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Squall Leonhart


  • Name: Squall Leonhart
  • Age: 17
  • Height: 5' 8"
  • Birthdate: August 23
  • Blood Type: AB
  • Weapon of Choice: Gunblade
  • Special Skill: Renzokuken

  • Story:

    The main character in FFVIII. He is a very short-spoken and cold individual, not really caring much about anything. A student of Balamb Garden, he's an introvert with little concern for his comrades; few can actually claim to understand him. A cool and mysterious guy. Having this perceived image is fine by him. When he was younger, he's Sis left him at the orphanage he grew up in. He was abandoned, this is probably why he is the way he is, not trying to get close to anyone, afraid of being hurt again. When he meets Rinoa, she gradually breaks the shell of emotionless he has created around himself.

    Squall's Limit Breakers:
  • Rough Drive: Squall runs at the enemy and slashes his Gunblade up through the enemy, causing the ground underneath the enemy to expload upward.
  • Fated Circle: Squall leaps into the air and then spins around once releasing a circle of energy that hits the enemy.
  • Blasting Zone: Squall holds his Gunblade up and a beam of light travels from it into the sky. He then lowers the Gunblade causing the light to crush the enemy.
  • Lion Heart: The strongest of all Squall's Limit Breaks. He knocks the enemy into the air and unloads a series of devastating hits causing mass amounts of damage.
