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»  the girl

name: Jen
nickname: Jaslinn
age: 17
b-day: August 30th, 1984
fav color: purple

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»  the blog
layout by: yummy fruit
© 2001

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Hey! This is my blog... yeah. So whattaya think of it? I don't know. It's cool. It may change in the future, seeing as I can never stick to one thing for too long of a time. =-)
Wow! Exactly a month since my last entry. Well, I've had a lil bit of excitement so far this summer. On July 4th I went to see the movie Like Mike, which was really good. On the 6th we had our family get-together at Gunn Lake. Sarah(my bff/cousin) and I didn't wear any sunscreen so we got burned. Not cool. My skin is peeling right now and it still hurts, just not as bad as before. Anyway, I went to stay w/ Sarah for awhile. We rented Bandits, played on the computer, went to FunTyme and played put-put golf, rollerbladed in a park, set off fireworks outside at night, and went out to eat once. It was fun. Oh and we also cleaned a lot of old NEGATIVE crap out of her room. It only took us about an hour or so to do. I came back home on the 9th. Ever since then I have done very little. Oh, yesterday I finally watched The Others (the one w/ Nicole Kidman in the scary old house), and it was good! Twisted, with an ending you won't expect. Well, that's about it for now. Bye! 6.13.02
Meow? LOL I don't know. I am crazy. I finally watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone! OMG it was so good! Before I read the books n saw the movie I thought it sounded kinda stupid, but I was wrong. There is this guy in the movie, his name is Sean Biggerstaff, he plays "Oliver Wood"... he is my new sexxy man. Yeah! I found out he's only 18! Good! I usually like celeb guys who are like in their twenties... kinda old for me, since I'm only 17. Anyway, my summer has been pretty boring. I haven't done too much. The weather has been crappy for a few days. Grrr... I don't have a bathing suit so I can't go swimming. Well, I'd better get going. TTYL everyone!
Fun fun fun in the sun sun sun... not! more like BOREDOM! For real. No kidding. This is my first day of summer vaca and GOD is it boring. Completely dull. Spent most of the day on the computer. That be all 4 now.

The current mood of at