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.::Frequently Asked Questions::.

Q: What are some hobbies you enjoy doing?
A: Well dancing is always on the list you've got to know that! I love going to car shows. I like seeing all the creative styles people come up with. And I also just like nice cars LoL. When I'm up to it I like to draw. I'm not any good at drawing any original drawings but I can look at a picture and almost make an exact replica of it. *shrugs* :) I also write poetry. Have been for a couple of years now. It's one of my greatest ways of expression. I'm very artistic I guess you could say? Dance, art, and poetry all in one. wow. I feel talented LoL.

Q: What are some things you like?
A: I like lots of things! Nice cars, guys who smell good, photography, white tigers, all kinds of music, web design, school (weird i know), creative people, reading books, people with a sense of humor, people with imagination, the color yellow :), driving at high speeds, racing, break dancing, the style of sk8ers, poetry, yellow roses, movies, good food, good entertainment, presents, open minded people, money (haha!), watching martial arts vids (hehe..), trying new things.. I could name more but you get the picture!

Q: What are some things that you hate?
A: Close minded people and ignorance. I'm pretty sure you know what I'm talking about if not your probably one of them haha. I also can not stand jealousy. I have been jealous before and I hate it. LoL It makes you do things you usually wouldn't do. Also I hate people telling me what to do or how I should act. Now that pisses the hell outta me! I have problems with authority. People who hate on everyone. Get a life for crying out loud! Online drama.. as if we dont get enough drama in reality. Back stabbers and Liars. People who leave you hanging. Just plain jerks and assholes I guess. :)

Q: What kind of qualities do you look for in a guy?
A: I like tough and rough guys...but with a soft side too. And of course a sense of humor. I like to laugh. So if I can find a guy who can make me laugh..oh man that's it for me! Also a guy with confidence is a turn on as well. And a little southern hospitality wouldn't hurt either! : P Intelligence is a must; I have expectations to some level.

Q: What is your favorite color?
A: Well it's changed over the years but I'd have to say it's always been yellow. I also like orange and green. No girly pinks for me sowwies. :D

Q: Who is your idol?
A: hmm...I don't really have one but I do like Tila Nguyen. A model from Houston, Tx. I think she's beautiful. But she's had a boob job. haha! Oh well she's pretty with or with out them. So I say. I'm my own idol I guess.

Q: What is your favorite movie?
A: I have too many but just to name a few so you get the idea, Ever after, Fast and the Furious, 2fast2furious, Bruce Almighty, Old school, Flash dance, The breakfast club.

Q: How would you describe yourself to others?
A: I'm a really nice person once you get to know me but get on my bad side and I can be a total bitch. It's your call.. Na but I can just chill and be your homegirl and we can kick it and have fun. I get into a lot of trouble w/my friends. I like to have fun and if you can't have fun well...your no fun right? LoL But I like to joke around too. But my sense of humor is different than most people. What I find funny some people find weird or not funny at all..LoL I always crack people up with my weird ways. I'm one who loves to laugh but I'm really a serious person as well.. laughter has always broken the ice for me. But keep in mind I'm not half as serious as I look.

Q: What are some of your dreams?
A: Well of course I want to live a happy and full life along with a great career and a guy I love. I want to be famous too.. yea everyone and their mama! But I mean not the hollywood type of famous, because that would be nice but I meant become famous for other things as well.. Inventing mechanics or cures for diseases etc. :)

Q: What is your dream car?
A: Umm a Silvia or of course a Supra... does it really matter as long as their fast as shit?

Q: Are you bisexual?
A: hahahaha No. But I'm curious. LoL I'll give you that much. Don't act like your not curious either assholes! It's not a bad thing you know. But check back in a few years and we'll see if I'm bi. : P I seriously doubt it though.

Q: What gets you most excited?
A:! sex..and more sex! LoL umm I dont know how you want me to answer this question.

Q: What do you enjoy doing?
A: Besides having sex? LoL umm I like taking pictures and web design...and dancing has always been fun. Dancing makes me feel somewhat sexual. To sound even more dorky here is something else I do a lot. I spend most of my time on computers w/web design. I take things apart and put them back together... including cars. I also like spending time with the one I'm dating.

Q: What do you find yourself day dreaming about?
A: Honestly I day dream about me in a serene setting just relaxing and spending time with my dream guy. I also day dream about me finding true love and being happy for the rest of my life. When I think of things like that it makes me heart ache.

Q: Why are you the way you are? Dont you trust me?
A: I am the way I am because of ppl who dont think about their actions. I am always the one who gets fucked over or hurt in the end. Also because I fall so easily in love that its hard for me to just let go. No I dont trust you, and its nothing personal. I just dont give my trust away, you earn it, you better fucking cherish it, cuz I'll take it away in an instant.

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