This Is My Wasted Lifestyle...Enjoy, Assholes!!
Stare deep into the spooky depths of my crotch! Do you not fear the awesome power of Tile Grout?!
Just an update to let everyone know whats been going on! I started working on an 87 Buick put a new engine in it, new heat and air, put a nice CD player in it, next is the whole speaker problem Im working on it and will keep everyone up to date.
The Skateboarding movie is almost at an hour now but there is no editing done yet....more later
This is a clip from the movie(check out more in my skating section)
I must say that if you find this website and are still looking at it, then you are most likely a loser and have no life...but hey, thanks for making me feel like I have all this power to take away from the time you sit in front of the screen wacking away at yourself, since you're too lazy to find a girlfriend so you turn to looking at girls that have had sex more times then you have thought about having sex, but if you do care...(Goddamit, fuck you lazy bastard, get your own fucking napkin)...Shit, I hate lazy people...(Damn Ma, don't rush me, I will go to the store in a minute)...Why are all parents lazy? Is that why they have us, so that they can sit around while we do the stupid shit around the house?...(Fuck, why are the walls laughing at me?)...I think I'm losing my mind, I don't know how to tell you this...Krista, you left sitting at the door lost and confused... why would you throw me away after all I did (Make the bells stop, mom they are all laughing at me)...Remember E.T. has to call home...(Shit, look out, the toilet seat is going to fall on your D*#%)...Shit, there goes his neck again...(Dammit I'm cumming)...Better run, life is passing me by...
When you looking at my site if you have anything to say E-mail me let me know I do like to hear from people about my site the e-mail adress is at the bottom
New and Old News!
I'm back....time to bitch about all the bull shit that is going on now
Things are better family is always there for me.
I'm Working on a Honda 750C I just got a new carb assembly off Ebay!!
My job is going good life is moving in the right direction.
I still think people suck bonkey dolls lol...
I have so much more to say, but I'm just one voice in a big sea of assholes. So I will keep saying what I want in my loadest voice till someone hears me. When you stick out like a sore thumb you will get the attention you deserve. Keep comming back to my website because it will only get better.

<---Stare into my empty nipples you are my slave

<-------Me thinking really hard

<----Click on this and help me get the word out about my site
I stared, motionless, before the mirror. As always, I stayed there untill I'm convinced that there is no glass, nothing, seperating me from the other side.
I imagine that everything is different. Over there. Better. There are people, in that world, who I would like.
But, like always, my hand hits that glass.
I know that if I'd only waited just one more second....
I'm gonna go kill a Party Clown.

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Few of the Things I HATE About People
- Never in a good mood.
- They don't know how to drive! @#$@!
- Like to talk shit but will never step up.
- Too many stupid fucks at skool
- Back Stabbers
My Other Pages
All About Skateboarding
My Fiero
More Fiero's
My Fav Comic Book
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My Favorite Bands
My Fossils
Pictures of Yours Truly
A Little About The One We Call ED!!
All My Outdoor Adventures.