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So you wanna know about me, eh?

Okay, so we've already got established that you're insane for wanting to know about -me-...but that's okay! The above picture shows myself and my mother, (Yoda...don't ask.) Isn't grand? Can't you feel the love generating from myself and my family? Not really? Oh...well then...feh.

Anywho, what would you like to know about me? I'm born the night of November 22nd, year 1981. I'm a Sag/Scorpio Cusp chylde (For those who care to know), and have...way too many damned interests to list, but for justa few:
DDR (Dance Dance Revolution). Check it out at
Role Playing is a love of mine.
Writing and reading Fantasy novels.
Music, playing, singing, mixing, attempting to write.
Work..hah...some interest, but I actually -do- enjoy my job, because I get to help tons of people, and that's what I like to do.

Hrm...I guess that about covers the basics eh? You wanna know more you say!? Look to your left! There's an e-mail button on that menu, USE IT! Hee hee, anyway...Ta Ta For Now kiddies! And enjoy yourselves!

You're giddy with the ddr lovin' when you play, just be careful not to drown in all the social drama surrounding the game.
Are you overly obsessed with Dance Dance Revolution?
Created by ptocheia

You are a vampire.
What legend are you?. Take the Legendary Being Quiz by Paradox