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.::Someday I will..

: have my name known world wide

: find someone who loves me and understands

: learn how to french braid my own hair

: pulish a book

: be truely happy

: own 2 or more cars and a great house

: learn to love again

: get away from this place and be free of worries

: have a great career and life

: do all the outrageous things I've always wanted to do and get away with it.

: get a tattoo

: get married ?maybeż

: go on a killing rampage (ya never know i could be pure insane in about 15 years)

((:.. Archive ..:))
>Discover a Girl<

: bio
: factsheet
: views
: pics
: shout out
: someday
: journal
: main

>Picture Galleries<

: friends
: Coming Soon!
: Coming Soon!
: Coming Soon!
: Coming Soon!
: Coming Soon!
: Coming Soon!
: Coming Soon!



  Show Me Love
It takes me about a week to reply to email, please be patient.

Oral Sex Donations Accepted


>Extra Stuff<

: Wishes
: Linkage
: Guestbook
: Slammer
© 2002 Heidi Ann Harriott.
all rights reserved

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