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UnDEr coNStrUcTIon

Took this picture while standing atop a mountain in Sedona Arizona. One of the most beautiful places I've been. It's best seen in the morning and evening. I used a tripod and left the shutter open for a few seconds.

Another arizona picture. This was taken at Slide Rock nationl park 10 minutes north of Sedona. Its very very red and orange and blue. arizona but you'd never be able to tell. These are stars beleive it or not. I left my camera outside in a small campground for about 2 hours I beleive. My astronomy teacher was amazed my 1st star trail photos came out so well.

Same idea as above, but I pointed my camera at Polaris. This was my 1st attempt.

This was actually taken a few years back...I was 14 or so... This was taken somewhere up in canada on the east shoreline on a very drab day.