stop trying to get into my pants then NegativeCreep210: ya know? FatedFire: I wasn't trying... If I was you wouldn't have known it. NegativeCreep210: how would i have known it? FatedFire: I was just mentioning a thing from the past. NegativeCreep210: hmm, i see FatedFire: sorry if it was misinterpeted. NegativeCreep210: why weren't you trying to? NegativeCreep210: do you not find me sexy? NegativeCreep210: cuz i think i'm pretty gosh darn sexy FatedFire: that my dear is a loaded question. NegativeCreep210: i don't see it as that FatedFire: I am facing a rifle either way I answer that question. NegativeCreep210: elaborate FatedFire: I say yes and you have grounds to get ryan pissed at me I say no and you get insulted and hurt tell Ryan and he gets pissed. NegativeCreep210: yer ideas intrigue me FatedFire: So in the intrests of my neck I choose not to answer the question. NegativeCreep210: alright, fair enough FatedFire: But I will do this as an opinion. *whistles a little tune* NegativeCreep210: *punch punch* FatedFire: "devil in a blue dress" NegativeCreep210: i'll cut you FatedFire: Why would you do that. FatedFire: I sated your curiousity. NegativeCreep210: because it sounds like fun NegativeCreep210: i slice you up like a pizza FatedFire: *smirks* FatedFire: In the mood I am presently you would be doing both Ryans a favor. NegativeCreep210: eeeeeeee FatedFire: Aww what tongue tied? NegativeCreep210: i'm professing my soul to satan NegativeCreep210: eeeeee FatedFire: ahh it isnt soo bad. FatedFire: once you get past that eternal torture part. NegativeCreep210: i'll cut you FatedFire: *presents his wrists* NegativeCreep210: *bite bite* FatedFire: length ways not width way remember. NegativeCreep210: i'll eat your skin FatedFire: *hands her the left over chicken skin* have it. NegativeCreep210: no NegativeCreep210: it must be the skin of a homo erectus NegativeCreep210: satan does not want poultry skin FatedFire: is flacid so I am not errect. NegativeCreep210: are you mad FatedFire: I am no more mad than anyone else on this planet. NegativeCreep210: a homo erectus is an ancient caveman you paramecium brain NegativeCreep210: i want you skin NegativeCreep210: now!!!! FatedFire: I am Homosapien not homo erectus. NegativeCreep210: ummm... NegativeCreep210: no FatedFire: I have more than baser instincts to motivate me. NegativeCreep210: do you masterbate? FatedFire: Blunt as a bag of hammers I see. FatedFire: Do you? NegativeCreep210: no NegativeCreep210: but you must FatedFire: why is that? NegativeCreep210: because you have genitals FatedFire: nothing Must be. FatedFire: You are the simpleton there are men who do not masterbate. NegativeCreep210: they have red spots on them but they still qualify as genitals NegativeCreep210: castrated men FatedFire: do you want to talk with me or not? FatedFire: I do not think any of this is funny. NegativeCreep210: we're talkin ain't we NegativeCreep210: why not? FatedFire: Would you like your breasts skinned? NegativeCreep210: i wanna eat your skin FatedFire: Too bad it's Mine. NegativeCreep210: not after i burn it off you FatedFire: have fun with that one child. NegativeCreep210: twill be fun FatedFire: Is too depressed to care for his own life. NegativeCreep210: how's that goin for ya? FatedFire: bad just like I feel. FatedFire: *puts his arms around his knees* FatedFire: *puts his head on his knees* NegativeCreep210: *stabs you in the heart with an industrial size staple* FatedFire: ow! NegativeCreep210: ow is right NegativeCreep210: *eats your skin* FatedFire: *becomes the first man eaten by a woman* NegativeCreep210: now you'll go down as a sissy who was killed by a girl NegativeCreep210: i'm gunna get some donkeys to rape your skinless dead body NegativeCreep210: i gotta go find some donkeys FatedFire: *lets his body heal up and get his skin back on then ties you to a walk and make his excape out the front door leaving you for whatever ryan or whomever comes by's delight* NegativeCreep210: that would never happen NegativeCreep210: your living in a dream world man FatedFire: nah just my own nightmares. FatedFire: To be undead would bite ass. NegativeCreep210: eee eee eee yet lies another victim of the not me (thank you the great brandino!) and now the moment you have all been waiting for .... what guys would do if they had vaginas!

: ok : what would you do if you woke up tomorrow morning and you had a vagina : stick something in it i guess : lol : ok : what would that be : what do you do with it? : ummm : i have a vagina : but what do you do with it in the morning? :ummm stuff? : it's so easy for you guys : it's not fair at all : how is it easy : yeah, we have to work for like 45 minutes to get like 2 seconds of pleasure : LOL : all you gotta do is like rub on a chair the right way : yea : lol : hehe : it is funny : my pants can be a bit too tight : and bang : well i never thought about it that way : .... : i am so fortunate : that you are : god : you have totally changed my point of view on penises forever : how could i ever thank you : lol : **ok this is starting to sound like a cheap porn : but : what would you do if you woke up with a vagina : i'd stick stuff in it : whatever i could find : lol : like quarters? : loose change, footballs, small animals : LOL

: what would you do if you woke up one morning and bam! you had a vagina : um kill myself : why is that : cause i wouldnt want one : why : cause im a guy : they have more durability : um ok : they do : ok : its not like you could kill a girl by kicking her in her vagina : can you say the same : but then girls wouldnt want a guy with a vagina : what if you had both : a penis and a vagina : thats dumb : change sub

: what would you do if you woke up one morning and found you had a vagina : umm...... i would be like holy shit! i would be like what the hell happened to me : and then : um.... i would probably cry. cause i woulden'; thave my penis : what if you had both : umm... i still would be weirded out. might try to see if i could fuck myself : lol :that was funny


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