Jump to the different sections:
Organisation Faeries Island Quest Hall Noble Dojorn Island Azarack Island
Gorgalosk Island Pegasus Island Spiroc Island Wasp Island Drake Island
Butterfly Island Quests Quest Items List Plane of Sky Items
Group 1: 2 tanks, 1 monk, 1 shaman, 1 enchanter, 1 cleric
Group 2: 2 tanks, 1 melee, 1 wizard, 1 enchanter, 1 cleric
Group 3: 2 tanks, 1 melee/nuker, 1 shaman, 1 necromancer, 1 cleric
Group 4: 2 tanks, 1 melee/nuker, 1 nuker, 1 necromancer, 1 cleric
Notes:Necromancers can be substituted with any casters if you got 3 groups and less. They are useful for summon corpse if you need to move people from island to island, but else a magician, shaman, druid, wizard can do the job, but magicians and necromancers will prove the best since they'll provide you with extra tanking power.
Prepare your groups in advance, and be sure tohave back ups. You know that some people won't show up. And if you planto clean the plane, be sure they are ready to stay for all days scheduled.
A good place to meet is South Ro, since both teleport classes have port points there and the zone is usually pretty empty.
These can drop randomly from any mobs, bosses always have at least one
of Concordance: AC: 6, +5 CHA, +5 STR, +5 PR, Effect: Haste, WT:
0.1, Class: BRD, Race: ALL
of Contention: AC: 10, +5 STA, +5 STR, +5 FR, Effect: Haste, WT:
0.1, Class: WAR, Race: ALL
of Iniquity: AC: 8, +5 STR, +5 INT, +5 MR, Effect: Haste, WT: 0.1,
Class: SHD, Race: ALL
of the Pine: AC: 6, +5 STR, +5 WIS, +5 DR, Effect: Haste, WT: 0.1,
Class: RNG, Race: ALL
of Tranquility: AC: 4, +5 STR, +5 DEX, +5 CR, Effect: Haste, WT:
0.1, Class: MNK, Race: ALL
of Transientness: AC: 6, +5 STR, +5 DEX, +10 PR, Effect: Haste, WT:
0.1, Class: ROG, Race: ALL
of Virtue: AC: 8, +5 STR, +5 WIS, +5 MR, Effect: Haste, WT: 0.1,
Class: PAL, Race: ALL
of Abrogation: Skill: 1HSAtk Delay: 39 DMG: 20 +7 STR,
+3 INT WT: 5.0 Class: SHD Race: ALL
of Cessation: -5 CHA, +5 DEX, +25 HP, +65 MANA, WT: 0.1, Class: NEC,
Race: ALL
of Distortion: +5 STR, -5 INT, +50 HP, +50 MANA, WT: 0.1, Class:
WIZ, Race: ALL
of Exertion: +5 STR, +75 HP, +35 MANA, WT: 0.1, Class: MAG, Race:
of Quiescence: +7 CHA, +7 INT, +20 MANA, WT: 0.1, Class: ENC, Race:
of Flowing Ichor: AC: 4 +5 STR, +5 WIS, +50 MANA WT: 0.1 Class: SHM
Race: ALL
of Marr: AC: 15 +5 STR, +5 WIS WT: 0.1 Class: PAL Race: ALL
Tear: AC: 2 +5 CR, +5 DR, +5 FR, +5 MR, +5 PR, +40 MANA WT: 0.1
Class: DRU Race: ALL
of the Gods: AC: 12 +5 WIS, +5 AGI, +50 MANA, +25 MR WT: 3.0 Class:
Satin Gloves: AC: 4 +25 HP, +25 MANA, +30 FR, -5 DR, -5 CR, -5 MR,
-5 PR WT: 0.1 Class: ALL Race: ALL
Treant Fists: Skill: 1HB Atk Delay: 28 DMG: 14 WT: 0.1 Class: MNK
Race: ALL
Strategy: Once porting in, nothing is aggro so there is no break in Plane of Sky (woohoo!). The Thunder Spirits also have a pretty small aggro, and will not assist if pulled normally. Even though some are a couple of feet away from each other, they are easy to single pull. This island is usually done in 15 minutes and is trivial. The island will yield a total of 24 of each keys.
The Quest Hall: Use the Key of Veeshan from Key Master on the right porter on first island to get to Quest Hall. Warning: Once You have to drop from islands and get ported again.a Thunder Spirit Number on island: 8 Level: 50 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: 160 HPs: 14325 Resists: none Specials: proc "Choke" (-10 STR, small DoT) Loot: always 3 Lost Rabbit Foot always 3 Tiny Sword always one of: Auburn Tessera Azure Tessera Crimson Tessera Ebon Tessera Ivory Tessera Ochre Tessera Verdant Tessera |
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a Thunder Spirit Princess Number on island: 1 Level: 53 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: 250 HPs: 20000 Resists: none Specials: proc "Choke"; killing her spawns Sirran the Lunatic Loot: empty |
Key Master He's a merchant. Sells Key of the Misplaced (to Azarack Island), Key of Swords (to Noble Dojorn Island), Key of Veeshan (to quest hall and suspected to Butterfly Island too), Jade Inlaid Coffins and the 5 types of mana batteries |
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Sirran the Lunatic He spawns once the "a Thunder Spirit Princess" dies, on the kill spot. Won't attack unless you start chatting with him. Just hailing him is safe. Hand him one Lost Rabbit Foot to get the key of the misplaced (to Azarack Island). Hand him one Tiny Sword to get Key of Swords (to Noble Dojorn Island). He despawns in approximately 22 minutes. |
If you want to kill Noble Dojorn. There are 2 main strategy. The first one is to use pathing to your advantage. If you aggro the Blade Storms, Dojorn will assist, and the other way around too (no matter where you stand on island). If a monk feign death on the Blade Storms and Dojorn, there is a chance that they will path to island 3 (Gorgalosk) before eventually coming back to island 2 (takes about 5 min). It is thus possible to split the mobs. The second and simplest way is to have 2 warriors tank the Blade Storms and have the rest of the raid kill Dojorn. The Blade Storms are mainly speedbumps and annoyance in killing Dojorn.
The single teleport pad on the island will take you with key of the misplaced to Azarack Island. Respawn on the Presence is 2 hours, Dojorn is 7 days.
a Blade Storm Number on island: 2 Level: 59-60 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: 325 HPs: 20812 Resists: High Resist Specials: proc STA sap; Enrage at end of fight Loot: |
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Noble Dojorn Number on island: 1 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: 300 HPs: 32000 Resists: High Resist Specials: AoE DD; proc DD; his death spawns Overseer of Air on Pegasus Island Loot: Brass Knuckles Efreeti Battleaxe Efreeti Belt Efreeti Dirk Efreeti Great Staff Efreeti Long Sword Efreeti Mace Efreeti Magi Staff Efreeti Scimitar Efreeti Standard Efreeti War Axe Efreeti War Bow Efreeti War Club Efreeti War Horn Efreeti War Shield Efreeti War Spear Efreeti War Staff Efreeti Wind Staff Efreeti Zwiehander Golden Efreeti Bracer Golden Efreeti Chestplate Golden Efreeti Gauntlets Golden Efreeti Greaves Golden Efreeti Turban Golden Efreeti Vambraces Large Sky Pearl Wind Etched Boots of Ro Wind Etched Bracers of Ro Wind Etched Gauntlets of Ro Wind Etched Helm of Ro |
a Presence Number on island: 1 Aggressive: No Assist: No Hits for: HPs: Resists: Specials: Loot: |
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Gwan Number on island: 1 Aggressive: No Assist: No Hits for: HPs: Resists: Specials: Loot: always Breath of Gwan |
an Azarack Number on island: 9 (8 wanderers, 1 static) Level: 53 Aggressive: Yes Assist: Yes Hits for: 190 (Static 220) HPs: 12259 Resists: half is resistant to Cold, other half is resistant to Fire Specials: proc Whirlbolt (Levitate, Root, 400 DoT); Killing the static Azarack spawn the Protector of Sky Loot: always 1-3 Broken Mirrors always one of: Bronze Disc Copper Disc Gold Disc Iron Disc Mithril Disc Platinum Disc Silver Disc |
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Protector of Sky Number on island: 1 Level: 55 Aggressive: Yes Assist: Yes Hits for: 290 HPs: Resists: Specials: proc Whirlbolt (Levitate, Root, 400 DoT); spawns when static Azarack is killed; killing him spawns Sirran the Lunatic; he has a despawn time of approximately 80 minutes Loot: always 4 Broken Mirrors always 1 rare PoS item always 2 of: Black Face Paint Ethereal Sapphire Augmentor's Gem Sphinx Eye Opal Gem of Invigoration Nature's Walker Sky Emerald Small Ruby Songbird Statuette Darkstone Emerald Finely Woven Gold Mesh Ebon Shard Ysgaril Root Drake Fang |
Sirran the Lunatic He spawns once the "Protector of Sky" dies, approximately where Protector of Sky dies. Won't attack unless you start chatting with him. Just hailing him is safe. Hand him one Broken Mirror to get the key of misfortune (to Gorgalosk Island).He despawns in approximately 20 minutes. |
This island will yield 21 keys. A little more corpse summoning, or a good point to quit day 1 and restart here on day 2.
a Gorgalask Number on island: 4 Level: 54-56 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: 302 HPs: 23388 Resists: none Specials: proc Stun; Enrage at end of fight Loot: always 1 Animal Figure always one of: Harpie Tongue Music Box |
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a Sprited Harpie Number on island: 4 Level: 54-56 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: 298 HPs: 21412 Resists: none Specials: 5 minute Harm Touch; low-level skeleton pet; cast/proc Screaming Terror and Cascading Darkness Loot: always 1 Animal Figure always one of: Red Face Paint Ethereal Amber Sky Emerald |
a Crystalline Cloud Number on island: 3 Level: 53 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: 245 HPs: 18388 Resists: Specials: Loot: rarely White Sating Gloves always 1 Animal Figure always one of: Hyaline Globe Adumbrate Globe Diaphanous Globe Gridelin Globe Pearlescent Globe Phospherous Globe Rogous Globe |
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a Watchful Guard Number on island: 5 Level: 55-56 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: 298 HPs: 21670 Resists: none Specials: AoE dispell; ecnhanter pet; cast enchanter DD; AoE Gravity Flux Loot: always 1 Animal Figure always one of: Ethereal Amber Spiroc Feather |
a Gust of Wind Number on island: 2 Level: 53 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: 200 HPs: 18388 Resists: Specials: Stun Loot: always 1 Animal Figure always one of: Hyaline Globe Adumbrate Globe Diaphanous Globe Gridelin Globe Pearlescent Globe Phospherous Globe Rogous Globe |
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a Shimmering Meteor Number on island: 5 Level: 55 Aggressive: No Assist: No Hits for: 325 HPs: 32000 Resists: none Specials: cast Knockback Loot: always one of: Hyaline Globe Adumbrate Globe Diaphanous Globe Gridelin Globe Pearlescent Globe Phospherous Globe Rogous Globe |
An Avenging Gazer Number on island: 1 Level: 59 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: 375 HPs: 24670 Resists: High resist Specials: AoE dispell; ecnhanter pet; cast enchanter DD; AoE Gravity Flux Loot: always 1 Animal Figure |
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Heart Harpie Number on island: 1 Level: 58 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: 375 HPs: 28880 Resists: High resist Specials: 5 minute Harm Touch; low-level skeleton pet; cast/proc Screaming Terror and Cascading Darkness Loot: always 1 Animal Figure |
Gorgalosk Number on island: 1 Level: 60 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: 375 HPs: 28890 Resists: High resist Specials: proc Stun; Enrage at end of fight; death spawns Sirran the Lunatic Loot: always 4 Animal Figure always 1 rare PoS item always 1 of: Grey Damask Cloak Worn Leather Mask Feathered Cape Finely Crafted Amulet Inlaid Choker Silver Hoop Azure Ring Light Woolen Cloak Finely Woven Cloth Cord Silken Strands Griffon Beak Griffon Talon Leather Cord |
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Sirran the Lunatic He spawns once "Gorgalosk" dies, approximately where Gorgalosk dies. Won't attack unless you start chatting with him. Just hailing him is safe. Hand him one Animal Figure to get the next key (to Pegasus Island).He despawns in approximately 20 minutes. |
Soul Harvester Number on island: 3 Level: 52 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: 200 HPs: Resists: low Fire resist Specials: Killing one of them will spawn Ekim Nottap; Cast Whirl-til-you-hurl Loot: always 1-4 Bird Whistle always one of: |
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Essence Harvester Number on island: 3 Level: 52 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: 200 HPs: Resists: low Magic resist Specials: Killing one of them will spawn Ekim Nottap; Cast Whirl-til-you-hurl Loot: always 1-4 Bird Whistle always one of: |
Soul Carrier Number on island: 6 Level: 54 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: HPs: Resists: none Specials: 2 spawn for each Soul Harvester killed; Cast Whirl-til-you-hurl; despawn in 80 minutes Loot: always one of: |
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Essence Carrier Number on island: 6 Level: 54 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: HPs: Resists: none Specials: 2 spawn for each Essence Harvester killed; Cast Whirl-til-you-hurl; despawn in 80 minutes Loot: always one of: |
Soul Tamer Number on island: 6 Level: 56 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: 300 HPs: Resists: none Specials: 1 spawns for each Soul Carrier killed; Enrage at end of fight; Cast Whirl-til-you-hurl; despawn in 80 minutes Loot: always one of: |
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Essence Tamer Number on island: 6 Level: 56 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: 300 HPs: Resists: none Specials: 1 spawns for each Essence Carrier killed; Enrage at end of fight; Cast Whirl-til-you-hurl; despawn in 80 minutes Loot: always one of: |
Keeper of Souls Number on island: 1 Level: 58 Aggressive: Yes Assist: Yes Hits for: 400 HPs: Resists: none Specials: Spawn once Ekim Nottap despawns; Cast Whirl-til-you-hurl; Death Touch; Enrage at end of Fight; Killing him spawns Sirran the Lunatic; despawn in 80 minutes Loot: always 4 Bird Whistles always one rare PoS item always one of: Light Woolen Mantle Small Shield Black Silk Cape Mantle of Woven Grass Light Cloth Mantle Ceramic Mask Velvet Cloak Ceremonial Belt Stone Amulet Small Sapphire Woven Skull Cap Cracked Leather Eyepatch |
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Overseer of Air Number on island: 1 Level: 63 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: 750 HPs: 32000 Resists: High Specials: AoE DD; proc DD; Death Touch; Dual wield daggers; His death triggers spawn of Hand of Veeshan on last Island Loot: always one of: Brass Knuckles Efreeti Battleaxe Efreeti Belt Efreeti Dirk Efreeti Great Staff Efreeti Long Sword Efreeti Mace Efreeti Magi Staff Efreeti Scimitar Efreeti Standard Efreeti War Axe Efreeti War Bow Efreeti War Club Efreeti War Horn Efreeti War Shield Efreeti War Spear Efreeti War Staff Efreeti Wind Staff Efreeti Zwiehander Golden Efreeti Bracer Golden Efreeti Chestplate Golden Efreeti Gauntlets Golden Efreeti Greaves Golden Efreeti Turban Golden Efreeti Vambraces Large Sky Pearl Wind Etched Boots of Ro Wind Etched Bracers of Ro Wind Etched Gauntlets of Ro Wind Etched Helm of Ro |
Sirran the Lunatic He spawns once the "Keepers of Souls" dies, approximately where Keepers of Souls dies. Won't attack unless you start chatting with him. Just hailing him is safe. Hand him one Bird Whistle to get the next key (to Spiroc Island).He despawns in approximately 20 minutes. |
Ekim Nottap |
Spiroc Arbiter Number on island: 1 Level: 52 Aggressive: Yes Assist: Yes Hits for: 200 HPs: 22882 Resists: Specials: Cast lightning, unresistable AoE; always tied to Banisher and one Vanquisher; Cast Blind and Root; large aggro radius; will always respawn unless associated Vanquisher is dead Loot: always one of: |
Spiroc Banisher Number on island: 1 Level: 52 Aggressive: Yes Assist: Yes Hits for: 200 HPs: 22882 Resists: Specials: Cast lightning, unresistable AoE; always tied to Arbiter and one Vanquisher; Cast Blind and Root; large aggro radius; will always respawn unless associated Vanquisher is dead Loot: always one of: |
Spiroc Caller Number on island: 1 Level: 52 Aggressive: Yes Assist: Yes Hits for: 200 HPs: 22882 Resists: none Specials: Cast lightning, unresistable AoE; always tied to Walker and one Vanquisher; Cast Blind and Root; large aggro radius; will always respawn unless associated Vanquisher is dead Loot: always one of: |
Spiroc Walker Number on island: 1 Level: 52 Aggressive: Yes Assist: Yes Hits for: 200 HPs: 22882 Resists: none Specials: Cast lightning, unresistable AoE; always tied to Caller and one Vanquisher; Cast Blind and Root; large aggro radius; will always respawn unless associated Vanquisher is dead Loot: always one of: |
Spiroc Expulser Number on island: 1 Level: 56 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: 200 HPs: 22882 Resists: none Specials: Cast lightning, unresistable AoE; always tied to Revolter and one Vanquisher; Cast Blind and Root; large aggro radius; will always respawn unless associated Vanquisher is dead Loot: always one of: |
Spiroc Revolter Number on island: 1 Level: 52 Aggressive: Yes Assist: Yes Hits for: 200 HPs: 22882 Resists: none Specials: Cast lightning, unresistable AoE; always tied to Expulser and one Vanquisher; Cast Blind and Root; large aggro radius; will always respawn unless associated Vanquisher is dead Loot: always one of: |
Spiroc Vanquisher Number on island: 3 Level: 58 Aggressive: Yes Assist: Yes Hits for: 250 HPs: 22882 Resists: none Specials: Cast lightning, unresistable AoE; always tied to one pair (Arbiter/Banisher, Caller/Walker, Expulser/Revolter); Cast Blind and Root; large aggro radius; Enrage at end of the fight Loot: always 8 Noise Makers always one of: |
Spiroc Guardian Number on island: 1 Level: 60 Aggressive: Yes Assist: Yes Hits for: 250 HPs: 22898 Resists: High Specials: Cast lightning, unresistable AoE; Cast Blind and Root; large aggro radius Loot: always one of: |
Spiroc Lord Number on island: 1 Level: 63 Aggressive: Yes Assist: Yes Hits for: 350 HPs: 32000 Resists: High Specials: Cast lightning, unresistable AoE; Death Touch; Cast Blind, Stuns and Root; large aggro; his death spawns Sirran the Lunatic radius Loot: always 4 noise makers always one rare PoS item always one of: Spiroc Sky Totem Spiroc Battle Staff Crude Wooden Flute Spiroc Air Totem Silken Mask Gold Coffer Shiny Pauldrons Dove Slippers Fine Cloth Rayment Ivory Sky Diamond Spiroc Earth Totem Finely Woven Cloth Belt Light Damask Mantle Spiroc Wingblade |
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Sirran the Lunatic He spawns once the "Spiroc Lord" dies, approximately where Spiroc Lord dies. Won't attack unless you start chatting with him. Just hailing him is safe. Hand him one Noise Maker to get the next key (to Wasp Island).He despawns in approximately 20 minutes. |
This island will yield 28 keys.
Bzzazzt Number on island: 3 Level: 50 Aggressive: Yes Assist: Yes Hits for: 390 HPs: 19100 Resists: none Specials: Cast Deadly Poison (1200 DoT); see notes for respawn patterns; Huge aggro radius Loot: always 8 Dull dragon Scales always one of: Virulent Wasp Poison |
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Bazzzazzt Number on island: 6 Level: 55 Aggressive: Yes Assist: Yes Hits for: 500 HPs: Resists: High (except Lure line) Specials: Cast Deadly Poison (1200 DoT); See notes for spawn pattern; despawns in 80 minutes Loot: always one of: |
Bizazzt Number on island: 2 Level: 57 Aggressive: Yes Assist: Yes Hits for: 700 HPs: Resists: High (except Lure Line) Specials: Cast Deadly Poison (1200 DoT); See notes for spawn pattern; despawns in 80 minutes Loot: always one of: |
Bzzt Number on island: 1 Level: 60 Aggressive: Yes Assist: Yes Hits for: 700 HPs: Resists: High (except Lure Line) Specials: Cast Deadly Poison (1200 DoT); See notes for spawn pattern; despawns in 80 minutes Loot: always one of: |
Bazzt Zzzt Number on island: 1 Level: 63 Aggressive: Yes Assist: Yes Hits for: 850 HPs: Resists: High (except Lure Line) Specials: Spawns when Bzzt is killed; Cast Deadly Poison (1200 DoT); Death Touches; AoE disease spell (covers whole island); Her death spawns Sirran the Lunatic Loot: always one of: Divine Honeycomb Large Diamond Silken Wrap Bixie Sword Blade Rusted Pauldrons |
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Sirran the Lunatic He spawns once the "Bazzt Zzzt" dies, approximately where Bazzt Zzzt dies. Won't attack unless you start chatting with him. Just hailing him is safe. Hand him one Dull Dragon Scale to get the next key (to Sister (Drake) Island).He despawns in approximately 20 minutes. Telling him the phrase "Am I the wall" will make The Sister of the Spire spawn on Drake Island. |
This island will yield 24 keys.
Heartsbane Drake Number on island: 5 Level: 56 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: 475 HPs: 6000 Resists: Low Specials: proc spell similar to whirlbolt (Levitate, Whirl-til-you-Hurl, DoT/DD) Loot: always 1 Replica of the Wurm Queen always one of: |
Fatestealer Drake Number on island: 5 Level: 58 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: 425 HPs: 16971 Resists: High Specials: proc spell similar to whirlbolt (Levitate, Whirl-til-you-Hurl, DoT/DD); Cast Wizard spell Loot: always 1 Replica of the Wurm Queen always one of: |
Windrider Drake Number on island: 5 Level: 60 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: 575 HPs: 19869 Resists: High Specials: proc spell similar to whirlbolt (Levitate, Whirl-til- you-Hurl, DoT/DD); Cast Wizard spell Loot: always 1 Replica of the Wurm Queen always one of: |
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Greater Sphinx Number on island: 7 Level: 54 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: 375 HPs: 24684 Resists: none Specials: Cast Enchanter spells; very small aggro range; Death Touches Loot: always 1 Replica of the Wurm Queen always one of: |
Undine Spirit Number on island: 8 Level: 53 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: HPs: 18647 Resists: Specials: Loot: always one of: |
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Sister of the Spire Number on island: 1 Level: 63 Aggressive: Yes Assist: Yes Hits for: 200 HPs: Resists: High Specials: Death Touches; AoE Stun; Enrage at end of fight Loot: always one of: Djinni War Blade Nebulous Sapphire |
Sirran the Lunatic He spawns once the "Sister of the Spire" dies, approximately where sister of the Spire dies. Won't attack unless you start chatting with him. Just hailing him is safe. Hand him one Replica of the Wurm Queen to get Veeshan's key (to Butterfly Island).He despawns in approximately 20 minutes. |
This island will yield app. 22 keys, maybe more.
Eye of Veeshan Number on island: 1 Level: 63 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: 173 HPs: Resists: Specials: proc Efreeti DD (you feel your soul being consumed) on almost every hit; Death Touches Loot: Tear of Quellious |
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Hand of Veeshan Number on island: 1 Level: 63 Aggressive: No Assist: Yes Hits for: HPs: Resists: Specials: Loot: Brass Knuckles Efreeti Battleaxe Efreeti Belt Efreeti Dirk Efreeti Great Staff Efreeti Long Sword Efreeti Mace Efreeti Magi Staff Efreeti Scimitar Efreeti Standard Efreeti War Axe Efreeti War Bow Efreeti War Club Efreeti War Horn Efreeti War Shield Efreeti War Spear Efreeti War Staff Efreeti Wind Staff Efreeti Zwiehander Golden Efreeti Bracer Golden Efreeti Chestplate Golden Efreeti Gauntlets Golden Efreeti Greaves Golden Efreeti Turban Golden Efreeti Vambraces Large Sky Pearl Wind Etched Boots of Ro Wind Etched Bracers of Ro Wind Etched Gauntlets of Ro Wind Etched Helm of Ro |
Quest #1: Bard Test of Tone Mask of the Songbird Given by Denise Songweaver note: weight changed to 0.5 Denise Songweaver says : Tone is important to all singers. Prove to me that you can keep your tone even and pure by bringing me an Ochre Tessera, a songbird statuette, and a light woolen mask. If you do this I will give you the mask of the songbird.
Quest #2: Bard test
of Voice Songweaver's Mantle Given by Denise Songweaver Denise Songweaver says : The sweet sound rising forth from our throats are what makes us truly great. Go forth and give voice to your songs, and return to me a platinum disc, a music box, and a light woolen mantle. If you do this I shall give you the songweavers mantle. Good luck!
Quest #3: Bard Test
of Pitch Aglimente's Flute of Flight Given by Denise Songweaver Denise Songweaver says: The pitch that we sing and play has a great affect on those that listen. Keep this in mind Gendal, and you shall always be welcome in taverns and inns. Now if you return to me Phosphoric Globe, a Shimmering Diamond, and crude wooden flute.
Quest #4: Bard Test
of Wind Fae Amulet Given by Clarisa Spiritsong Clarisa Spiritsong says: Bring me an imp statuette, a dull stone, and an amulet of woven hair. Then I will give you the fae amulet.
Quest #5: Bard Test
of Brass Denon's Horn of Dissonance Given by Clarisa Spiritsong Clarisa Spiritsong says: Then bring back to me an efreeti war horn, a saffron spiroc feather, adamintium bands, and a glowing diamond.
Quest #6: Bard Test
of Harmony Harmonic Spear Given by Clarisa Spiritsong Clarisa Spiritsong says: Working with the environment to enthrall those that listen to you is of the utmost importance to us. Go out and retrieve an efreeti war spear, some manna nectar, and a nebulous emerald and diamond. Return these items to me and receive the harmonic spear as your reward.
Quest #1: Cleric
Test of Courage Truewind Earring Given by Alan Harten Alan Harten says: You have come seeking the knowledge and treasures that I posses. I will impart such things to you, if you do a service to your god. It matters not who that god may be, but the service and the faith you must exemplify. Bring to me an Ochre Tessera, a Sky Emerald, and a Silver Hoop.
Quest #2: Cleric
Test of Skill Darkwood Aegis Given by Alan Harten Alan Harten says : The test of skill it will be. Bring to me, a Golden Disc, a Dark Wood, and a Small Shield. You shall be rewarded upon your return.
Quest #3: Cleric
Test of Protection Glowing Pauldrons Given by Alan Harten Alan Harten says : So, you must be a great protector to have ventured this far. Bring for me an Adumbrate Globe, a Glowing Diamond, and some Shiny Pauldrons for your reward.
Quest #4: Cleric
Test of Resolution Necklace of Resolution Given by Deric Lennox Deric Lennox says : The test of resolution be an easy one. Trust me there! Just needin bring me a Spiroc Stattuete, a Spiroc Healing Totem, and a Silvered Spiroc Necklace. Ne'r liked those birdies anyway.
Quest #5: Cleric
Test of Theurgy Theurgist Given by Deric Lennox Deric Lennox says: The test of Theurgy. Ne'r understood it meself. It calls fer you ta bring me an Efreeti Mace, a Saffron Spiroc Feather, a Glowing Sapphire, and a Djinni Aura.
Quest #6: Cleric
Test of the Weak Truwian Baton Given by Deric Lennox Deric Lennox says : Aye, the weak. I laugh at em. Right after I put em in there places. Aye. Bring me there lad, a Efreeti Standard, a Manna Nectar, Mithril Bands, and a Shimmering Topaz. Yup, that'll do it.
Quest #1: Druid Test
of the Wolf Drake-Hide Mask given by Will Treewalker Will Treewalker says: So you wish the test of The Wolf do you? Go forth unto the islands and find an Azure Tessera, Black Face Paint and finally a Worn Leather Mask. Bring them back to me, but not until you have all three and you shall be rewarded.
Quest #2: Druid Test
of the Bear Nature Walker's Mantle Given by Will Treewalker Will Treewalker says: Ah, the test of The Bear It Is. Find In this plane a Copper Disc, a Sky Emerald and a Mantle of Woven Grass. Bring all three at one time to me for your reward.
Quest #3: Druid Test
of the Tree Shillelah Given by Will Treewalker Will Treewalker says: The test of The Tree is said to be a test of Nature and only those stout of limb and bark will succeed. Bring to me a Diaphanous Globe, some Hardened Clay and a Spiroc Battle Staff. Hand them all to me at once and the Reward will be yours
Quest #4: Druid Test
of the Bee Honeycomb Belt Given by Fenalla Moonshadow Fenalla Moonshadow says: The test of the Bee you say? Very well, go forth and gain an Efreeti Statuette, a Wilder's Girdle and finally a piece of divine Honeycomb. Bring them all to me after you have them all and I shall give the just reward.
Quest #5: Druid Test
of the Eagle Cloak of Leaves Given by Fenalla Moonshadow Fenalla Moonshadow says: The test of the eagle is very difficult, and one must be as strong as the Great Pine to finish. For this test I shall need you to find a White-Tipped Spiroc Feather, some Acidic Venom, an Ethereal Ruby and finally a Spiroc Elders Totem. Return all four at once and the prize will be yours.
Quest #6: Druid Test
of Nature Espri Given by Fenalla Moonshadow Fenalla Moonshadow says: The test of Nature is the most difficult test a child of the Trees can undergo. Its completion would prove the Druid is truly one with all of nature. An Efreeti Scimitar, some Lush Nectar, a Fire Sky Ruby and a Storm Sky Opal are required. When you return all at once, the reward will be yours. Safe journey to you!
Quest #1: Enchanter
Test of Illusion Sphinx Hair Cord Given by Lelulean Lelulean says: Illusion it is. Proceed upward through the sky and return to me a Crimson Tessera, a Darkstone Emerald, and a Finely Woven Cloth Cord. This will prove your abilities to me and I will reward you with a Cord of Sphinx Hair.
Quest #2: Enchanter
Test of Metamorphism Wind Walkers Mantle Given by Lelulean Lelulean says: Metamorphism it is. Proceed upward through the sky and return to me a Silver Disk, a Bluish Stone, and a Light Cloth Mantle. This will prove your abilities to me and I will reward you with the Wind Walker's Mantle.
Quest #3: Enchanter
Test of Deception Ivory Mask Given by Lelulean Lelulean says: Deception it is. Proceed upward through the sky and return to me a Rugous Globe, a Sky Pearl, and a Silken Mask. This will prove your abilities to me and I will reward you with an Ivory Mask.
Quest #4: Enchanter
Test of Disillusion Earring of Displacement Given by Enderbite Enderbite says: Disillusion it is. Proceed upward through the sky and return to me a Harpy Statuette, a Nebulous Sapphire, and an Adamintium Earring. This will prove your abilities to me and I will reward you with an Earring of Displacement.
Quest #5: Enchanter
Test of Memorisation Necklace of the Whispering Winds Given by Enderbite Enderbite says: Memorization it is. Proceed upward through the sky and return to me a Carmine Spiroc Feather, a Ganoric Poison, and a Glowing Necklace. This will prove your abilities to me and I will reward you with a Necklace of Whispering Winds.
Quest #6: Enchanter
Test of Incapacitation Staff of Warding Winds Enderbite says: Incapacitation it is. Proceed upward through the sky and return to me an Efreeti Wind Staff, some Sweet Nectar, a Black Sky Diamond, and a Large Sky Sapphire. This will prove your abilities to me and I will reward you with the Staff of Warding Winds.
Quest #1: Magician
Test of Clarification Bracelet of Clarification Given by Frederic Calermin Frederic Calermin says: Clarification it is. Proceed upward through the sky and return to me a Crimson Tessera, an Ethereal Sapphire, and Feathered Cape. This will prove your abilities to me and I will reward you with the Bracelet of Clarification.
Quest #2: Magician
Test of Empowerment Mask of Empowerment Given by Frederic Calermin Frederic Calermin says: Empowerment it is. Proceed upward through the sky and return to me an Iron Disk, a Gem of Empowerment, and a Ceramic Mask. This will prove your abilities to me and I will reward you with the Mask of Empowerment.
Quest #3: Magician
Test of Shielding Golden White Pendant Given by Frederic Calermin Frederic Calermin says: Shielding it is. Proceed upward through the sky and return to me a Hyaline Globe, an Ivory Pendant, and a Gold Coffer. This will prove your abilities to me and I will reward you with an Gold White Pendant.
Quest #4: Magician
Test of Summoning Drake Hide Amice Given by Roanis ElindarRoanis Elindar says: Summoning it is. Proceed upward through the sky and return to me a Harpy Statuette, a Finey Woven Cloth Amice, and a Large Diamond. This will prove your abilities to me and I will reward you with a Drake Hide Amice.
Quest #5: Magician
Test of Interpretation Duennan Shielding Ring Given by Roanis Elindar Roanis Elindar says: Interpretation it is. Proceed upward through the sky and return to me a Carmine Spiroc Feather, a Blood Sky Amethyst, and a Golden Efreeti Ring. This will prove your abilities to me and I will reward you with the Duennan Shielding Ring.
Quest #6: Magician
Test of Displacement Staff of Elemental Mastery: Air Given by Roanis Elindar Roanis Elindar says: Displacement it is. Proceed upward through the sky and return to me some Sweet Nectar, the Crown of Elemental Mastery, a Large Opal, and Djinni's Stave. This will prove your abilities to me and I will reward you with the Staff of Elemental Mastery.
Quest #7: Magician Test of
Gesticulation Staff of the Magister Given by Frederic Calermin
Quest #1: Monk Test
of Strenght Previous reward Mystical Back Straps Current reward Back Straps of Mastery Given by Ton Po Ton Po says: So be it, the test of Strenth you shall have. Bring to me a Verdant Tessera, some Finely Woven Gold Mesh, and some Silken Strands. The task will not be easy, but it should serve as an adequate test of Strengh, for one of your abilities.
Quest #2: Monk Test
of Sight Ton Po's Eye Patch Given by Ton Po Ton Po says: The test of sight is both a test of body and mind. The mind will allow you to see beyond that which is usually, invisible. Bring me a Gold Disc, a Tiny Ruby, and a Cracked Leather Eyepatch and I will assist you in seeing what should not be seen.
Quest #3: Monk Test
of Speed Sandals of Alacrity Given by Ton Po Ton Po says: The test of speed. Every Monk must be swift if he is to best his opponent. Speed in both mind and body is essential in many facets of life. Return to me an Adumbrate Globe, a Shimmering Opal, and some Dove Slippers and I shall aid your speed of mind.
Quest #4: Monk Test
of Tears Ton Po's Shoulder Wraps Given by Wu the Enlightened Wu the Enlightened says: The test of tears involves knowing when to release, and when to provide a shoulder for another. Bring me a Spiroc Statuette, a Spiroc Talon, and a Silken Wrap. I will teach you the way.
Quest #5: Monk Test
of Fists Wu's Tranquil Fist Given by Wu the Enlightened Wu the Enlightened says: A monk must know when to use his or her fists, and when to use ones mind. You must decide in this endevour, which you shall use. Return to me, once you have found them, a pair of Brass Knuckles, a White Spiroc Feather, an Emerald Amethyst, and a Nebulous Sapphire.
Quest #6: Monk Test
of Tranquility Golden Sash of Tranquility Given by Wu the Enlightened Wu the Enlightened says: Ah, the test of tranquility. Only the tranquil monk can achieve enlightenment. Are you such an individual? Time shall tell. Retrieve these items for me. Bring an Aged Nectar, a Writ of Quellious, and a Glowing Diamond and we shall asses your ability. Please note that Glowing Diamond was changed to Tear of Quellious
Quest #1:
Necromancer Test of Flight Rotted Griffon-Hide Wrist Guards Given by Jzil G'Six Jzil GSix says: So, you wish the test of flight? So be it. You must return to me a Verdant Tessera, and Ebon Shard, and a Griffons Beak to reap your rewards. May the darkness guide your steps.
Quest #2:
Necromancer Test of Power Cloak of Spiroc Feathers Given by Jzil G'Six Jzil GSix says: So, the test of power it be. Prove yourself worthy of power and brng me a Silver Disk, a Spirok Feather, and a Black Silk Cape. Only then, will you know true power
Quest #3:
Necromancer Test of the Mind Bloodsoaked Raiment Given by Jzil G'Six Jzil GSix says: So, the test of mind it shall be. You must return to me, from this place of air and mist, a Rogous Globe, some Djinni Blood, and some Fine Cloth Raiments. Then, and only then, you shall have the reward that you deserve!
Quest #4:
Necromancer Test of Heart Given by Dugaas Helpyre Dugaas Helpyre says: So the heart it be. Bring me, foolish one, an Imp Statuette, an Obsidian Amulet, and a Pulsating Ruby. Perhaps then, you shall find your reward.
Quest #5:
Necromancer Test of the Finger Given by Dugaas Helpyre Dugaas Helpyre says: The finger. Needed for nearly every casting you shall ever hope to produce, it truly is the most powerful creation. Should you bring me a White Spiroc Feather, a Nebulous Ring, and the Ring of Veeshan, I shall reward you with power that you can just now begin to comprehend.
Quest #6:
Necromancer Test of the Hands Gorgon Head Staff Given by Dugaas Helpyre Dugaas Helpyre says: The test of the Hands it shall be. Bring me a Gorgon's Head, some Aged Nectar, a Glowing Black Pearl, and an Efreeti's Great Staff. When you return, I shall reward you for your deeds, assuming you live through the experience. Hahaha!
Quest #1: Paladin
Test of Spirit Girdle of Faith Given by Dirkog Steelhand
Quest #2: Paladin
Test of Sacrifice Given by Gregory Lightbringer Gregori Lightbringer says: You have sacrificed much to come so far. Sacrifice this one last time and the sword of ocean breeze shall be yours. Retrieve a griffon statuette, a spiroc peace totem, and a bixie sword blade.
Quest #3: Paladin
Test of Love Zephyrwind Given by Gregori Lightbringer Gregori Lightbringer says: Love is what makes us close to the gods we follow. Without it, we could not truly worship them, and would be lost. Prove yourself to me and return with a dark spiroc feather, ethereal topaz, and a sphinxian claw. In return I will give you Zephywind.
Quest #4: Paladin
Test of Compassion Truvinian, the Divine Wind Given by Gregory Lightbringer Gregori Lightbringer says: Compassion is of great importance to us. Without it, we do not feel empathy, and cannot truly follow the path we claim to travel. Return to me an Efreeti two handed sword, dulcet nectar, a golden hilt, and a large sky diamond. If you present these to me, I will award you Truvinan, the divine wind.
Quest #1: Ranger
Test of Body Griffon Talon Necklace Given by Relinin Skyrunner Relinin Skyrunner says: Very well. You must scour this plane and bring back to me these components: an auburn tessera, a ysgaril root, and a griffon talon. Make haste, and good luck.
Quest #2: Ranger
Test of Defense Spiroc Healer's Cloak Given by Relinin Skyrunner Relinin Skyrunner says: Defense it is. You must prove yourself worthy enough for the Spiroc spirits to guard you. Bring back to me a mithril disc, a harpy tongue, and a fine velvet cloak. Good luck to you.
Quest #3: Ranger
Test of Earth Earthshaker's Mantle Given by Relinin Skyrunner Relinin Skyrunner says: Elemental earth you say? When honed, the elements can be among our best allies. Retrieve a gridelin globe, a dragon hide mantle, and a spiroc earth totem. Only with these items can you master the element of earth.
Quest #4: Ranger
Test of Thunder Thunderforged Earring Given by Gordon Treecaller Gordon Treecaller says : One of my greatest allies indeed. Thunder can be very powerful if used properly. Bring me a djinni statuette, a spiroc thunder totem, and a white gold earring. Then you will know the true power of nature.
Quest #5: Ranger
Test of the Blade Yannikil Given by Gordon Treecaller Gordon Treecaller says : Very good choice, my blade is my best friend and yours will be as well if you can complete this task. Retrieve an efreeti long sword, an emerald spiroc feather, some bitter honey, and a circlet of brambles. Be careful with the honey, if it is tainted the blade will not come to life.
Quest #6: Ranger
Test of Ranged Attack Given by Gordon Treecaller Gordon Treecaller says : Many of the fools on Norrath don't realize how powerful a good bow can be. Many dread wolves have met their fate from my bow and you can have the same power if you can bring me back these items. Efreeti war bow, thickened nectar, a sphinx tallow, and a shimmering pearl.
Quest #1: Rogue Test
of Thievery Wispy Choker of Vigor Given by Kendrick Kendrick says: Thievery is absolute. Travel beyond and bring forth an Ivory Tessera, a gem of invigoration, and an enlaid choker to complete the test of thievery and earn the wispy choker of vigor!
Quest #2: Rogue Test
of Cunning Transparent Mask Given by Rayne Rayne says: Cunning, the true source of all rogue power. Plan and succeed above us and return to me a bronze disc, a destule mask, and some red face paint to compelte the test of cunning. The transparent mask shall be yours if you do so
Quest #3: Rogue Test
of Silence Griffon Wing Spaulders Given by Kendrick Kendrick says: Silence makes us deadly. Proceed upward and bring to me a spiroc sky totem, a pearlescent globe, and a black griffon feather. Griffon Wing Spauldors shall be yours if you complete this.
Quest #4: Rogue Test
of Stealth Scintilating Bracer of Protection Given by Rayne Rayne says: Stealth is a must. Travel among the residents of the sky and bring to me a Pegasus Statuette, a Prismatic Sphere, and a Fine Wool Cloak. In return, The Scintillating Bracer of Protection shall be yours.
Quest #5: Rogue Test
of Trickery Renard's Belt of Quickness Given by Kendrick Kendrick says: Trickery, ahh how Fizzlethorpe blesses us! Adventure and return a mottled spiroc feather, a cracked leather belt, and a sphinxian circlet to complete the test of trickery and earn Renards Belt of Quickness.
Quest #6: Rogue Test
of Deception Ebonsting Given by Rayne Rayne says: Deception it is. Proceed upward through the sky and return to me the honied nectar, a bixie stinger, a lightning rod, and a bloodsky sapphire for the test of deception and earn Ebonsting, caller of lightning.
Quest #1:
Shadowknight Test of Bash Sphinx Eye Amulet Given by Gragrot Gragrot says : Gragrot like bashin. Gragrot say you like bashin too! Give Gragrot an Ebon Tessera, a Sphinx Eye Opal, and a Finely Crafted Amulet. Gragrot then give you Sphinx Eye Amulet.
Quest #2:
Shadowknight Test of Smash Djinni Finger Ring Given by Gragrot Gragrot says : Gragrot wants you smashin. Smash, smash, and return a Copper Disk, a Small Sapphire, and a Silvery Ring. Then Gragrot give you Djinni's Finger Ring.
Quest #3:
Shadowknight Test of Slash Pegasus Hide Belt Given by Gragrot Gragrot says : Gragrot see you is powerful, but Gragrot wonders if you is good at Slashin. Gragrot says return with a Diaphanous Globe, a piece of dried leather, and a Finely Woven Cloth Belt. Gragrot then give you pegasus hide belt.
Quest #4:
Shadowknight Test of Disempowerment Blood Sky Face Plate Given by Tynicon D'Lin Tynicon D'Lin says: Disempowerment, destroying goodly magic. Proceed upward through the sky and return to me a Griffon Statuette, a Blood Sky Emerald, and Rusted Pauldrons. This will prove your abilities to me and I will reward you with Blood Sky Faceplate.
Quest #5:
Shadowknight Test of Envenoming Obtenebrate Mithril Guard Given by Tynicon D'Lin Tynicon D'Lin says: Venom and hate permeates us more than our dumber, larger brohers. Return to me a Efreeti War Shield, a Dark Spiroc Feather, and a Shard of Obsidian and prove that your soul is envenomed with hatred. If you do so the Obtenebrate Metal Guard shall be yours.
Quest #6:
Shadowknight Test of Necropotence Rheumguls Given by Tynicon D'Lin Tynicon D'Lin says: Only the most powerful and vile of shadow knights manage to complete this test. Return to me an Efreeti War Axe, some Dulcet Nectar, a Bloodstained Hilt, and a Blood Sky Ruby. Doing so will earn you the right to wield the Drinker of Blood.
Quest #7:
Shadowknight Test of Raising the Dead Pearlescent Pauldrons Given by Tynicon D'Lin Tynicon D'Lin says: The dead are our allies against those that would oppose us. Proceed upward through the sky and return to me a Large Sky Pearl, a Jar of Honey, a Sphinxian Ring, and Fae Pauldrons. This will prove your abilities to me and I will reward you with an Pearlescent Pauldrons.
Quest #1: Shaman
Test of Might Drake Fang Amulet Given by Gina McStargan Gina MacStargan says: The test of might It Is. Go find an Auburn Tessera, a Drake Fang and a Leather Chord. Bring them to me when you have them all and I shall reward you.
Quest #2: Shaman
Test of Health Elder Shaman's Ceremonial Bracelet Given by Gina McStargan Gina MacStargan says: The test of health Is difficult. I am sure that you will find It a challenge. Bring to me a Platinum Disc, some Ethereal Amber, a Shimmering Amber and finally a Ceremonial Belt. Return them all to me at once and you shall have your just reward.
Quest #3: Shaman
Test of Sight Sphinx Hide Mantle Given by Gina McStargan Gina MacStargan says: So you wish to take the test of sight do you? Get me a Phosphoric Globe, a Sphinx Hide and a Light Damask Mantle. Give them all to me at the same time and I shall reward you well.
Quest #4: Shaman
Test of Shrink Spiroc Warhammer Given by Ooga Ooga says: Ohh! Dat gud tes, me know cuz me did It. Me had get a Efreeti War Club, Djinni Statuette, sum Corrosive Venom an sum Wooden Bands. Was hard for Ooga, me took long to get dem. Yuz give all to me at sam time me give yuz what me got.
Quest #5: Shaman
Test of the Snake Crimson Ring of Desinence Given by Ooga Ooga says: Mmm, tes of snake not too bad, me did It an still alive. When me did It, me got Emerald Spiroc Feather, Bixie Essence, an Spiritualists Ring. Me get gud stuff for dat. Yuz giv me stuff all at once an me give to yuz what me got.
Quest #6: Shaman
Test of the Witch Doctor Given by Ooga Ooga says: Oh! Now yuz got In da big mojo, me had big hard time wit dis one. Me got In lot of trouble when me got Efreeti War Maul, Thickened Nectar, Fire Sky Ruby an Symbol Of Veeshan. Yuz giv to me, Me be easy on yuz an giv prize me got.
Quest #1: Warrior
Test of Skill Azure Ruby Ring Given by Falorn Falorn says: The test of skill it is. Go upward and retrieve these three items: an ivory tessera, a small ruby, and an azure ring. Return these to me and the azure ruby ring shall be yours.
Quest #2: Warrior
Test of Strenght Runed Wind Amulet Given by Falorn Falorn says: Remember, true strength lies not only in the body, but in the mind as well. Return to me a bronze disc, a small pick and a stone amulet. If you manage to do this my runed wind amulet will be yours.
Quest #3: Warrior
Test of Force Aerated Pauldrons Given by Falorn Falorn says: Foolishness or bravery Gendal? We shall see. Return to me a pearlescent globe, a silver mesh and a spiroc air totem. In return, you will receive both my deepest respect and the aerated pauldrons.
Quest #4: Warrior
Test of Think Belt of the Four Winds Given by Ogog Ogog says: Ogog think that you do this one maybe. Ogog no know though. You bring Ogog efreeti belt, pegasus statue, a spiroc wind totem and tablet. Ogog say good luck!
Quest #5: Warrior
Test of Smash Dagas Given by Falorn Ogog says: Ogog smash good. . . Ogog no think you can smash good. But Ogog let you try. You get Ogog Djinni War Blade, some veerulent wasp poison and a mottled spiroc feather. Ogog say you good warrior if you do this!
Quest #6: Warrior
Test of Bash Fangol Given by Ogog Ogog says: This one hard. Ogog like it. Ogog need Efreeti battle axe, some honey nectar, bottled djinni, and ethereal emerald. Then Ogog make you best basher.
Quest #1: Wizard
Test of Concentration Augmentor's Mask Given by Neasin Leornic Neasin Leornic says: Concentration it is. Proceed upward through the sky and return to me an Azure Tessera, an Augmentor's Gem, and a Grey Damask Cloak. This will prove your ability to concentrate and I will reward you with an Augmentors Cloak.
Quest #2: Wizard
Test of Focus Al'Kabor's Cap of Binding Given by Neasin Leornic Neasin Leornic says: Focus is a must. Travel among the residents of the sky and bring to me an Iron Disk, an Ethereal Opal, and a Woven Skull Cap. This will prove your ability to focus and I will reward you with Al`Kabors Cap.
Quest #3: Wizard
Test of Meditation Raiment of Thunder Given by Neasin Leornic Neasin Leornic says: Meditation, the fix for all. Fly to those above and return to me a Hyaline Globe, a Sky Topaz, and a High Quality Raiment. If you are successful, I will reward you with the Raiment of Thunder.
Quest #4: Wizard
Test of Conception Solidate Mithril Ring Given by Abec Ianor Abec Ianor says: Conception is vital. Travel beyond and bring forth an Efreeti Statuette, a Mithril Air Ring, and a Box of Winds. From these I will produce a ring that will protect you where ever you go.
Quest #5: Wizard
Test of Visualisation Amulet of Planar Transference Given by Abec Ianor Abec Ianor says: Visualize and succeed. Proceed upward and bring to me a White-Tipped Spiroc Feather, a Pulsating Sapphire, and an Amethyst Amulet. With these items, I will be able to produce an amulet that will aid in your travels to our home.
Quest #6: Wizard
Test of Preparation Nargon's Staff Given by Abec Ianor Abec Ianor says: lways be prepared. Adventure and return an Efreeti War Staff, some Lush Nectar, a Copper Air Band, and a large Sky Sapphire. And you shall be rewarded with the Staff of Storms.
Items per isles and corresponding classes:
1- Faerie Island
Auburn Tessera (Ranger, Shaman)
Azure Tessera (Druid, Wizard)
Crimson Tessera (Enchanter, Magician)
Ebon Tessera (Shadowknight, Paladin?)
Ivory Tessera (Rogue, Warrior)
Ochre Tessera (Bard, Cleric)
Verdant Tessera (Monk, Necromancer)
2- Azarack Island
Bronze Disc (Rogue, Warrior)
Copper Disc (Druid, Shadowknight)
Gold Disc (Cleric, Monk)
Iron Disc (Magician, Iron)
Mithril Disc (Ranger, Paladin?)
Platinum Disc (Bard, Shaman)
Silver Disc (Enchanter, Necromancer)
Black Face Paint (Druid)
Ethereal Sapphire (Magician)
3- Gorgalosk Island
Hyaline Globe (Magician, Wizard)
Adumbrate Globe (Cleric, Monk)
Diaphanous Globe (Druid, Paladin, Shadowknight)
Gridelin Globe (Ranger)
Pearlescent Globe (Rogue, Warrior)
Phospherous Globe (Bard, Shaman)
Rogous Globe (Enchanter, Necromancer)
Harpie Tongue (Ranger)
Red Face Paint (Rogue)
Ethereal Amber (Shaman)
Sky Emerald (Druid)
4- Pegasus Island
Black Griffon Feather (Rogue)
Jester's Mask (Rogue)
5- Spiroc Island
Spiroc Sky Totem (Rogue)
Spiroc Battle Staff (Druid)
6- Wasp Island
7- Drake Island
8- Butterfly Island