About Me

This is me last summer at camp. Sorry about picture quality, I took it off a friends web site

"Tell me, Malter, do you know who you are? Who are you?"
-Rav Kalman. The Promise by Chiam Potok. Page 180

My name is Elizabeth and I'm a senior in high school. My course load this year is heavy, but I'm enjoying most of my classes. As with most seniors, my mind is focused on college and getting out of high school.

In my spare time I read (Currently I'm attempting to read all of David Edding's books. Right now I'm on The Sorceress of Darshiva, the fourth book in the Mallorian series) and play with HTML. I also play the piano and watch movies (the last two movies I saw were Monsoon Wedding and Igby Goes Down).

I love to write stories and, to some extent, papers. Last year I took a creative writing class at school and you can find some of my work in the Writings section.

As you can see, there's quotes at the top of every page. Guess which one is my senior quote! Send guesses to: elizfro@attbi.com. You don't get anything if you guess right, but I'll put your name up as getting it right. Come on, you know you want to!
