This is My Page For The Best Car In The World!!
Welcome to the world of death and destruction. There are a couple of things on this little rock that are worth my looking at...the best thing is the best American car built: THE PONTIAC FIERO. This car kicks so much ass that it is used for kit cars all the time. I do, in fact, have one of these cars. It is so much fun to drive, and I love when people stare in awe at it.
Now this kind of looks like my Fiero; a black 87' Fiero...but my rims are a lot better. I hope to have pics of my Fiero up on the site real soon, so remember to stay tuned.
Under such extream heat, wear and degradation is invitable!! Parts BREAK after OVERUSE!! And THAT is why Toaster Pastries WILL burst into FLAMES if you don't keep an eye on them, YOU SACKS OF BLADDER WASTE!!!
This is the hood with the Pegasus logo that I want on my next Fiero.

<---Me after I see a Fiero I like
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My Favorite Things About The Pontic Fiero
- Fast
- Fun To Drive
- You Can Always Make It Better