Dalnir's Crypt 101
By: Konarg Shaminator
The entrance to the Crypt is at location (3490,3900). The easiest way to find the entrance, once in Warsliks Woods, is to head north until you reach the ocean. From there follow the coast east or west until the second coordinate reaches 3900. Now face south and head inland until the other coordinate matches. The entrance is a hole in the side of the hill facing the ocean and is quite difficult to find, even when standing next to it.
The dungeon is suitable for levels 25 to 45. A full group of 25's may not get much further than Level 1 while level 45 characters will not be seriously challenged and will not get much experience.
Level 1
1 - Cave: This cave contains the entrance to the main crypt at the eastern end. Also near the north wall of this cave you can find the first journal entry, Day 47.
2 - Dalnir's Tomb: In the center of this room is Dalnir's Crypt. Climb onto this and jump down it to drop to Level 2. The drop is quite long and depending on weight you may take 200+ damage from the fall. Levitation is recommended for those without safe fall. No damage is taken if you have 180 Safe Fall (probably a lot lower is sufficient). The room you drop into contains many wanderers so invisibility is useful in assuring a safe arrival. There is no known way to return to Level 1 from Level 2 so make sure you are ready before taking the plunge.
Level 2
This level is where you first meet the Kly.
3 - Pool Room: This is the chamber into which you will drop from Level 1, landing in the center of the pool to the west of the room. Wanderers patrol the entire room so it may be best to move on quickly unless you plan on setting up camp here.
4 - Checkerboard Room: In the north section of the Pool Room is a set of stairs leading down and into this room. It is free of monsters and no wanderers enter this room so it is an ideal place to rest or set up camp. There is a catch though. The checkerboard pattern at the base of the stairs is a pit trap that takes you to level 3. It is possible to avoid the pit by keeping to the walls and not walking on the pattern. This pit is similar to the previous one and levitation/invisibility are recommended. There is no known way to get from Level 3 to Level 2.
5 - Loop: This series of caves contains several mobs two of which are placeholders for the Lumpy Goo's. There are two lumpies in this area, the Rug Lumpy spawns in a cave at the back, which contains a fire and two rugs (marked R). The Thistle Lumpy spawns at the edge of the loop (marked T).
6 - Bedrooms: In this set of rooms you can find the second journal entry, Day 48. I have not finished the map here but there are several rooms and passages.
7 - Exit, Stage Left: There is a zone here that will take you outside the Crypt to Warsliks Woods. This is another nice place to camp due to the proximity of the zone.
8 - Imprecator Room: In this room spawns the first Kly Imprecator. Also in this room can be found the Kly Channeler but he does not appear to drop anything.
Level 3
This is the final level of the crypt. It is broken into two sections, separated by a one-way secret door. The area into which you first drop is the "Blacksmith" area, and beyond the secret door lies the "Overseer" area.
9 - Crossroads: This is where you drop into this level from Level 2. Wanderers pass through here frequently so be ready when dropping to here.
10 - Blacksmith Room: In this room you will find 3 Kly and either the Undead Blacksmith or the Coerced Pen keeper. Also in this room you can find the third journal entry, Day 49.
11 - Coffin Room: This room contains a coffin on the floor, which has been removed from the wall. If you duck and walk into the red hole left behind you will pass through the secret door to the Overseer area. It is a one-way trip so make sure you finish your business in this area before passing through.
12 - Church: This large room is the church referred to in the journal entries. It contains 9 Kly. A Kly Imprecator can also spawn in here.
13 - Pit Room: The corridor just past the secret door is free of monsters and wanderers so this is a good place to rest before moving on. This room contains three Kly ready to pounce on unsuspecting adventurers.
14 - Stair Trap: To the north of these crossroads a set of stairs is blocked by rubble. DO NOT attempt to find a way through this blocked passage because you will go through into a small chamber with no way out. A guide will have to free you if you cannot gate/port out.
15 - Crusader Room: This small room contains a spawn point in the northwest corner. Several named mobs including a Coerced Revenant, a Coerced Pen keeper and a Spectral Crusader can spawn here, along with normal Kly placeholders. The two coerced mobs will attack on sight but the crusader is indifferent. He is the ghost of Crusader Golin who is mentioned in the journal entries. He does not respond to a hail but will answer the following questions:
"What is greenmist?"
"What is the Grand Forge?"
"What is the Visceral Dagger?"
"Where is Crusader Golin?"
Also in this room you can find the fourth journal entry, Day 50.
16 - River: There are several mobs found along this river but nothing of importance.
17 - Laboratories: To either side here are two laboratories. In the left one can spawn a Kly Imprecator.
18 - Forge Room: This room initially contains two Kly. A short time after they are killed a Coerced Smith spawns. He cons indifferent and is KoS to the Kly. He responds to a hail and at least one question ("What is the Forge?"). This room also contains the Grand Forge, named "Always Works". So far the purpose of this forge is unknown but it is likely related to the many quests within the zone.
19 - Overseer Room: The final room of the dungeon contains 6 Kly and at the far end the Kly Overseer. Also in this room can spawn the Kly Imprecator. I have been told the Imprecator can also spawn in one of the laboratories nearby, the church on this level and somewhere on Level 2 (in the unmapped section).
Note: The Overseer is a level 36-37 mob and is very dangerous. When he gets low on health he will begin to constantly use a 500 direct damage ice based spell. He has wiped out many level 40+ parties that were unprepared. With magic and cold resistance buffs he is not too bad though. The Overseer is a placeholder for another Kly, called simply "The Kly". He is even tougher than the Overseer and seems to be very rare.
Directly behind the Kly Overseer is a small nook with a star printed on the floor. This is a teleporter that will return you to Warsliks Woods, next to the zone to the Crypt
#1 Get three invis potions, 13pp each from the merchant on the island between West and East Cabillis.
#2 Bind either in Cabillis so if something does happen, you can run to the bank and get one of them potions from the bank or on the outside wall of OT city. If you have a caster, have them bind right outside the zone in to Dalnir.
#3 /ooc camp check, someone may be on the 2nd or 3rd floors already.
2nd floor: ask them if you can take the Imp room if they are just looking for a fighting baton.
3rd floor, most times, a group on the 3rd floor will have gone thru the one way only entry so you can still have a chance at some crescent.
2nd Floor and Crescent
My three level 38 monk buddies camped for four hours one night the Imp Room (2nd floor) #8 on this map. We fought or way to the 2nd floor but if lower, you may want to drink an invis and run like hell to the 2nd floor drop.
and we rolled and looted 1 Crescent Gi, 1 Slipper, and 2 Pants and a Greenwood Bo Stick. We also snagged a few Fighting Batons by running and getting Lumpy or his placeholder. To break the Imp room, Everyone FD around the corner from the room, highest level with mend up runs in and aggros, runs around the corner and FD's. Wait till all but one leaves, next highest stand up and whacks on it, then everyone else and your puller last, just in case the others weren't mem-wiped. Hit /time once the first one dies and remember 13 minutes from then, the room will start re-spawning once you have the room cleared. When done holding the room, drink an invis potion and run to the zone.
3rd Floor
Now two of us are at 47 and one is 42 and we went back. We added another 42 monk and after an hour or so in the Imp room, we went to the 3rd floor. When You hit the third floor, be ready to fight, Identify your main assist before hand and clear the room, rest if needed and move to the room with the one way entry and clear this room, rest up, and move thru the entry, again be prepared to fight, there are three kly that spawn and all seem to aggro on us during the fight. Rest up, then move upstairs and clear the way to the Crusader Room #15 and take him out. I found this to be a good pulling spot, since i could go both back where we came from and up along the water and into the lab rooms as we got the Coerced Penkeeper's Nickel key for the iksar shackle quest. Even at 47, I got XP some of the time and even with two Kly, the fights last about 30 seconds. No Problems at all until we got to the Overseer Room. I drank an invis potion and walked all around the room and nothing saw me so if you don't think your ready for the Overseer, drink up and zone out. Have everyone FD in one of the side halls to avoid any Line of Sight Problems, At 47, I got the Overseer everytime but he seems to wait a second or too while the other Kly in the room aggro on you. Run around the corner and FD in front of them. Make sure you take the caster's hit before you FD (Attack off, then FD remember?). The Overseer will remain, once the others have left. Activate your /desc fearless if you got the Trilogy (velious) expansion and over level 40 or /disc resistant if over level 30 and kill him. The fight went quickly and we suffered no casualties except for one of the 42 monks beating on me during the fight since he got charmed. We finished clearing the room after healing for a few minutes. We figured we would camp this room next time but we had already spent over four hours working our way up to the room, that we just zoned and called it a night. No crescent but lots of good loot and Nickel keys