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  • How to use Materia, and to use HUGE MATERIA

    ~How to use Materia~

    Throughout the game you will need to put these in ur weapon slots to survive specific attacks, and to in turn inflict something nasiter back tee hee heres a crash course before we complicated.


    Ok, on some weapons there will be one slot, that dont mean nothing significant, just means you can add a materia ball into for usage sakes. Here you would want to put stuff like: Double cut, Slash-All, HP +, MP +, stuff that doesn't worked junctioned.


    Ok, This is a double slot, here you can do combos, like All + Cure = Cure all, or if you want to get techy, you can put on a weapon slot Hades + Added Effect = Enemy now has statues of frog, poison, small, sleep, blind, etc. Theres more but you can now play wif it and get the idea like i did.


    Later into the game after you have "mastered" on of Every materia of:

  • Magic Materia
  • Independent Materia
  • Mastered Materia          
  • Study
    You can now go to Cosmo Canyon to Bugenhagen's study and make yourself A MASTER MATERIA which is all the mastered summon's combined.

    You have to have all the HUGE MATERIA'S that you had to collect while Cloud was in his coma. They will be in Bugenhagen's study. So just go there and the rest is self explanatory. Just make sure you have EVERY single one of those 3 materia's MASTERED!!!!
