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Celestial Mirror:

Well, here's what you all have been waiting for....(*yawn*....)....OH YEAH, anyway, the mirror and weapon thingy, *yeah* ok, here we go.

First you have to go the Remiem Temple where you fought Belgemine for the Magnus Sisters. Don't go into the temple though, instead go to the left and mount the Chocobo awaiting you, you now must race against another Chocbo to the bottom, to improve the item you win, USE AS MANY SHORT CUTS AS POSSIBLE! don't take your time, go, GO, go, GO!!!!!!! When, and if you beat the other chocobo (if you didn't your pathetic j/k) you'll recieve the Cloudy Mirror, which you must now power up into the super duper CELESTIAL MIRROR.

In again, the Calm Lands you need to go back to the Macalania Woods and head toward the Lake where Yuna and Tidus *smooched*, there you'll encounter a little boy and his mother standing near the save sphere. Talk to the mother where she'll imply that she cannot find her lazy good for nothing husband....

(joke not really :P), but he's missing and she asks you, another guy (uH oH :P) to find him for her. Here if you decide to accept this mission must go back to where the group camped the night they escaped from Bevelle and talk with the lady's hubby. He'll be the goofy looking one on your right, you tell him where his wife and child is and he'll go running like an idiot (forgeting where his family is :( ), so now go back to where the wife is and speak with her and she'll now tell you that her son is missing, (pretty obvious eh?). Go up the now illuminating
(wHoA tRiPpY....) path and hang a left at the save sphere. Ok, if you did everything right there won't be a girl blocking your path, if there is go back down the path and speak with the mother until she tells you that her sons missing and head back here. Now if the path is clear of any idiots, go up and talk to the child. Use the Cloudy Mirror on the crystal and the Cloudy mirror will power up into the super duper CELESTIAL MIRROR!

(Good job, pat yourself on the back now).......

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Ultimate Weapons:

Power Up Piece #1:
Location #1:
Power Up Piece #2:
Location #2:
Sun Crest:
Zanarkand Dome, where Yunaleca battle took place.
Sun Sigil:
Race the Chocobo trainer in the Calm Lands and finish with a time of 0:0.0
Moon Crest:
Besaid Isle-Beach
Moon Sigil:
Defeat every Aeon at the Remiem Temple.
Mars Crest:
Mi'ihen Highroad-Oldroad-South.
Mars Sigil:
Capture 1 kind of every different monsters in 10 different areas.
World Champion
Jupiter Crest:
Luca; inside Auroch's locker room.
Jupiter Sigil:
It's a prize in Blitzball; can only get if Wakka has the Attack, Status, and Auroch Reels.
Spirit Lance
Saturn Crest:
Mt. Gagazet; in columns after Seymoure battle.
Saturn Sigil:
Capture all the blue butterflies w/o touching any red ones in the butterfly game in Macalania Woods.
Onion Knight
Venus Crest:
Farplanes at Guadosalam.
Venus Sigil:
Dodge 200 consecutive lighting bolts in the Thunder Plains.
Mercury Crest:
In sand whirlpool in the Sanubia Desert
Mercury Sigil:
Complete the Village of the Cactuar mini-game and look for a treasure chest in the sandstorm area.

You must race and defeat the Chocobo trainer in the Calm lands, afterwords head to the upper northwest corner of the map to a narrow pathway that goes into a gorge, the guard will be gone, Tidus will then be able to enter and acquire his weapon.
You must capture all 9 monster types in the calm lands region, after that go to the monster arena and talk to the owner. He will then give you a treasure chest containing her weapon, just use the Celestial mirror and it's all yours HOMIE!
YOu must first get the Rusty Sword that can be taken from the eastern cliff of the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth, then take the sword to the statute of lord Mi'ihen on the Mushroom Rock Road, this area was previously blocked off. Place the sword before the statue to reveal a glyph, touch the glyph to acquire Aurons Weaponmifier.
World Champion
Go to the bartender in the Luca Cafe'. If she refuses to give it to you is because you have been a sissy and haven't played enough Blitzball.
Spirit Lance
To get Kimarhi's wepon you have to go to the Thunder Plains, and active 3 Quactar Stones. Stand at any and press the Square button. When all 3 are turned on find the Quactar ghost hoovering along the ground in the southern part of the thunder plains. Follow it to a small ruined lightning tower on the right and press Square to send a bolt of lightning to the tower to give you the Lance.
Onion Knight
Go to the Baaj temple where you got Anima and dive into the water. Swim south from the northern doors enterance and search the southern part of the circular underwater area and look for a treasure chest.
You must input the airship password GODHAND to open a secret location at the Mushroom Rock Road. Move north to the end of the ravine and use the Celestial Mirror on the symbol embedded in the rock faceimifier.

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