Geomancer Seven-Live for the fight!
- G1-Corey Lee Lewis he is our book keeper. He is the best fighter in the world! (hehehe).He does San Shou Kung Fu,Eagle,Mantis,and Qi Gong.Special:Flash Technique. He like candlelit dinners and long walks on the beach(hehehehe)
- G2-Chanthear Ros she's my evil sister and Corey's rival.She does karate and kickboxing. . Stand in Lauren Bonvini she is smart and does kenpo
- G3-David (Mung) N he's the smart one. He does Drunken boxing,Tae kwan do, and Muay Thai kick boxing. Special move:Sequence Frame System.His bubble gives him protection against bullets. i really miss him though he is my bestest friend.R.I.P
- G4-Gina(a.k.a Snoop Gina G) She's a new member and is currently being trained by Corey in basic arts. Mess with her and she'll pretty pink pony your ass.
- G5- We have an opening, any one who can fight or have an interesting talent please contact me. Absent Member isCaitlin Hoerman a student of mine and mother of the last member G8 Zoe Yuki
- G6-Crystal (Cherry) Colon she's the crazy one. She street fights and wrestles a little she has also created Drowsy fist Kung fu.Special:Musou-Musou!!!.Everyday is anime. One for all and all for fun!!
- G7-Chanthoun (Paul) Ros (Me!) I am now offically the leader, which is my rightful place.. I use Wing Chun Kung fu,Tiger style Kung fu,Tai chi,Pa Kua.Special:Impulse Drive.
- GB(B=brain)-Dan James though he's not trained he's fat so that makes up for that. He is the smart one and does all the thinking while we do all the fighting
- Jock are a species of human that spend their free time lowering their Intelligence by playing sports and acting like idiots,fun!
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- You look at an attractive male\female and say i wonder what style he\she does
- Anything in life can be related to fighting
- Trance is the time between sleeping and eating.
- You close doors,windows cabnets, and desk with body parts other than your hands this includes kicks,elbows,and back-shoulder tackles
- You know what a back-shoulder tackle is...
- Relationships are based on what styles you do
- Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon made you cry
- When your in a bind you wait for your Special Move to appear
- If a tree falls in the forest........ it's because you kicked its ass!
- Excessive amounts of sugar can lead to accidental use of Special Moves
- There are at least five different weapons just laying on your bed room floor
- This is funny as hell to you
This site is dedicated to the exploits of seven kids in stratford,CT. G7 is a ghetto superhero group like the Bouncer but real and less cool. We dont have real super powers but we have martial arts(and Chi!....and Elements...). We really have no lives so if you do have any troubles (supernatural or otherwise)e-mail me.We're here, we care. I have friends who I would like to give shots outs to, theys is the whole Lawler clan Erin, Courtney, and Steve(Jon Jon)they all be kenpo heads,Cameron a student of the G7 leaders,Liz she talks good,Ben V (can spell last name),Matt the general and can't forget my little jock head Tae kwan do user Will Jones he may kick like a girl but he can fight.....sort of. It would be extra special neat to spar in school like in study hall or gym or math... or not, possibly. Why do assholes who think they are martial artists take themselves so seriously. A true martial artist would not worry about proving him\herself. They have to believe in themselves and their ability and not have others do it for them.So for all you posers get that chip off your should before someone knocks it off. The game Erhgeiz is an awesome, realistic fighting game you just really have to look for it. Down with jocks. We have all begun to cosplay which I never thought I would do in a million years. It's really quite fun! We are soon starting the G5 challenge all participates can check in with any G7 members to join. E-mail me for more info. Hey kids go to www.livejournal.com/user/~sevencloud
Email: Plasmag7@yahoo.com
This way to the gallery!!!11