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.::Fact Sheet::.

Name: Heidi Ann H. aKa *Dee

State: Texas

City: San Antonio

Location Born: England (yes its true the U.K)

D.O.B: April 9th

Hair: Black at the moment

Eyes: Dark Brown

Shoe: 7 1/2 - 8 1/2 depends on the shoe

Ethnicity: Filipina/Caucasian/Spanish

Zodiac: Aries woohoo!

Status: Single!

Music: Rock/Alternative/Punk, Techno/House, some R&B, really into 80's music

Motto: "You gotta say what you say, don't let anybody get in your way."

Favorite Candy: M & M's and Mr. Good bar's oh and Almond Joys : P

Lucky #: 2

Pets: 1 dog

Favorite Colors: Yellow, Orange, and Green

Favorite animal: Tigers

Favorite Food: Filipino and Chinese, Mostly anything oriental

Favorite fast food: Mickey D's, gotta love the $1 menu haha

Favorite icecream: Java & Fortunate vanilla

Favorite quotes: "The truth Hurts." ; "Love feels like Heaven, but it can hurt like Hell." ; "If it was supposed to feel good they wouldn't call it a crush."

Turn-Ons: Men who smell good, confidence, humor, and guys w/sexy accents.(hehe..)

Turn-offs: Immaturity, bad breath, no sense of humor, big egos, and cockiness.

Worst Pickup Line: Do you know who I am? please..

Best Pickup Line: Don't say anything at all, just smile at me and walk by casually.

Hobbies: Dancing, web design, talking on the phone, shopping, movies, racing, and partying.

Intrests/Obsessions: movies, hacking, unix, clubbing, multi-colored hair, poetry, shoes, nail polish, adidas, art, human extinction, running, belts, Alloy, import cars, import models, car shows, killer abs, yellow, raves, house/techno, gossip, freestyle, glow sticks, stringing, athiests,, asian pride, Filipina, sport cars, drugs, safety pins, coffee, art, chokers, photography, hawaii, Sharon Sotto, sex, men, bottle caps, rock n roll, 99.5 KISS, work out videos, Ben Affleck, Multiple O's, Thrice, Nikki Cash, Tila Nguyen, Dj Rhettmatic, Piercings, Dr. Pepper lip gloss, black lights, NASCAR racing, tattoos, Motorcross, Victoria's Secret, Fredrick's of Hollywood

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