The Institute vs. The Organization

The Institute: Crystal’s company that makes clones and sells them to people for whatever they want to do to them. All the clones are male and they are all programmed to do whatever they are told except for the last five clones of every batch. Those clones have free will and free thought. The Institute keeps all their clones in perfect condition and after the incident between #421 and #325; clones from different litters are not allowed to meet. The doctors who work there are usually strict and only really work there for the money. Crystal made a deal with the government so the Institute is never shut down as long as she pays them a large amount of money each year. No one except rich people or companies can afford to hire clones, so normal people do not know about the Institute and therefore no one makes any complaints about what is going on there. The Institute has very strict security measures and employ memory repressing machines to keep the clones under control.

The Operation: A secret operation set up by Clay, the first doctor to leave the Institute, to bring down the Institution and free all the free-minded clones. The operation frees all the clones that they can and have many doctors in the Institute that work for them. Most of the people who work in the operation are either escaped clones or doctors who left the Institute, however, another goal of the operation is to inform the general public of what is going on, so a few people who work there have no ties to the Institute, and are the “normal people”. The operation has safe houses all over the city that is closest to the Institute. The operation gets all of its money from the doctors who quit the Institute because they are all quite rich.

Notes index

The Clone