MORE: Alright, alright! Since you wonderful chatizens at Dullnet would probably be the first to see    this, you would probably want your names (or in this case, your nicks) to be mentioned. So here it    goes in no particular order of importance. A special holler goes out to LadyTessa4, Chiqui-, vannie,    Dreadlock_souljah, huMAhn, introbert, kayec, cidex, BladiHel, prynces, yum^, Coreen^-^, sjupiter, KillaXover, mai_mai, LostPrincessOf, base^jaxx, OneCharmedBabe, [cHaSeR2], Bhabes76, Zer0_Dude, treeneetee, Schipfer, sHeRaQuieL, ashyielle, TRIPPING_BILLIES, `cyniQUe, Brynn^-^, `AeRiS, jadedgurl, tikboy, KISSELLE_NY, kendz, Cristalline_Babes, ``ScRipTed, shy`grrr`l, DUST^^, Schnuci, Nyllie, Polgaz, gorgeous_babe, Tobey_Cl, blue_sapphire_16, butter-fly`, flip_cigar, _aubergine, Art-Cindarella, ^koni, brat_tisha, beany_baby, |ZEROSIX|, `kArLa`, [KiTtEn], [lil`gurl], foxy_babe, Nanay-, DAWN_POET, mawrine, `SUX25, sunshine_2niner, TOBI_AUDI, H^B^N^Y^, annielace, purrrrfidia, sickSADworld, _ilove_jesus, `mylemonlime, `kAzKi, [brujeria], [reed], supervoodoo, mintpoppy, Jennifer_21478, SToNeDeaF-, AttyCHV, prettyAPPZ, FeatherLips, kitty|kitty, etc. Actually, some of these nicks I haven't seen at IRC in a long time (just deluding myself that I have lots of "friends" at IRC... I don't!). So there! Peace out! Thanks for making IRC a lot less ZZZzzz... :)

IRC POLICIES: Hello chatter. I guess you're new here. Just in case we don't know each other, here are some of my policies. In the course of knowing you, I may gather personal data about you from any or all of the following sources.
In most cases, the mundane details of our unremarkable chat sessions will prove to be of no value to anyone. However, in my own sick and twisted way of thinking, I may make use of your personal information for the following purposes.
And finally, if you are wondering if I'm serious about sharing info about you with a third party. As a general practice, no. By the time I leave the second party, I am usually too drunk to say much of anything... hic! :)

SYMPTOMS that you spend too much time at IRC

QUIT MESSAGES can be amusing