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Episode 1 "Infinity"
Series Concept and story by J.Ernst
Certain original characters created by Naoko Takeuchi

Chapter One

Two thieves were raiding a collectible card shop,both grabbing highly valuable baseball cards and Magic cards.Suddenly,the ceiling ventilation cover fell to the floor.In a matter of seconds,before they knew what was going on,a girl with her red hair in three ponytails dropped into the room,she trained a silver,wicked flamethrower on them both. "Don't move." she said softly.
The thieves,both a bit taken aback,raised their hands. "Ok,you got us." one said.The other stared at the girl's amazingly big chest.
"I'm not here for you." the busty redhead said. From inside the vent shaft,a girl called down "Hey,Eugeal.... what's the fuss?"
Eugeal,the redhead called "Just two guys looting the place.I got it covered."
"Don't fry them before I see how cute they are!" the voice called teasingly.
"Well,stop yapping and get down here,Mimet." Eugeal said.
Another girl dropped down from the shaft,with wavy,short blond hair. "Wooo!They are cute!"
Eugeal asked "Well,Mimet,where's the others?"
Mimet said "Telulu's got the security guards wrapped in vines,and Virulet's hacking into security."
The redheaded thief glanced at the brown haired thief. "I knew it seemed to easy to get in here."
Mimet held out a staff,pointed at the redheaded thief. "Hey,pipe down! You wanna get everyone in the city onto us?"
Eugeal went over to a nearby wall. "I think I found the safe..." She threw aside a display case,and saw a hidden safe in the wall.
"Eugeal!!!Now you wanna get us majorly busted?!?" Mimet shrieked.
Eugeal shot her a withering glance. "I am majorly busted.Just tell Virulet to get her ass in gear on the code."
Mimet grabbed a walkie-talkie off her dress' belt. "Virulet,it is time for the code..."
Virulet's voice said "I killed the lock mechanism.It's open."
Eugeal looked at the digital readout of the safe. "It's open,but now it's rigged with a bomb." Eugeal pulled out a small computer,she muttered "Once again, it's Eugeal to the rescue." She tapped a few buttons,and opened the safe door. "Got it.Virulet,you're an amatuer."
Virulet's voice snapped "Yeah,and I bought my degree with your old breast implants!"
Mimet giggled. "You two are so crazy!"
The thieves were looking weirded out.Who on earth are these crazy chicks who dress like Sailor Moon villians????
Eugeal picked up a computer disk that was in the safe. "Mimet,tell the doctor we have the disk."
Mimet used a special wrist watch on her left arm,and she spoke into it. "Doctor,we have the disk."
An odd voice replied "Any trouble?"
Mimet said "Except for these two cute thieves we're holding at bay here,no."
The ‘Doctor' replied "Once you clear out,release them."
"You got it,Doc." Mimet turned her watch off.
Just then,Telulu walked in,she was dressed in a black and green outfit. "Oh,I didn't know we had more guests."
Eugeal shrugged. "Doesn't matter,Telulu...the Doc said to let them go when we leave."
"Um,are you going to kill us?" redhead thief asked.
Telulu chuckled. "We could make love to you first,if you want to die happy."
Mimet whined. "That's not nice....don't tease such hot guys..."
Eugeal chuckled,a throaty purr. "I thought it was funny."
Virulet walked in with a laptop computer.She had an odd silver and black costume on. "Hey,the clock's ticking here...we gotta go!"
"Oh,lighten up,we're having fun." Telulu waved her hand dismissively.
Just then,a guard walking past the front of the store peered in and saw them. "Hey!!!"

Chapter Two

The guard pressed an alarm switch and a panel in the wall opened up, revealing three robots,who came to life,with murder in their red eyes. "Damn!He must have gone for a donut!" Eugeal dived for a bit of cover as one robot began firing bullets at them.
The thieves fled,while Mimet dived for cover. "What the hell?!?!? Since when does a Card shop have robot security?!?"
Telulu looked over at her. "The owner's involved in majorly bad shit! Drugs,theft,cons,you name it,he does it!"
"Yeah,we noticed." Eugeal managed as bullets flew overhead.
Telulu jumped out from cover,and thrust her hand forward. From a black star gadget on the palm of her hand,a green metallic vine shot out,wrapped around one of the robot's legs,and she jerked the vine back,ripping the robot's leg off.
Virulet aimed her left arm's techno-bracer at another robot, and fired,the robot began to dissolve into dust. "Here today,but gone forever."
The last robot tried to grab Mimet,but Eugeal bumrushed it,and she knocked it over.As Mimet ran for cover,Eugeal aimed her flamethrower at the robot. "Eugeal Firebuster Ball!!" The flamethrower threw a fireball at the robot,and it exploded.The store also caught on fire. "Telulu,get the van!"
Telulu ran out of the store,pausing to knock out the guard who'd summoned the robots,then ran to a nearby van. "Asshole."
Eugeal and Virulet grabbed Mimet by the arms. "Come on!"
The girls piled into the van.Telulu drove at about 90 miles per hour. "Good,there's no cops after us."

The girls went into a large science laboratory.They reported to a boy, about their own age.He had blondish-white hair,and glasses,he was dressed in a white lab coat.
"Um,sorry we caused such a ruckus,Doctor Tomoe...." Mimet trailed off.
"Oh,it's quite alright." Doctor Tomoe said. "From what I hear,the store was a surprise to you,too."
Virulet nodded. "Yeah,a card shop."
"One of his little habits...he's more illegal than you know." Tomoe replied. "That's all for now,girls..." He dismissed them. "Wait...I smell Mercury Gas?Virulet...come here..."
Virulet walked over,a bit confused. "Yes,Doctor Tomoe?"
"I think you got a virus..." Tomoe held up her arm bracer to his eye level.He tapped a small button on the side of his glasses.The right lens glowed,a neon blue star pattern appeared on the lens. "Ah,yes...The scan says you have a virus.Have Eugeal make the proper deletions."
Virulet nodded. "Thank you,Doctor."
Doctor Tomoe deactivated his odd lens. "It must have come from the store's computer system." After the girls left,a stunning girl dressed in black spandex walked in,with a cup of tea.
"Ah,thank you,Hotaru." Hotaru handed him the tea.
"Brother,I'm getting used to the new animatronics." She did a few cartwheels.
"Excellent!" Doctor Tomoe said. "I'm impressed.I want you to do a report on the animatronics,and include any observations."
Hotaru Tomoe walked out of the room,humming happily. "Personal log 42." The Doctor said aloud,as he sat down behind a desk. "The store owner is part of a corporation that manufactures illegal drugs, robots,cloning,and other various things.My sister was nearly killed by one of their robots.I had to stitch her back together with cyborg implants and animatronics just to keep her alive.It is my goal to destroy that company,by any means."
"They are DTS Enterprises.Also known as Death,Theft and Sacrifice Enterprises." Doctor Tomoe went on,dictating. "They kill their enemies,or anyone in their way,they steal and scam for money,and if they have to,they will sacrifice one of their own,possible many,to get their way.My father had worked for them.He told me there is a board,an elite three called the ‘Wiseman's Commitee' one knows their names,but they are my goal.They killed my father when he threatened to expose them.They even had a hand in getting former President Clinton out of the White House due to...that affair...DTS is pure evil."

Chapter Three

A girl with blue hair,and a pigtail hanging to the right of her head walked into the room. "Ah,Cyprine.What brings you here?"
Cyprine sighed. "I was wondering if you were coming to bed soon."
"Soon,don't worry." Tomoe replied.As Cyprine settled down onto his lap,and leaned her head on his shoulder,Doctor Tomoe continued his personal log. "The girls are my employees,they carry out the missions to stop DTS.I advise,and train them,and,on rare occasions,lead missions.I also lecture at Infinity Academy, which I inherited from my late mother,who died early a few years ago.I will have my revenge on DTS.End log,code and save."
Kaorinight,a long-haired redhead in a labcoat walked in and handed Cyprine a few folders. "Give these data folders to the girls,in the morning."
Cyrpine accepted the folders,and stood. "Ok,when will they go out again?"
"Oh,a day or two." Doctor Tomoe stood. "I suspect that DTS will hold a news conference soon,about the data disk Eugeal took."
After the two girls left the room,Doctor Tomoe said aloud "Personal log 42,add this final note and save.My sister Hotaru asks me at times who we are,to have gotten so much hurt done to us.We are a group of individuals who turn death into a fighting chance to live.We are everyone,and we are no one." Tomoe paused.
"We are the Death-Busters."

Just the beginning!

Episode 2