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my project


Do you ever picture yourself working on a major project?

What if this project was Something deep and dark?

I have a deep and dark project I would like to accomplish.

Some may call it suicide, Or some may call it insanity.

I don’t care what you call it, I’m doing it out of curiosity.

I ponder on this project a lot, Deciding how and what to do.

There are several different ways, Trust me I’ve done my research.

I picture myself shooting my head off, Afterwards, lying in a pool of blood.

I picture myself laying there alone, No one to come after me.

I picture myself getting hit by a car on purpose, Then lying in a coma.

I picture myself slitting my wrists, And smearing the blood everywhere.

Why do I think about all this? I really am sick, I guess.

I’m hurting so bad inside, I just don’t know what to do.

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© 2004 Jill Taylor