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  • Tidus


    Tidus the son of Jecht the next in the best of the Blitzball players for Zanarkand, he's the leader of the Zanarkand Abes. Thats untill his old man makes one final apperance in Zanarkand (as Sin though) and destroy's the city. Auron is then instructed by Jecht to bring Tidus to the future to put him out of his aggony. Tidus is then thrown into a world of confusion with him being a thousand years into the future, everything he knows has been destroyed especially machine (or Machina to the rest) by the teachings of Yevon. Anyway him and and a group of guardians with the summoner Yuna, the daughter of the greastest summoner Braska are on a pilgramage to destroy sin once again, but this time is different. How can Tidus be the key to all of this?
