The Band (As It Was)

Individually, here they are:

This is Raine (or as my brother calls him "Raine Maida Puddle." Yeah. He's hilarious. *gag*). Sarah and I have decided to share Mr. Puddle. I'm sure this sounds incredibly creepy to anyone who does not know us. It actually kind of is. See, a few years back, I "called" Raine. That means that if he came strollin' along into our town, I'd have first dibs on marrying him. Sarah called seconds, which means she gets him when I die. Now, though, this is impossible because Raine decided to get married himself. This is his wife.

Needless to say, Sarah and I are not fans. However she is a Canadian artist, so you should buy her albums. Anyway, moving on...

This is Jeremy. He is very cool in my opinion. He is my second favourite member of the band, but I do love them all. Jeremy is the most laid back character on the entire planet, see, when the band was recording their latest album "Spiritual Machines" in stores now, go pick it up Jeremy got attacked by a mugger. The mugger decided to kick Jeremy in the knee because Jeremy had no money. Now, had this happened to me, I'd be quite pissed off, but not Jeremy. He had no hard feelings towards the mugger. He obviously didn't want it to happen, but it did. In the words of Richard Fish (Ally McBeal if you don't know who he is), Bygones.

This is Mike. He is Sarah's guy. She thinks he's just the hottest guy in the world. Even though he's kinda old and has been seen chugging back a few during a concert or two. Now, I personally do not hold this against him. As long as he can still play the songs, he can drink all he wants. I do hope this alcohol problem doesn't cause the band to be on VH1's Behind The Music though. That would be very upsetting.

Last but certainly not least we have Duncan. From what I hear, Duncan is the nicest guy you'll ever meet. But Sarah and I view him as somewhat creepy. It's nothing personal, Duncan. During interviews, somehow, Duncan's mic just gets turned off. Then, he'll have something incredibly witty to say, and we won't hear it because his mic was turned off. So then the sound crew will think, hey, Duncan's talking, and they turn the mic back on. Then he is asked to repeat his comment, at which time, the joke has passed completely and he ends up looking like a moron. Duncan, I love you man, but you gotta tell 'em to turn your damn mic on!!

The New Band

This is how that band looks now. You may notice that someone isn't there. Yes, Mike left the band. They split ways. They had their reasons. Apparently it was a long time coming, blah, blah, blah. Whatever. They did replace him, however. With this guy:

Scary, eh? Yeah, that's Steve Mazur. I think he's from Boston. I guess he was a fan of the band and he hooked up with the boys somehow, I don't really know the story. I guess its okay, because he allowed the band to make their latest album Gravity which is really good. You should buy it. Its good. That's really all I have to say about Steve.